
in #note-timkniop6 years ago


Underscore is a JavaScript library that provides a whole mess of useful functional programming helpers without extending any built-in objects. It’s the answer to the question: “If I sit down in front of a blank HTML page, and want to start being productive immediately, what do I need?”


- each
- map
- reduce
- reduceRight
- find
- filter
- where
- findWhere
- reject
- every
- some
- contains
- invoke
- pluck
- max
- min
- sortBy
- groupBy
- indexBy
- countBy
- shuffle
- sample
- toArray
- size
- partition


- first
- initial
- last
- rest
- compact
- flatten
- without
- union
- intersection
- difference
- uniq
- zip
- unzip
- object
- chunk
- indexOf
- lastIndexOf
- sortedIndex
- findIndex
- findLastIndex
- range


- bind
- bindAll
- partial
- memoize
- delay
- defer
- throttle
- debounce
- once
- after
- before
- wrap
- negate
- compose
- restArguments


- keys
- allKeys
- values
- mapObject
- pairs
- invert
- create
- functions
- findKey
- extend
- extendOwn
- pick
- omit
- defaults
- clone
- tap
- has
- property
- propertyOf
- matcher
- isEqual
- isMatch
- isEmpty
- isElement
- isArray
- isObject
- isArguments
- isFunction
- isString
- isNumber
- isFinite
- isBoolean
- isDate
- isRegExp
- isError
- isSymbol
- isMap
- isWeakMap
- isSet
- isWeakSet
- isNaN
- isNull
- isUndefined


- noConflict
- identity
- constant
- noop
- times
- random
- mixin
- iteratee
- uniqueId
- escape
- unescape
- result
- now
- template

OOP Style

- chain
- value