@berniesanders just flagged my post! Is there anything I can do?

in #abuse8 years ago

I finally had what I considered to be a successful post today. Votes from @dantheman and @jamesc had me pumped! Just now I noticed the value went down by half! I quickly realized I had been the latest victim of @berniesanders random downvote trolling.

$20 actually means something to me, but more than that, this kind of behavior is bad for Steemit and I cannot see any reason to flag my post. At least give me a reason @berniesanders!

Here is the post:


I also just noticed that he flagged @dantheman's comment on my post and right now it is collapsed!

Why did you do this @berniesanders???

Why do you continue to do these things to people???

Is there anything that can be done to stop or counteract this behavior?




I don't see what the issue is.

Its his vote, he can cast it however he likes.

Obviously i can only speculate on his reasons, but if i had to venture a guess, it would be that your post simply rehashes all the information we've been hearing about pizzagate ad-nauseam for a month.

Its basically a pizza-gate recap post. And there have been like 9,468,312 of them already. I dont really care as I avoid the entire topic, but i can see how someone might think it was done to death.

It wasn't a vote, it was a flag.

Steemit's guidelines for flagging:

Flagging a post can remove rewards and make this material less visible. The flag should be used for the following:

Fraud or Plagiarism
Hate Speech or Internet Trolling
Intentional miscategorized content or Spam

It's not intended to be a down-vote or a disagreement tool, rather a way to discredit dishonest actors and to punish hateful behavior.

No, it was a vote. The flag icon, as well as calling it a flag and that insipid description are completely made up by the UI.

this is how i would flag this post in the cli
vote sigmajin richardcrill berniesanders-just-flagged-my-post-is-there-anything-i-can-do -100 true

this is how i would upvote it

vote sigmajin richardcrill berniesanders-just-flagged-my-post-is-there-anything-i-can-do 100 true

Now if you want to follow a bunch of made up rules, thats your perogative. But the whales do not. So what youre really supporting is a double standard. 1 set of completely arbitrary rules for most users and a completely different set of rules for the whales.

what happens on the blockchain is what matters, and the UI misrepresenting reality in this respect is counterproductive

I think people find little to no resistance in accepting the condition that higher SP accounts have greater voting power. It's both logical and fair that people with more at stake have more to gain from using the platform. Indeed, they should earn more from curation rewards and they deserve more say in how Steem is distributed.

However, when it comes to people losing money over votes (flag, down-vote, or whatever you prefer to call it), while it may still appeal to the aforementioned logic, I'm not so sure that it's seen as fair. The platform is set up to treat the up-vote and down-vote at 1:1 weight, but human psychology doesn't treat the monetary effect of those two sides of the scale at 1:1, probably something closer to 1:10, or maybe even 1:100.

To make my perspective a bit clearer: I'm convinced most users here agree that getting "majority vote" in terms of up-votes (on the scale of 10 to 1, or more) and STILL ending up with no payout and a negative reputation hit, due to a single high-SP account down-vote...well, it's a bit of a turn-off, to put it one way.

If we're after appealing to the masses and retaining them, then this topic of setting up the scales to fit our psychological (or, perhaps more accurately, "societal-imposed") model of "fairness" is of utmost importance.

Again, 100 upvotes to 2 downvotes resulting in negative reputation - that's a difficult one to sell as fair, even for the greatest of liars...er, I mean lawyers.

Now, if we were to set up the down-vote to remove the equivalent of the average weight of all prior votes, or average weight of votes within X amount of time...THAT might be a bit fairer. Now, you can't suddenly lose all the monetary gains of 30 - 40 upvotes to a single, disgruntled whale.

Hell, we can even allow for whales to have the equivalent of three or four times the average weight of upvotes in their downvotes. That might even pass off as fair, as, like I alluded to earlier, people can accept perks to high SP, TO AN EXTENT.

I admit, "fairness" is a subjective term. But there's a point at which the far majority agrees that something is or isn't fair and I fear that the pendulum has swung a tad too far into the unfair end in this current model.

Currently, my feeling is that the devs of Steemit intended to make it a bit of an "unwritten rule" that people not "disrespect" others by acting as if all will be okay by treating the up/down vote at 1:1; hence, providing the flag option along with GUIDELINES vs. PUNISHABLE LAWS (for abusing the rules), aiming at getting users to only use that option lightly and with extreme regard for the message that might be received on the other end of that action.

I think that experiment failed. Now it's time to scale down the weight of the down-vote, with respect to up-votes.

Remember, this is about appealing to mass acceptance. We're trying to reach consensus on what is fair, IF we're after mass adoption and user retention. If our sole concern is competing for monetary gains - a very short-sided outlook - well, then kiss your dreams of Steemit being a formidable rival to Reddit/ Facebook/ Twitter/ etc. goodbye, cuz the pure-greed approach will run this into the ground, IMO.


Exactly! Thank you!

See, the whole problem here is that you think what jamesbrown said was true, but it isnt. Its a vote. Nothing more or less. Steem rewards are based on a consensus algorithm and bernie didnt consent. So you got less rewards.

Ned, DTM, smooth, and all of the whales do and have done exactly what bernie did -- downvote material that they feel is overvalued, overexposed, or potentially harmful to the platform.

The problem is that you look at it, and you see the UI's ill-thought-out, poorly designed interpretation of it as a big red flag, and you think youre being attacked. Youre not.

