It is truly sad to see how human nature is destroying the vast potential of the steemit platform. I came here with the wave of youtubers fleeing from youtube’s new policies. Many of my friends, some who have pretty large youtube channels others who were published authors, came saw and left in the first 2 months. They were disgusted with the behaviour on this platform and the blatant abuse of power. They pretty much came to see the place as the huge pyramid scheme that it is where the rich get richer feeding off the bottom dwellers of the pond and could not care less about the toxic environment the platform has become. Yes there are also wonderful things on this platform such as several groups of incredibly talented and creative people, writers , Musicians and visual artists who create amazing content. Who build safe havens for people of their respective crafts , fun contests and radio shows. There are people doing charity work and who start initiatives to help their real life communities. These kind of people are why I am still here because they show me what this platform could be and I am still hoping we can turn this ship around. But I was lucky when I started here there was a guy called @moneyinfant who made a daily report of writing contests on the platform. This is how I was introduced to the larger writing community here. Without him i would have been lost because the sheer amount of plagiarised and or bad content made it super hard to find anything worthwhile in the general steemit feed.
As I said I was lucky because @moneyinfant stopped making those posts so new steemians do not have that doorway into the better wonderful part of steemit anymore. They are left to roam around in the swamp and many leave after a few weeks disheartened and thinking that the dreck in the trending section is all that steemit is. I have been here 152 days and it was not until two weeks ago that I found an amazing group of musicians on the platform and it happened by total coincidence. Once again I was lucky and it only happened because one of the people in my poetry family pointed me in that direction for a project I am working on. Most people do not want to wait to get lucky, most people do not want to spend hours creating amazing content just to see it make 3 cents and turn around just to see a plagiarised or three sentence piece with 5 grammatical error make $300. That kind of thing demoralises and it has cost Steemit dearly. The wave of huge youtubers that came could have sent us to the moon had we as a community curbed our greed and cared enough. But we didi not and look where we are now.
We have people posting the work of major artists as their own on @dsound and or @dtube and/or under the original tag, and making money off of it. This and some of the technical problems of the interface have made many people turn away from it. Which is sad as the potential of these interfaces really could be world changing. Steemit is ailing but it is not failing yet but there are things that need to change and practises that need to stop if we do not want to see it die and become the myspace in comparison to emerging platforms like ono who have promised not to allow bots and ban repeat plagiarisers.
We are a decentralised self monitoring platform which in theory is the dream scenario. The problem with our model is however two things. One- for self monitoring to work one needs enough people on the platform to care about it to stop people from abusing it and sadly we don’t. most people with clout either profit from the bleeding it dry by using their power to upvote themselves to millionaires, profit from offering bidbot services or they just don’t give a damn because they already made their money. Amongst us on the ground there are not enough who care either the trending page is flooded by people with shit posts and stolen content, upvoted by bidbots and/or investors all wanting a piece of the pie no matter how ugly it is turning the platform and how irrelevant. Anyone on the outside looking into us has no way of knowing that there is more to this platform then the megatons of garbage they get to see at first glance. And if we look at the new post section you might find one good post every 100 if you are lucky and why because many people who post them are either greedy or desperate. The greedy lie, cheat and steal content -just because and the desperate do the same because they are so poor that every penny they make here means a meal on the table for their family. The problem is the greedy don’t care and the desperate fail to understand that they are poisoning the well that feeds them long term.
The only way out of this is to make radical changes to how we operate here on the platform but also to what is allowed.
