I've done enough research to know it's exactly as I described it above.
You people need to stop taking shit so personally and if you're worried about only your earnings you're using the wrong platform.
I've done enough research to know it's exactly as I described it above.
You people need to stop taking shit so personally and if you're worried about only your earnings you're using the wrong platform.
How bout answering my question then. Did you even look at the email from wikileaks that was at the bottom of the post that Dan commented about. What is your opinion of wikileaks?
Yes, I read the email. I'm a fan of Wikileaks generally.
Also, Dan commenting means NOTHING to me.
Im not saying it does. So the email is pretty telling! I thought you said it was conspiracy theory???
This is one of the issue I see with steem. Governments don't like information that reveal stuff about them and their agenda. As we've seen recently, the "fake news" categorization allows them to censor content that they don't like in a inconspicious way. As we know these entities have endless money and will definetely buy steem power in the future just for the purpose of flagging content.
Don't get me wrong some conspiracy theory have very little substance to back them up but there are many theories like chemtrail for instance that are very real stuff with tons of evidence and some people are trying their hardest to hide and discredit.
Try edit the chemtrail wikipedia your edit will be rectified within 2 min, so obviously when you see the comittement of some people to hide stuff it raises question..
Btw not saying berniesanders is related in any way to the government, just an observation about censorship.
Pizzagate is an important topic and should not be censored, conspiracy theory is the perfect word to discredit alternative information. 10 years ago a microchip implant was a "conspiracy theory" and now it is used by tens of thousands of people already, this narrative of "conspiracy theory" is a dangerous ones. If governments and bankers had a clean history these conspiracy theories would be ridiculous , unfortunately that's not the case.
when there is money invested in steemit on the line, and no proof pizzagate is real, only speculation, the whole pizzagate could be government phsyop to weed out alternative media and stomp therm into the ground, all they would need to do is release the fake info to wiki leaks and watch the chips fall, I gave the disgusting pizzagate attention for about 2 days, and realized if it was real then shit would have hit the fan very fast, but the only people who are in the shit are the ones who keep talking about it. Even Alex Jones is staying away from it, that says someting
If @berniesanders agrees with me... he should just get rid of the entire #pizzagate idea all together and flag out every post made
You can't just censor out a few random peeps... this entire hashtag doesn't need to exist if his opinion of pizzagate is that this is complete bs
pizzagate is being heavily censored on other social media platforms, when steemit users try to promote pizzagate steemit links on those platforms, it hurts the steemit domain
i don't get it... what is that email supposed to prove.
It doesnt prove anything definitively but the language is very interesting, especially when combined with everything else.