pereivu rebloggedoflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago翻车了,我的空气净化消毒机(以及榨汁杯)前些天趁着促销,购买了我心心念的空气净化消毒机,到货后迫不及待地安装上了,满怀期待地希望它能为我净化并消毒空气,然而,却翻车了。 (用这个鬼怪蛋糕的图来表达我翻车后的心情吧) 首先说外观,尽管这个空气净化消毒机比我想象的要大很多,不过倒是可以接受;另外,尽管底部看起来像是金属的材质其实是塑料,不过也没啥关系。…pereivu rebloggedtheouterlight (79)in Deep Dives • 2 years agoSupporter Video | News roundup▶️ Watch on 3Speak Link: Link: Thank you all for your support! ▶️ 3Speakpereivu rebloggedpouchon (77)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoCRYPTO IS LOOKING BOLDsource When tough gets going, you will go crypto at the end. This last week of October is showing its faces the way many expected. Hard to put a timeline into the world…pereivu rebloggedbearbear613 (73)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoHive 'backed' Dollars is keeping up!"The Bank War was a long and bitter struggle waged by President Andrew Jackson in the 1830s against the Second Bank of the United States, a federal institution that Jackson…pereivu rebloggedmusicandreview (76)Geek Verificadoin Geek Zone • 2 years agoUn Upgrade tardío pero necesario - Parte 2 (Esp-Eng) Hace unas semanas realicé un post en esta comunidad en el que mostraba un Upgrade que le realicé a mi “antigua” computadora de escritorio, y digo antigua porque en esta materia…pereivu rebloggedmawit07 (77)in Splinterlands • 2 years agoSplinterlands - My 2nd Chaos Max Summoner and Then Some...Its been over a week since I last looked at my Splinterlands card collection and since then I have added some more Chaos cards. My first is a max level 8 Tarsa fire…pereivu rebloggedthreespeak (74)in #blockchain • 2 years agoLife After Google Event with George Gilder at Oklahoma State UniversityHey Hivers, On Tuesday, September 27, @theycallmedan and @starkerz will attend a talk with George Gilder at Oklahoma State University. The topic will be "Life After Google -…pereivu rebloggedoflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years agoO哥聊投资:某行贵金属,离了个大谱当我还是个孩子的时候就参与过黄金交易(帮人拿金条,称重,以及负责把交易款项背回来),所以对于黄金这个投资品种,我一直是情有独钟。 (图源 : pixabay ) 但是实物黄金交易还是有诸多不便的,比如会有一些加工成本,还可能会担心成色问题,保管也需要考虑,最重要的是,变现可能会比较麻烦,所以账户黄金成了我的首选。…pereivu rebloggedsjarvie5 (76)in Worldmappin • 2 years agoShare Our World: Oak CanyonOak Canyon camp spot at Lake Powelpereivu rebloggedecoinstant (77)in The Man Cave • 2 years agoAre you just going to give up?Recently I have been reading inspirational and educational material from several sources at the same time. Yesterday I was reading some things about chess, "The Game of…pereivu rebloggedphortun (79)in Liketu • 3 years agoCityscape Photography: panoramic views of Prague from LetnaHi there my Hivean friends and followers! I have been really pleased by the feedback that I have been getting on my Prague posts lately, be it posts about the city´s renowned…pereivu rebloggedrobmojo (66)in Splinterlands • 3 years agoGoing ALL-OUT on Splinterlands!Hi everyone, I think it's about a damn good time for an update again, after a while posting here on Hive. Going ALL-OUT on Splinterlands! Everyone, it's not that I have…pereivu rebloggedgeekgirl (79)in #python • 3 years agoExtracting PDF Data With Pdfplumber - Lines, Rectangles, And CropIn the past I have written how useful pdfplumber library is when extracting data from pdf files. Its true power becomes evident with dealing with multiple pdf files that have…pereivu (79)in Alien Art Hive • 3 years agoFlying to heaven▶️ Watch on 3Speak Hola! Espero que hayan tenido un buen fin de semana, hoy les quiero presentar mi ultimo dibujo el cual viene acompañado de un speed Paint bastante…pereivu rebloggedraikuhen (67)in #work • 3 years agoWhy do I read books and seek knowledge?I wish to know morepereivu rebloggedpharesim (73)in #roadtohivefest • 3 years agoThe HIVE van Back in the dark ages when I got my Lambo, it had a branding with some weird vertical waves. Since the inception of Hive I had the plan to change it, but never got to it. Now…pereivu rebloggedazircon (76)in Worldmappin • 3 years agoMykonos!Mykonos! Let me first tell you a few things straight of the bat; Mykonos is NOT an island for the gay :) It is NOT also just a party island. It is also NOT very crowded in…pereivu rebloggedsplinterlands (80)in Splinterlands • 3 years agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 197!Splinterlands Art Contest Week 197! This is the weekly art contest for Splinterlands fanart and Splinterlands inspired original artwork. We love to see your creations…pereivu rebloggedmballesteros (73)in Let's Make a Collage • 3 years agoLIL: Image cutouts for the LMAC Library 📸Hello Lmacians friends. I hope you are having a great weekend and that you are having fun making your LMAC round 132 collages. It's been about a month since I made my last contribution to LIL, so todaypereivu rebloggedreymoya95 (70)in GEMS • 3 years agoLa formación como desarrollo del hombre || Training as human development Muchas veces tenemos una tendencia equivoca a pensar que la licenciatura de alguna carrera lo es todo, no obstante, la asignatura y carrera siempre va estar pero el contenido…