Are annoying and a waste of space but truthfully only become nails in the steemit platform coffin if they are pushed by greedy whales or bidbots drowning out worthy content . this is when they become toxic and demoralising
Are one of the major problem here and need to be banned because they not only push unworthy content into the foreground, but because they also turn this place in a masturbation centre where people post stuff but never read any of the content offered by the community. Amazing content is lost under a sea of filth and those content creators of worth flee the platform in droves frustrated and disgusted. Yeah allowing this stuff brings the investors money but it also turns the platform into ta soulless dead space is this really the goal @ned? (and yes I am very aware that he will most likely never read this and if he does most likely does not give a damn what I or anyone thinks, as he has his pay-check -but one still has to try )
Needs to be more aggressively fought. whales should give lager delegations to groups like @steemcleaners so they can down vote such content more efficiently or the interface providers should have a veto capacity where clearly plagiarised content is excluded from payout.
the user should have a veto button for comments. Is it really fair that spammers should profit from their content or people who insult them ?Free speech is paramount but it is one thing to have the freedom to say what one thinks and another to demand the right to profit from it in someones front yard. If the community is worried that they are losing their power to disapprove of content they need to think . They still can downvote the post itself and they can comment they just don’t get to tell someone that their mother is a baboon and rake in the mullah for it.
copyright infringement
Is a huge issue here on Steemit. It ranges from down right plagiarism to the use of copyrighted content without distribution rights. this is in most cases illegal, even though it is not enforced in most cases, and can be a huge deterrent for any major investor to the platform. We either need to crack down harder on this as a community or introduce a 2 tier system. Basically a share option that is non commercial and does not make money and one that does where you cannot abuse copyright laws.
Yes you can use snippets and pieces of works of others for commentary and or satire but even that if brought to court can get hairy (although it is generally legal). But if you are posting a youtube video with lyrics and non of it is your original content then you are breaking the law by posting it on a commercial site, even if you decline payout. Now in most cases people do not care and you will get away with it but legal it is not and that makes it go against the TOS of the Steemit interface and that of many of the others as well. And if the real content creator does chose to go after you, you can find yourself in a world of hurt.
This gets worse if you use someones work and make money claiming it is yours. The content creator can sue you for the earnings but also for damage of their brand if they can make case that the way you posted it ( or where ) reflected badly on them and their product/creation). This gets potentially worse if you use the image of someone to defame them and or ridicule them. while most people do not prosecute if they do and win it is a felony in the U.S.A while there are more complicated laws concerning public figures the normal citizen has a lot of protection if they are willing to go through the very long process of getting justice. But even a public figure can go after you if you cross the line between satire, being mean and defamation. Example if I post a photoshopped image of trump in a nappy and write man child on it it is not the nicest thing to do but it is legal (unless he can prove deep emotional harm but that usually never sticks ). Now if i post a picture of trump and write this guy eats puppies and rapes children I am in deep shit he can sue me out of the wazoo and i could face serious jail time. but what bout his charity scam you might say; well technically I can post a meme saying that Tumps charity is a scam, however should he take me to court i have to prove without a shadow of a doubt my claim is right or I am in as deep a shit as if i had made it up.
Because this stuff is seldom enforced many people do not know all this, or they frankly do not care. What they do not understand is that not knowing or caring or lack of enforcement still does not make what they are doing legal and what is worse is that they do not understand that a serious investor or backer will not touch Steemit with a ten foot pole until it becomes more respectable as it is a disaster waiting to happen. Example let us pretend someone would be posting pieces the harry potter books with altered names for months and few or no one would have noticed. But now JK Rowling did and would choose to sue. This is a block chain you cant really delete content the whole platform would be in jeopardy. No one wants to put money in something they do not see as safe or at least remotely safe. So all of you playing these games you are not only hurting yourself but potentially digging a hole for the whole platform.
In the end I am hopeing that we can clean out the riff raff and make this platform shine, but i also do not delude myself into thinking that it is the most likely outcome. Still I am very thankful to Steemit for the people I have met here and forged collaborations and friendships with. In the end I am still here let us see where the chips fall ...
(Image credit Dave Renike and a portrait of the fair jubilee made by myself turned into this here universal truth meme)
Artists & Musicians wanted for the One Project
Image source

art courtesy of @PegasusPhysics
i'm so so resteeming this!!
