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RE: Dance With The Devil, A True Story of Sympathetic Magick, Part 1

in #aakom7 years ago

(One of them terrified me.)That is intense, @in2itiveart! I was having these kinds of things happen to me a lot in my home as a child. I think it has something to do with the way my family had mediums practicing arts in ways that trickled effects down, as well as certain artifacts that were brought into our home.

Eager for more of your account. Sitting here with a selenite wand that said she was going to protect me. ^_^


You remind me of a picture in a book that my mom had that terrified me every time I looked at it... it was an African mask made from feathers... similar to this- gotta look into that.

Yup. Hope you will check in with that. Soul recovery is what I heard.

Mine was a Malaysian puppet that was partially in a jar.

There were many things energetically terrorizing me in my home. It was a constant poltergeist situation that was never helped.

Have been learning to deal with the PTSD it has caused me. Definitely a boon to my own mediumship abilities to have exorcised these things...


I didn't even realize how bad it was 'til i got away. It is starting to hit me why things go the way they go.

I know now how serious it is to have energetic protection and safety. 💘

yes. it's amazing we are alive after what we survived in our childhoods and then spend the rest of our lives overcoming.

Yes! I never was able to talk about it. As an adult who now also lives as a witness in service to others, I'm often surprised at my own inhibition toward speaking my own difficumt truths because of how I was being abused.

The retrospect from my adult life and especially this eclipse season has exposed so much to me.

I am happy to have safe people around now and also an awareness of personal space and boundaries.

I will be working with this more. Had I not caught this post, I may have forgotten about that puppet. I feel like I need to work on this one and am happy for how you connected it for me.

Once again I am so glad I was able to be helpful! Looking forward to hanging out one of these days soon...