somebody (59)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoMy Bitcoin mining farmsomebody (59)in #domain • 8 years agoDomain for sale $800 $800somebody (59)in #bitcoin • 8 years ago比特币到底是什么?- 引子我大概是在2012年第一次听说比特币,是在一个做软件的论坛里,有几位朋友转了些文章,还有的在用自己管理的机房里的服务器挖矿。我在网络上搜索了一下,看到的介绍文章里有很多专业术语,比如Hash散列、ECC椭圆加密等等。作为一个曾经的程序员,我实在是没看懂,于是乎放之一边没再关注。现在想起来,这是错失了人生暴富的一次机会啊!…somebody (59)in #test • 8 years agoCannnot PostThis is a test.somebody (59)in #test • 9 years agoFollow me please.This post is a trap for robots. So please don't upvote. Just follow me please.somebody (59)in #cn • 9 years 中文资源导航重新上线啦大家可以在每个分类后面添加评论,推荐需要增加的网站。somebody (59)in #cn • 9 years ago[Beginner's Guide: Steemian’s Adventures in Wonderland. Part 2 In Chinese]新手指南-第二章 Steemit: 平台运作方式在本文中,我们从外行人的角度出发来解释Steemit的运作方式,用通俗易懂的文字来解释Steem、Steem Power与 Steem Dollar分别是什么。此外,说明谁可以投票、如何投票、奖励分配、以及为什么一些投票可以为一篇帖子吸引100-500美元,而另外一些则不行。 这一部分便专注于解释这一问题。 Steem…somebody (59)in #cn • 9 years ago[Beginner's Guide: Steemian’s Adventures in Wonderland. Part 1 In Chinese]新手指南:Steem玩儿家的梦游仙境记 - 第一章Preface This is an translation of Beginner's Guide: Steemian’s Adventures in Wonderland. Part 1 by @lehard . I got authorization from @lehard in the comments of the…somebody (59)in #cn • 9 years ago寻找steem123.com管理员刚开始我在Github上搞了一个Repo,里面放了几个markdown文件,然后把steem123.com重定向到了这个repo。 上面放了一些常用的网站和帖子列表,大家反应挺有用。所以我想完善一下这个站的功能,做成一个比较全面的Steem导航站,今天买了一个脚本,但是发现我做这些事情真的是力不从心了。…somebody (59)in #cn • 9 years agoSteem中文资源导航站上线 steem123.comSteem中文资源导航站直达 现在仅仅是一个放在Github Pages上的一个网页,收集了一些常用的网站、工具和帖子。 如果有需要添加的可以到 Github 上提交请求或者在下面跟帖。 Steem中文资源导航 官方站点 - - 区块浏览器 - Steemit公司网站 -…somebody (59)in #steemit • 9 years agoFeature Request: Personal Profile PageShould have such a customizable page to post some personal information.somebody (59)in #steemit • 9 years agoSteem White Paper Translated into ChineseTranslation is done by professional translation company After reading Steem White Paper I realized how great this idea is. China has many Cryptocurrency lovers. Chinese are…somebody (59)in #introduceyourself • 9 years agoSabydee! Grettings from LaosGooday, Steemers. This is Tong . Now I'm working at Vientiane, Lao PDR. Sabydee is "hello" in Laos. Hello from my little angel! Itroduce Myself My name is Tong…somebody (59)in #steemit • 9 years agoDeveloping a wordpress plugin to integrate SteemWordpress is popular We all know WordPress is popular. But you may have no idea how popular it is! WordPress Now Powers 26% of the Web! There are over 500 sites being…somebody (59)in #steemit • 9 years agoSuggestion to @dan and @ned: ccTLD to distinguish posts in different languages.@dan and @ned : I suggest use ccTLD tags to distinguish post in different languages and filter the country tags from the home page. For example, #cn for Chinese, #kr for…somebody (59)in #cn • 9 years ago我好像也上了机器人名单了刚才发了几个帖子,都是几分钟内就45个up vote. 不知道是好事还是坏事啊somebody (59)in #steemit • 9 years agoSteemian or Steemer?Anyone could explain the difference? I'm not a native speaker and this really makes me confused.somebody (59)in #steemit • 9 years agoA robot earned more than one million $ of curation rewards on Steemit!! [repost to add pics]This morning my friend @laonie wrote an article Big news: @wang's robot is fall in love, she is voting on every posts of @xiaohui . I noticed that this robot had made more…somebody (59)in #cn • 9 years now is open source steemit网站代码开源了!Great! I will make for readers from different countries! I just bought these domains today! This will make Steem really decentralized…somebody (59)in #steemit • 9 years agoA robot earned more than one million $ of curation reward!This morning my friend @laonie wrote an article Big news: @wang's robot is fall in love, she is voting on every posts of @xiaohui . I noticed that this robot had made more…