Well, I wish I could point to something in that and show you where you were wrong...
I am shopping for a new place to post, I am watching typerium and medium, I may try cross-posting for a while but here is the sad, sad truth of my time here...
Even the people I have met and really enjoyed interacting with are not reading what I post for the most part. I post almost every day, until about a month ago. Almost everything I post is original work, some of it requiring hours and hours of tedious editing, let alone the time spent trying to get good photos and craft a well written article to go with them. I make less than $2 per post, often less than $1. Then I see the "hot" page and at the top are poorly written, unedited 2 sentence posts with imgur pictures, making hundreds and hundreds of dollars.
Here is where it gets really sad... I get lots of upvotes, from people on curation trails. They do not read or comment and their upvote is worth 0.00000008 or something like that... I only get actual valuable upvotes from the bots I delegated to. I do not like bots. Without bots I would give up, I would make NOTHING at all. Or, would people start reading posts if the bots went away? I don't know, but I see NO ONE trying to eliminate or even reduce bots, so...
I like to write. If I just write because I like to write, then having others read or comment is not such a big deal. But there is risk... I have stuck my neck out politically and made some rather powerful enemies who are very glad I like to write and that I hit the internet and put my heart on my sleeve... so I want some return for the risk taken. If not interaction, then a little crypto would be nice. At this point, I get very little of either.
Hmm... this is labelled "reply" and it has become rant... I will stop there I guess lol! I am just coming up on a year. At one point my account was valued over 8K, it is now around $1500 and I have NEVER powered down, not a dime. I moved 50 SBD over to bitcoin once when I first started. I have donated to @arbitrarykitten for a new Jeep, and I have donated to YouAreHope every week. Other than that, it is all still on the platform. I believed in the concept and I kept my investment here. That has not proven to be a wise financial decision.
I hear you, and I understand your frustration - it’s a combination of factors right now the value of Steem is just dropping with all other crypto - Bitcoin is horrible right now. There is no reason to think it won’t climb again, and your retained Steem Power gains in value by 10% each year that is built in.
On the subject of people reaching your posts - or not, it’s a struggle. I try my best to get around people - but I work and have a family so it’s real tight finding the time to visit posts - and with so many to cover it’s a challenge. Plus right now I think the low value of Steem has reduced interaction- plus with summer and hot weather people are just out doing stuff not sitting on computers.
For me the greatest value here is the people, I have met so many incredible caring, wonderful people and that drives me to stay here. It would be a shame to see you leave, especially with new features literally about to be deployed that could make a massive difference to how we all interact.
YOU keep me coming back. OK, it is not JUST you, but you are a HUGE part of the reason I keep dusting myself off and trying again.
By now you surely have noticed I am a chronic whiner... I also have a good sense of humor so I often manage to whine funnily... I hope... LOL! I get frustrated by things and take them personally far too easily but... I also get it off my chest and soldier on...
In other words, I ain't going anywhere soon...
OMG my FULL UPVOTE is only worth 4 cents now... WAHHHH!!!
Thank you, that really means a lot 🤗 Operation retain users on Steemit by being nice, friendly and genuine is in full effect. It’s not hard though, being nice is just in my nature it’s how I was brought up - it makes me wonder sometimes though.
You are right to be frustrated, you and @robertandrew could have a long conversation over this - except he’s on vacation right now - but like @dswigle except she is on permanent vacation.
My buddy @techmojo could give you an entirely different view though, he got a Curie on one of his recent posts and has been plugging away for a long long time - but even with not so much per post he really feels he has done well and earned good money from them.
regardless of all the ''minor'' issues with the platform as a whole and the individuals who complain, if your work is good enough and you keep the same standard, you will eventually get the attention you deserve... and even if you only make $0.10..... its 10 more cents than what you started with....
the rest of my reply would contain some prolific language, so i will save that for my own posts and live streams...
Just keep typing...
