shahzaibad (54)in #science • yesterdayPHYSICSPHYSICS Photo taken via notebook. 1. Base Physical Quantities: A quantity which can be expressed independently without the reference of any other quantitiy. Example; Length, Mass and time etc. 2. Derivedshahzaibad (54)in #chemistry • 22 days agoCHEMISTERYCHEMISTRY:Chemistry is the branch of science which deals with the properties, composition and structure of substance. Note: It also deals with the physical and chemical changes in matter and the laws orshahzaibad (54)in #cell • 3 months agoCELL REPLACEMENTCELL REPLACEMENT:In some parts of body example skin and digestive tract, cells are constantly sloughed off and replaced by new ones. New cells are formed by mitosis and so are exact copies of the cellsshahzaibad (54)in #heart • 3 months agoHEART RATE AND PULSE RATEHEART RATE AND PULSE RATE Heart rate is the number of times the heart beats per minute. Activities, the normal heart rate is 70 times [per minute in men and 75 times per minute in woman. the heart rateshahzaibad (54)in #atherosclerosis • 3 months agoATHEROSCLEROSIS AND ARTERIOSCLEROSISATHEROSCLEROSIS AND ARTERIOSCLEROSIS Atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis are the diseases of arteries. These diseases also lead to heart diseases. Atherosclerosis is commonly referred to as ashahzaibad (54)in #cardiovascular • 3 months agoCARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERSCARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS The diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels are collectively called cardiovascular disorders. These diseases have similar causes, mechanism and treatments. وہ بیماریاںshahzaibad (54)in #experiment • 4 months agoExperiment to show capillary flow in the tail or fins of a fishPractical Work: Experiment to show capillary flow in the tail or fins of a fish Capillaries are the smallest blood vessel which are formed by the divisions of arterioles. Fishes possess a rich networkshahzaibad (54)in #experiment • 4 months agoDemonstration of PhotosynthesisPractical Work: Demonstration of Photosynthesis The phenomenon pf photosynthesis can be demonstrated by using an aquatic plant like Hydrilla.You know that in the process of Photosynthesis, oxygen gas isshahzaibad (54)in #mechanbim • 5 months agoMECHANISM OF PHOTOSYNTHESISMECHANISM OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS Photosynthesis occurs in two phases. During first phase light energy is captured and is used to make high-energy molecules (ATP and NADPH). These reaction which are known asshahzaibad (54)in #pharynx • 5 months agoPharynx and Oesophagus-Swallowing and PeristalsisPharynx and Oesophagus-Swallowing and Peristalsis During swallowing bolus is pushed to the back of mouth by tongue. When tongue pushes bolus the soft palate also move upward and to near. In this way theshahzaibad (54)in #stomach • 6 months agoSTOMACH-DIGESTION CHURNING AND MELTINGSTOMACH-DIGESTION CHURNING AND MELTING Stomach is a dilated part of alimentary canal. It is J-shaped located in the left of abdomen just beneath diaphragm. Stomach has two main portion. Cardiac portionshahzaibad (54)in #electric • 6 months agoELECTRICAL POWERElectrical power Electrical devices such as electric fans, blenders,hair dryers, computer , washing machines, electric heaters, refrigerators convert electrical energy into other forms of energy. Electricalshahzaibad (54)in #carbon • 6 months agoCARBON AND OXYGEN CYCLECARBON AND OXYGEN CYCLE Carbon cycle Carbon and oxygen are two elements that are essential to life. They are naturally present in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide and oxygen gases. They constantlyshahzaibad rebloggedhasaanazam (57)in FreeCompliments • 11 months agoFATHERFATHER'S LOVE A father's love for his children is like a strong and steady anchor in their lives. It's a bond that grows with each passing day, filled with warmth…