xianjun (57)in #game • 8 years agoSuper Mario Run is fun, but not meet expectationsThe wildly popular Super Mario Run is now available for play on Android devices since March 23. Super Mario Run enjoyed some big, early success when it exclusively hit iOS…xianjun (57)in #supermario • 8 years agoUnbelievable! Play Super Mario Run with Android Watch!Super Mario Run for Android version was releasedd on March 23. Android players can download this hot game from Google Play Store or download apk of Super Mario Run from the…xianjun (57)in #supermario • 8 years agoSuper Mario Run for Android will get more than 40 million downloads in its first two daysSuper Mario Run is a very important IP of Nintendo's mobile strategy. It has been downloaded more than 40 million times by iPhone and iPad players in the first four days.…xianjun (57)in #cn • 9 years agoSaipan the nearest place to Heaven! Tour to Saipan 6 days & 4 nights - 塞班游记攻略We're leaving for Saipan in a few hours. Here I share some tips & photos of Saipan. 我们马上出发去塞班度假了。整理了一个游记,在这里记录一下,作为大家的参考。 我们的行程: Day 1: 北京直飞塞班 Day 2:…xianjun (57)in #cn • 9 years agoDeath of A Virgin (11) -- English version 【处女的死亡】 英文版 长篇连载This is an English version of Death of A Virgin (11) . I'm so glad someone is reading this novel. 非常高兴有人看英文版。→→→→中文版在这里 ←←←← XiaoE arrived at the temple and was going to knock…xianjun (57)in #cn • 9 years ago【处女的死亡】 -11- 长篇连载 --Death of A Virgin (11)这是中文版。英文版请移步这里: I'm so glad someone is reading this novel. →→→→English version of this chapter ←←←←…xianjun (57)in #photography • 9 years agonsfw Reveal this post or create an account to save your preferences.xianjun (57)in #cn • 9 years agoDeath of A Virgin (10) -- English version 【处女的死亡】 英文版 长篇连载This is an English version of Death of A Virgin (10) . I'm so glad someone is reading this novel. 非常高兴有人看英文版。→→中文版在这里 ←← The village head granted a license to XiaoE. The…xianjun (57)in #cn • 9 years ago【处女的死亡】 -10- 长篇连载 --Death of A Virgin (10)这是中文版。英文版请移步这里: I'm so glad someone is reading this novel. →→English version of this chapter ←← 过了几天之后,黄支书叫人送了一份扣了大红印的证明过来,说小娥的理发店其实是村里集体财产,不属于个体经营。这样就洗白了,小娥就可以继续开了。…xianjun (57)in #photography • 9 years agoThis is Forbidden City. This is Beijing. -- 这才是故宫应该有的颜色If someone travel to Beijing, the Forbidden City must be the first choice of all. It was once a royal palace of China's Ming and Qing dynasties. Started building since the Ming…xianjun (57)in #cn • 9 years agoDeath of A Virgin (9) -- English version 【处女的死亡】 英文版 长篇连载This is an English version of Death of A Virgin (9) . Chinese version is here: 这是英文版,非常高兴有人求。中文版在这里: XiaoE's home was burn to ashes. Her family was as poor as a rat. They…xianjun (57)in #cn • 9 years agoDeath of A Virgin (9) -- 【处女的死亡】 -9- 长篇连载→→English version of this chapter: Death of A Virgin Chapter 9 ←← 房子被烧了,还因为治病欠了一屁股债,一家人只能又搬回了村口的土地庙。 小娥说,“家里实在没钱还债,要不我给你置办一个拨浪鼓,你去挑个货郎担,攒点钱还债吧。”…xianjun (57)in #cn • 9 years agoChinese traditional art - blown sugar --- 中国的传统手艺吹糖人Today, when visiting the Summer Palace, I met a blown sugar master. 今天在圆明园里逛的时候,遇到了一个吹糖人的师傅。 Blown sugar is a traditional art of old Beijing. Street hawkers walk around the…xianjun (57)in #steemit • 9 years agoThis is the darkest day in Olympic history. Rio Olympic Games is awful! ---这是奥运史上最黑暗的一天。这届奥运会糟透了!Women's 4X100-meter relay, the US team appears handover mistakes. The stick dropped from handover. The US team appealed to the IAAF because they because the Brazil team affected…xianjun (57)in #photography • 9 years agoCan you tolerate a girl sitting like this? -- 姐们你的坐姿太销魂啦!These photos were taken in a train station in China. Train station is a public place! It is considered to be very rude and poorly educated. Can you tolerate a girl sitting…xianjun (57)in #cn • 9 years agoDeath of A Virgin (8) -- 【处女的死亡】 -8- 长篇连载XiaoE was pregnant. But BaoZhang’s father refused to approve this marriage. BaoZhang hid himself and dared not to meet XiaoE. XiaoE went the the temple for help. The old monk…xianjun (57)in #cn • 9 years agoDeath of A Virgin (7) -- 【处女的死亡】 -7- 长篇连载After sex, XiaoE went to the old monk for help again. The old monk made the same secret ceremony for her. She recovered to be virgin again. XiaoE’s stepfather revoked the…xianjun (57)in #steemit • 9 years agoA suggestion to steemit: Show pageviews to every post ~~~~ 给steemit 的一个建议:为每篇文章增加pv指标I found steemit is missing an important feature from the beginning. Each post on steemit has three indicators, the amount of reward, votes counter, and reply counter. These…xianjun (57)in #cn • 9 years agoDeath of A Virgin (6) -- 【处女的死亡】 -6- 长篇连载The new government was planning to arrest all landlords and rich farmers and torment them to death. All private lands should be confiscated by the nation. XiaoE’s stepfather was…xianjun (57)in #cn • 9 years agoAlarm! New iOS vulnerability is exploited to send spam invitations via calendar -- 警报:iOs 系统漏洞被利用,爆发新型日历广告,目前无解!From the beginning of June this year, a vulnerability of calendar in iOs system was exploited & used to push spam invitations to users' calendar. Till the end of July, there have…
xianjun (57)in #photography • 9 years agonsfw Reveal this post or create an account to save your preferences.