Just keep typing...
Just keep typing typing typing.....
Honestly, I do not think "just keep typing" works. I notice many of your posts are live streams, that is not typing. I have been considering going to videos, they take a LOT less effort and seem to make more money in general. Thanks for input!
yeah. recently more of my posts are live streams. however, i have only been streaming for the past couple of months. most of my reputation and followers that i gained came specifically from blog posts that are a combination of gaming lists, tech lists, reviews, builds, mods and more.... and at present. i still blog for 4-5 days a week, with several streams, some even on the same day. and i post up on a daily basis, so to say, '' just keep typing'' doesn't work is horse shit.
myself, @c0ff33a, @gaming-stuff and so many other accounts built there reputation in much the same way. why? because they didn't bitch and moan because they weren't getting anywhere. they post up damn fine work, and are all very consistent. so get off your (prolific language warning) fucking high horse. man the fuck up and put the work in to your blog. because if you don't. the community wont respect you, you will not gain any new followers, and your posts will remain unnoticed because they will not appear in anyone's personal feed.
what helps more than anything is interacting with the community, and not posting crap up like this shitty post.... sorry to the author, but i think he is a bit of a dick.
i tell it as it is. and that is one of the reasons why my followers, supporters, friends and fans stay, join in and like the content i produce. if you dont like it. you can just simply mute me. my feelings won't be hurt.
I so commiserate. I finally gave up on SteemFollower because it was taking way too long to find even five worthy new posts to upvote.
I do still believe in Steemit as a concept, and powered up this past week as a mental commitment to myself, so I'll still be around. And Marek is (mostly) over being sick, so I'll have more time to curate, and actually read your posts again, which I've missed!
But yes, I'm looking at other options as well, because I'm a writer, and I want what I write to actually be read. Which it is, more and more, but still, it gets old seeing the crap posts make hundreds for zero work, when the post I worked my ass off on for hours does nothing.
Yeah, I am taking a week or two off. I really have some serious choices to make... I am NOT getting more readers, I have the same handful of people who reply and I do not want to spend MORE time over in discord (I end up in tears there WAY TOO OFTEN) to try to earn a few more pennies. It is not about money for me, yet having the money involved makes me feel like I have "no value" by comparison... I do not want that comparison in my face on a daily basis. It is not accurate.
I completely understand, and have felt the same way more than once. And I agree, it's a bogus comparison, and I know first hand that it's hard not to take it personally.
It is disheartening when I tell Marek I made another post, and his comment is something to the effect of, "Oh great, another 31 cents." Yeah. That.
But I do have faith in the people I've met on this platform, many of whom are actively working on a way to make the system fairer, and to hide the crap posts from our feeds. And, hopefully, to ban repeat plagiarizers.
And I was VERY heartened this morning to read an article in Vanity Fair about Sir Timothy Berners-Lee, who invented the World Wide Web in 1989, and is now actively working with his foundation to re-centralize the internet as we know it, to return control of personal information back to individuals, and to make it harder for governments and corporations to spy on us 24/7.
His project's name is "Solid," and his foundation's website is, if you're interested. I plan to get involved in whatever ways I can.
Meanwhile, if you do ultimately decide to switch platforms, please give me a way to contact you. I consider you a friend, and would hate to lose contact, as I'd love to meet you face to face one of these days. ;-)
:( let us hope steem rises and you can take at least half off the platform I mean i only had like 1000K worth and not it's shite too lol. but i could not imagine seeing 8000 turn turn to dust :( I haven't powered down and the only two bots i have are the alliance ones ...i refuse doing any bid bots or others ... and yeah the 000000.nada votes are great ;) as for the $ I now do this I split the minuscule amounts I make into 3's . 1/3 to power up , 13 to take off the platform eventually when i have enough together and 1/3 to make some contests .
Thanks. I have kept an attitude like "it is all monopoly money" all along, but it still is a bummer!
