yeonkihun rebloggedappics (65)in #life • 7 years agoBehind The Scenes: Official APPICS Video Shoot!Our Official APPICS Video has now been shot almost exactly 1 year ago. The concept of APPICS was already born in 2016, but the video was planned and scripted in early…yeonkihun rebloggedappics (65)in #life • 7 years agoAPPICS Update | Influencer Report: Serayah (EMPIRE) & Nicole Kirkland (Choreographer)In the last few months, the APPICS Team has been doing a lot of work behind the scenes. The APPICS app is out, and the team is constantly improving it - fixing bugs, coming up…yeonkihun rebloggedappics (65)in #deutsch • 7 years agoAPPICS - Teamvorstellung 🇩🇪 (German | Introducing The Team)In unserem German Introduction Post von letzter Woche haben wir euch ja bereits über das Konzept von APPICS berichtet. Nun geht es um etwas, was mindestens genauso wichtig…yeonkihun rebloggedappics (65)in #life • 7 years agoAPPICS at the 'Online Marketing Rockstars' Convention in Germany!As you know, the APPICS Team has been touring the world and attending conferences and events in many different countries since last year. Since we recently started posting…yeonkihun rebloggedappics (65)in #life • 7 years agoYour Frequently Asked Questions about APPICS : ANSWERED!Since we spend every day with customer support and answer countless questions from our community, we decided to collect all the frequently asked questions and create a FAQ…yeonkihun rebloggedappics (65)in #life • 7 years agoAPPICS Tokensale Has Ended | ICO & Tour RECAP (VIDEO)Our APPICS Tokensale is officially OVER! Thank you to all our investors and supporters who saw our vision and believed in our mission. After 30 days, our Inital Coin Offering…yeonkihun rebloggedappics (65)in #kr • 7 years agoICO ENDS: LAST CHANCE TO INVEST! | Korean B-Boy World Champion HONG10 Shouts Out APPICS!The APPICS Tokensale ends! LAST CHANCE TO INVEST! Scroll to the bottom of this post for our shoutout by legendary Breakdancer HONG10! 이 포스트의 한국어 번역이 곧 추가될 것입니다…yeonkihun rebloggedappics (65)in #life • 7 years agoHiphop Legend REDMAN: Shoutout To APPICS! 💥 Get 100 FREE XAP! 💥Watch Hip Hop Legend REDMAN spread the word about APPICS below - and earn 100 XAP! Part of our mission at APPICS is to bring the crypto- and mainstream world together, and to…yeonkihun rebloggedappics (65)in #life • 7 years agoSinger / Songrwriter Oksana Grigorieva about APPICS! 🇷🇺(VIDEO)Round B of our APPICS ICO has just started! Now, Investors can join the tokensale and enjoy 10% Bonus with a minimum investment of $2500. How to participate in the ICO…yeonkihun rebloggedappics (65)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoAPPICS ICO Starts In 3 Days | KYC Now Open | APPICS on Cointelegraph!Our ICO starts in just 3 DAYS - March 28! Get ready! While you are preparing for your ICO investment you can already complete our KYC process to get whitelisted. The KYC…yeonkihun rebloggedappics (65)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years ago💥 APPICS TOKENSALE STARTS TOMORROW 💥 - The Journey To The ICOThe Countdown has almost come to an end - OUR ICO STARTS TOMORROW, MARCH 28! After our Pre-Sale was sold out in 26 minutes in December, users now finally get a chance to invest…yeonkihun rebloggedappics (65)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoSneak Peek Inside the APPICS App | Getting Ready for the ICO | Voices about APPICSMany of you have asked to see some screens of the future APPICS App. As we speak, our mobile developers are actually working on the soft launch of our app for internal…yeonkihun rebloggedappics (65)in #life • 7 years agoAPPICS ICO IS NOW LIVE 💥 | Jumping In The Pool & Sharing It On The APPICS App! (VIDEO) 💦📱한국어 번역은 이 글 하단에서 열람하실 수 있습니다. THE APPICS ICO HAS STARTED TODAY !!! Finally, the day has come! We've been preparing for this day for so long and now the tokensale is…yeonkihun rebloggedwoogie1018 (53)in #coinkorea • 7 years ago[ICO참여] 최초의 SMT 에픽스!! ("인스타그램 이젠 안녕!")안녕하세요 우기 입니다! 오늘은 APPICS ICO참여한 내용에 대해 공유해보려고 합니다. APPICS는 Steem 체인 위에서 동작하는, 최초의 SMT(Smart Media Token)입니다. 모바일에 최적화된 소셜미디어를 지향하는 서비스로, 인스타그램과 스팀잇의 보팅시스템을 조합했다고…yeonkihun rebloggedappics (65)in #life • 7 years agoAPPICS ICO Progress | Influencer Shoutout by Antoine Troupe!The APPICS ICO officially started yesterday, March 28! We had a busy but very successful first ICO day, on which we filmed 2 videos and spent the rest of the day in our…yeonkihun rebloggedappics (65)in #dtube • 7 years agoThe APPICS Team in Dubai at „World Blockchain and Token Summit“ - DTube VlogAPPICS was a Gold sponsor at the „World Blockchain and Token Summit“ in Dubai Our second Blockchain event took place at a very beautiful conference centre not very far from…