timknip (59)in #timknip-note • 5 years ago樱花樱花(学名:Cerasus sp.)是植物界蔷薇科樱属几种植物的统称。樱花原产北半球温带环喜马拉雅山地区,在世界各地都有生长,象征热烈、纯洁。…timknip (59)in #cn • 5 years ago山楂种子怎么发芽1、山楂应在8月中旬至9月中旬采摘,在种子成熟期更易发芽。取出种子再用水搓洗,将洗净的种子用清水浸泡10天,每隔两天换一次水。10天过后,趁湿进行沙藏,把种子与湿沙混好,放入向阳背风的坑内。次年4月初开坑取种播种。…timknip (59)in #note-timknip • 6 years agolight server with auto live reloadight-server A lightweight cli static http server and it can watch files, execute commands and trigger livereload. Why light-server When I was writing some simple static web…timknip (59)in #note-timknip • 6 years agofenix web serverFinally, a simple static desktop web server. Because simple stuff shouldn't need Apache, IIS, or NGINX. Available for Windows and Mac. Main Features Simple Ad-hoc Web…timknip (59)in #note-timkniop • 6 years agounderscoreUnderscore is a JavaScript library that provides a whole mess of useful functional programming helpers without extending any built-in objects. It’s the answer to the question:…timknip (59)in #note-timknip • 6 years agochrom referer controllerReferer Control Overview Control the HTTP Referer on a per-site basis. Referer Control grants full control over the HTTP Referer. You can forge any referrer you want…timknip (59)in #note-timknip • 6 years agoopen source js game engineGDevelop is an open-source, cross-platform game creator designed to be used by everyone - no programming skills required. one-click html5 to app 知名的引擎收藏 无需编码做游戏…timknip (59)in #note-timknip • 6 years agoeos mongodb history apiCryptolions creates API for mongo plugin to replace history plugin request.. Idea was to build the same API as was for history plugin.timknip (59)in #note-timknip • 7 years agojavascript 学习网址收集光这个网站上的就够吃一壶, 后续再继续添加。 感谢Steem可以编辑七天前的帖子。timknip (59)in #note-timknip • 7 years agoEOS nodes, 301 redirect chrome extensionEOS Nodes - operated by greymasstimknip (59)in #note-timknip • 7 years agojavascript array operationsJavaScript gives us four methods to add or remove items from the beginning or end of arrays: pop(): Remove an item from the end of an array let cats = ['Bob', 'Willy'…timknip (59)in #note-timknip • 7 years agojavascript: interpolate variables in stringBrowser support: Starting from Firefox 34 / Chrome 41 / Safari 9 / Microsoft Edge you can use an ES2015 / ES6 feature called Template Literals and use this syntax: String…timknip (59)in #note-timknip • 7 years agoeos knights 几个链接玩家统计表格 valuenetwork的cheat合约timknip (59)in #note-timknip • 7 years agomac simple http server不用下载软件, 一个命令行搞定。 先CD到要做服务器的目录,然后 python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 不知道哪个软件占用了80端口,要把那个家伙抓出来timknip (59)in #note-timknip • 7 years ago柚资银行及eos table api查询查询你的储蓄和分红 使用命令行模式: cleos get table eosiocpubank 你的账号 deposittimknip (59)in #note-timknip • 7 years agomac上两个鼠标工具可以设置每秒钟或者每分钟点击多少下 移动鼠标自动点击或者开始拖拉窗口 Description DwellClick lets you use your Mac without clicking the mouse. You do the pointing, and DwellClick takes care of the…timknip (59)in #note-timknip • 7 years ago$4美元一个eos 帐号这家韩国网站提供的服务,可以用paypal和信用卡支付。玩游戏还得冲值换cpu,学习怎么用没人性的Scatter,居然不给导出私钥。scatter没有内置Eos的基本管理功能,可以上这个网站 。 就是为了玩下这个游戏:timknip rebloggedfundurian (69)in #cn • 7 years agoEos Knights, first good quality EOS games, 第一个有质量的EOS游戏Hello Steemit friends, so people are keep doubting blockchain saying it is slow, not useful and expensive, today I saw the first games build on top of the EOS blockchain called…timknip (59)in #note-timknip • 7 years ago水笼头平均时长34分钟,抵得上视频网站 免费水笼头是个非常重要的应用timknip (59)in #cn • 7 years agobtc bch txstreetbtc目前每秒的交易量是bch的20倍, 牛市要来了还是骗炮? txstreet ,这个站的动画好好玩,bch搞了这么多车,每次只发一辆,哈哈哈 yours基本没动静,memo时不时来一个i like this