I was curious to check out the other platforms you mentioned. Can't pay for medium, and typerium wouldn't let me access the page. Said my IP address was banned. :(
You only have to pay to subscribe to medium, you can contribute content without subbing. As far as typerium, the last time I looked they were not live yet, so I would not take that personally... OK, yes I would I take everything personally but YOU should not take it personally lol!
Ditto to everything you so eloquently stated!
The major point you made that resonated here with me is that we are self-governed and enough people have to care about the content that is out here. As it stands, enough do not. There are several groups that don't tolerate it, some small that can't do a whole lot (yet) and some large that are over burdened. Some that should and could is what gets my goat. Some of these higher ranked witnesses. One of the best things we can do down here as we grow together is make posts just like these to inform the readers out there that it is frowned upon. Once I have the resources to make an actual dent in something like this, I would like to appoint someone like you to run the project. Someone that despite their own personal strong feelings, can maintain a professionalism and represent our family's concerns. It won't be affiliated with Steemcleaners, but would be a group of individuals dedicated to 'keeping our streets clean'.
I cannot promise to run things considering my health , that I have a small sanctuary, that I am currently writing a book, working on conducting a scientific study and am running the one project. But I can promise to help when needed and as long as I am healthy enough to do so .
I sadly and with heavy heart agree :( I was among the ones fleeing from youtube change of policies.
I try my best, true is that eirhout any out of the blue random vote my posts would do but a dollar, starting to happen. But copyright infringement is a thing here and sometimes concerned the bad image the platform has starts to oay consequences. I have never shared but my own content, if a cover, not as main element of a post and deeplinked from youtube where they pay the authors. I have never used a bidbot but let us admit game is rigged. Use it one in a while to advertise something significant but what will people do if they can abuse? Sigh. I have found friends, and overall still an experiment for me... But it is undeniable there are many clear flaws not entirely being addressed.
Pd. Will continue and trust but starting to rescue my a bit neglected social network in its whole
god trending is so bad.
I don't know what I hate more. The piss-poor writing that gets boosted through bots to the front, or the sycophants all swooning over it.
For decentralized self-monitoring to work, we need to have POWER to check those abusing the system. On Steemit, users have no POWER unless they have $$$.
Remember we are still in beta. Just sayin. 😎
My feeling is that without the design of a decentralized annonymous CAPCHA, to counter counterfeit steem, the battle of the bots will be lost.
My thoughts on the subject were covered in a recent blog post of mine...
Couldn't have time to read the whole post, but just wanted to write this:
Imagine if in Facebook/Twitter, everything (the people you follow or not) without filtering appeared on your feed? Imagine if Reddit wasn't divided into subreddits while keeping every and each post as in one place: That is steemit right now.
When introducing someone new to the system, I believe we better take their hand in the first week and tell them what they should and shouldn't do, how they should treat the system and why they shouldn't care about abusers and shouldn't do the same.
Sadly, that's right... Earning on steemit is Pay to Win game. But bear in mind, those whales worked hard to become what they are. (and I mean the good whales, not the ones who write terrible posts and depend only on vote bots.)
Those who have large amounts of STEEM POWER now, either bought it when it was cheap... Or made many posts worthy enough. These two kinds of people deserve to get richer considering they risked their time/money when STEEM started. (Of course, there is the third type who just abused from the start but won't talk about those.)
As the system is right now, I won't advice against using voting bots, I use them too (In a way that I feel acceptable of course.) But I love people refuse to use them, you're the best!!
What a great post. You have said everything here that I have said at one time or another. My hope is this post would get some traction, someone might pay attention and better yet some type of action taken. Thank you for speaking our minds. Regards. 🐓🐓
Thank you for your kind words :)
You make some excellent points here, and so much of this I know is the feelings of many many people in the community. I think right now we have to hold out and see what the improvements being worked on by the dev’s do to address this as roll out is not very far away at all now.
