rezfit (56)in #spiritweb • 4 years agoHuman-Facts Routines///////// Deutsch-Englisch😎A routine has somehow always been predetermined for a person since birth. From parents or at school. 📒 At some point we are adults and have to look after ourselves. …rezfit rebloggedkiel91 (71)in Actifit • 4 years agoHive Street Promotion Report Card: March 12 2021This morning I was happy to go for a walk with my girlfriend, after that it became uncomfortable 🌧️🌬️ I spent the rest of the day with my printer 😅 A lot of parts have been…rezfit (56)in #mindest • 4 years agoWisdom - LebensweisheitSome things in life could be that simple. The needle compass of life today is very much focused on consumption and materialism. Many people want more money, faster cars…rezfit (56)in #life • 4 years agoMeditation English / GermanMeditation is a very valuable good for humans. Meditation has been around for thousands of years. Meditation means to carry and unite calm and peace within oneself. Meditation…rezfit (56)in #life • 4 years agoTHE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR WORDS WEAR SOMEONE ELSEToday is fast moving. During this time, people also speak accordingly. The external stability of the people is only a facade. Many people's insides are fragile and insecure.…rezfit (56)in #dach • 4 years agoWürdest du ? Würdest du es tun ?rezfit (56)in #fitness • 4 years agoFitness-FactsGenau so ist es 🔥rezfit (56)in #will • 4 years ago🔥🔥🔥🔥Willpower 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🕊 In order to achieve your goal in life, the following points are essential. In order to be true to yourself and to find your individual personal goal, you have to listen to…rezfit (56)in #logo • 4 years agoLogoMein Logo für die Zukunft.rezfit (56)in #deutsch • 4 years agoMy Workout Videos + Das Homeworkout -VideoI shot a short video for some exercises, feel free to drop by. Ich habe ein kurzes Video für einige Übungen abgedreht, schau doch gerne mal vorbei @kiel91 @mistercrezfit (56)in #dach • 4 years agoHomemade semolina bread + recipe / Auf Deutsch ebenfalls NiedergeschriebenToday I am going to present you my recipe for the great flatbread. Have fun trying :) You need 160 g of semolina 480g flour A piece of yeast 160 ml of warm…rezfit rebloggedsiphon (68)in dPoll • 4 years agoDie GmbH muss fickbar bleiben! Wie soll es weiter gehen? [dpoll]Es sind schlimme Zeiten, alle haben die gleiche Meinung. Wer abweicht hat auch die gleiche Meinung. Die [GmbH]( Community als selbsternantes humorreifes kick and rush Satiremammut hat sich entschlossen seine Macher, Möchter und Member (ausserdem alle anderen) zur Zukunft selbiger Community zu befragen! Der Ernst der Lage hat erst gestern betont das jemand der keine Witze über Terror macht, die Situation nicht versteht. _Ernst Haudruf alias Ernst der Lage_ Also fragen wir hier, heute: ### Wie soll es in der GmbH weiter gehen? rezfit rebloggedkryptodenno (77)in Deutsch D-A-CH • 4 years ago#223 Die deutschsprachigen Hive- & Kryptoartikel des heutigen Tages (Freitag, 19.02.2021) - Mit Gewinnspiel-SektionKrypto, Blockchain, Hive, Gewinnspiele - Hier sind die Beiträge der letzten 24 Stundenrezfit (56)in #deutsch • 4 years agoWinterwunderlanda great backdrop. 🌇😳❄️☃️rezfit (56)in Actifit • 4 years agoCold Kiel 🛳❄️⛷☃️❄️❄️❄️the art of winter in action ❄️❄️❄️❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ This report was published via Actifit app ( Android | iOS ). Check out the original version here…rezfit rebloggedborran (71)in Photography Lovers • 4 years agoA walk on the frozen lake nearbyFinally, the ice is thick enough to walk on. We've had really nice weather and it has been really nice to spend some time on the frozen lake. Today, it was very lively on the…rezfit (56)in #valentinsday • 4 years agoValentin’S DayHappy Valentine's Day everyone. When love goes through the stomach 🧀rezfit rebloggedoliverschmid (70)in #deutsch • 4 years agoEndgegner besiegtTesla kauft Bitcoin im Wert von 1.500.000.000 US-Dollar und akzeptiert vermutlich in Bälde Bitcoin als Zahlungsmittel. Dies ist ein enormes Signal für Bitcoin. Das klingt wie…rezfit rebloggedschamangerbert (77)in Worldmappin • 4 years agoThe Riessloch waterfalls in the Bavarian Forest / Die Rießlochwasserfälle im Bayerischen WaldEnglish / German Part 2 Part 3 Introduction In this article I visit the Riessloch waterfalls in the Bavarian Forest. Since there are several thousand pictures from…rezfit rebloggedvesytz (78)in Actifit • 4 years agoSunset 🌄 My Actifit Report Card: February 10 2021The beautiful sunset today shooted from village Trastikovo. Several photos from the car, taken in the area of the Burgas villages - Konstantinovo and…