#thealliance #witness
A few thoughts:
ned cant do anything but sway things with his sp like the rest of us; think again about how steem works. ned works for steemit. nice condenser, but might be better.
If steem is
what does that make youtube?
Sad to see moneyinfant stop posting? Me too! I loved that guy and his round up of contests. I've been thinking that this would be a great opportunity for someone to step up! (not me because it turns out its a lot of work)
A lot of complainy people come to steemit and start complaining. Nothing new to see here. Turns out there is no one official to complain to...doesnt stop them from trying. Im not sad to see them go.
You can comiserate, or differentiate. Use your feed, not trending. Join good groups, ignore the rest. Post for yourself, not to get rich quick. Do whatever you want!
Eventually all these great apps will be on top and steemit will literally not be a thing. Thats the real reason for the forever beta, steemit is the everything drawer, other apps on top will be able to be filtered, censored, etc.
@ned has the power though his vest to help implement a lot of change here but after the next sentence I wil quote I no longer feel like taking the time to even discuss it with you!
I do not appreciate your tone! Also if you had taken time to look through mv my posts you would get an idea of the things I provide to the forum, my progressive terminal illness I am dealing with, the things I do in rl and here for my community. But hey let us be an abrasive asshat and disqualify ourselves from the discussion. Maseltov !
jeez I really didnt mean to be a dick. going to go through and edit again. I didnt mean to insult or invalidate your claims (which are mostly true), but I have seen so many versions of this post over the last year.
Basically (in my one opinion), we just have to get over these same (valid! but constant) complaints to recognize and use steem for what it is truly capable of.
But it is absolutely your right to review the problems, just tossing my two cents in.
(original message edited for tone/it was originally intended to be cheeky not offensive)
to answer your question youtube at this point is a moneygrubbing soul sucking factory. But the steemit platform and steem sells it self or was conceptualised to be something better . this is why so many of us Flocked here and this is why even after seeing what a great mass of people is doing to it stay here because we still believe we might be able to bring it to it's potential. But putting ones head in the sand and ignoring the elephant that is not only in the room but sitting on our chest is not only stupid but cowardly. Nothing changes if one does not point out what needs to be changed and yes agreed nothing changes by talk alone. But those of us who care and that are still fighting still need to raise our voice or the efforts we make to counteract the mainstream trends will end up being the equivalent of a dung beetle trying to move a semi truck. In the discord forums these discussions have reached several shit posters that start seeing how their actions affect the platform so yeah i am putting it out there, sorry if you dislike it or if all you got out of it was that i am a lazy slob that does nothing. Truth is however that Steem is at a crossroads and we need more people with clout to do something and influence the culture in a better direction or new comers like Ono will become facebook and steem will end up like myspace - mark my words ...
Really, not lazy slob. let me break this down. I too have mourned the loss of money infant, but have not stepped up because its a lot of work! I dont consider myself lazy either; I, like you surely, do many things with my time, none of which is stepping into money's shoes.
It turns out that it is a lot of work to make this platform better. A lot of smart people are working on itt though, and only a very small percentage of those work for STEEMIT,INC
I mentioned @moneyinfant in passing to highlight what a loss it was to the community and what an advantage it gave me early on to find the people I work with here that many others no longer have. Yet it seems that this is all you are focussing on in this post and i find it highly confusing as is I will keep doing what i am doing including pointing to elephants ...
You be you! I'm sorry if I caused any consternation.
It is not so simple as that. all these apps run over the same block chain what steemit does effects the entire chain ! if yo see it or not . the health of the entire chain is affected. It is like our planet just because on country might change their ways to save the environment they still will not survive if the rest of the planet stays with the old behaviours. More people need to understand this and do something about it. And yes @moneyinfant 's post was the bomb and I am pretty confident he would be still doing it had the community taken the time to reward him for the hours of work put into it ...
Keep your head up and keep steeming good content.
Cheers to you.