The myth that a downvote is anything but a vote is one of the most harmful steem misconceptions out there. it creates a culture of negativity and is a large cpontributing factor in the huge reward disparity.

He just gave his reason. I avoided it too until I finally heard enough that I decided to check it out and was very surprised.

I'd find his reasoning a lot more objectionable if there were already not such a deluge of pizzagate stuff.

To me "pizzagate is stupid" is a bad reason. "Pizzagate is stupid and weve already heard about it" is an OK reason. Especially when the post in question had significant payout even after the flag.

Also, more than a few of these pizzagate types generally act like shitheads.

I literally got called a child molester by one of them in this thread and lifeworship below is talking about finding out where people live.

I don't think having a post at the top of trending (potentially) to whip these guys into a frenzy is necesarily a good thing.

if you read closely, i threatened no one. i only stated facts, except for the one ad hominem. i've been called worse here, and no one ran to my defense.

"he'd better hide" is an unambiguous threat. A statement of fact can also be a threat. "i know where you live and i own a firearm" is a threat. If you say that to someone, they can definitely get a TPO against you at least, maybe stalking or harassment charges.

You 100% intended to convey a very specific meaning. That you could find out where users live and take action against them.

did you just threaten me with a firearm? that is way worse than anything i ever said. no threats here, only seeking justice. i didn't know there would be so many people trying to stop justice, because they are tired of hearing about a subject. pretty petty reason to protect pedophiles, if you ask me.

my statement was only to say that if someone is working to hide pedophiles guilt, i will do everything in my power to see them prosecuted when the arrests begin.

i 100% want to see people who are obstructing justice prosecuted.

if you don't like ongoing, open source investigations, you have a mute button, use it.

I wrote what I wrote because I believe it. I had barely checked out the articles I had seen on steemit. because I wasn't really buying it until today. The stuff I saw today convinced me so I wanted to show some stuff that I hadn't seen on steemit. It's probably already been posted before, but I hadn't seen it on here myself and I thought it was valuable info. I was really surprised how well it had done, but then i was just as surprised to see what @berniesanders did.

Be careful .. Keep the ego in check. I'm sure your going to survive this just fine. lol. Maybe we will get some good feedback. Listen and learn. Your lucky if you get some feedback, it can only help..

Excellent advice. I will take it. Thanks man

You were right on! Looks like we got a lot of feedback!


Until there are FACTS it's nothing but theory. I've wasted more time entertaining you than I would anyone else I flag.

Time to spend time with my family, have a happy holiday.

Merry Christmas @berniesanders. and please do not change . you seem to be one of the few guys with some common sense.

Before anyone asks, I flagged this post because it doesn't really deserve a reward, not because I disagree with the discussion @richardkrill started in this specific post.

Well... thats just like... your opinion, man. But you've got the power so I'll abide. If you respect wikileaks though and you continue to call all of the pizzagate stuff bullshit, there is a conflict in your reasoning.

I said I'm "generally" a fan. No conflict.

Oh ok. so this particular thing from wikileaks is bullshit, but you're generally a fan? I'm not generally a fan of anything that releases misleading bullshit even part of the time. Seems like a conflict to me unless you don't have those same standards I guess.

Pizza gate is real, however reporting on this issue and coupling it with aliens linked in one of the videos, illuminati theories, (there have always been groups who think the are illuminated), distracts from a world wide problem. White slavery is rampant and children are part of an extremely lucrative sex trade. Child sex abuse happens not only in our communities, the behavior cuts across social and economic lines, common sense spells it out ...come on' think! Plus it's used to blackmail people just like other behaviors that are illegal.

The church I went to as a child the pastor was caught molesting his own daughters. I had several older men try and molest me. One of them an elder in our church had one of my friends ask me over to her house, he was waiting for me in her bedroom and asked me to sit on his lap, I was 12 or 13 years old...I got out but not befor I sat on his lap and he started rubbing my tummy, he was acting just like my step father...(I never told anyone until I was adult) ive heard hundreds of stories just like mine working survivor groups.
False memory syndrome came out of this disturbing case.

Get the hard facts and no need for the fantastical speculation raging through our social media sites.

Just cite the facts... It's not hard to see that a government that kills millions of children in wars for natural resources and cheap labor will also buy and sell children for sex and blackmail.
http://www.nytimes.com/topic/person/marc-dutroux (the Belgium government got really weird on this case)

Child pornographers may be teachers, lawyers, doctors, law enforcement officers, members of the clergy, laborers — in sum, child pornographers are from all walks of life. (Det. Toby Tyler, in a prepared statement before the United States Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Nov. 28, 1984.)

Temple of Set

The Temple of Set, ToS (http://www.xeper.org/pub/tos/), was founded in 1975 by Michael Aquino, a former High Priest of the Church of Satan. The same year, it was recognized as a non-profit church and subsequently received exemption from federal and state taxes. This is a highly sophisticated, intellectual religion, whose philosophy is focused on the acquisition of self-knowledge and power through magic, responsibility, and will. Michael Aquino, still the head of the Temple of Set, is a former Lieutenant in an Army intelligence unit that specialized in psychological warfare. His secular vitae, which is available on the Temple of Set web site, lists among his accomplishments a Ph.D. in Political Science with a dissertation entitled "The Neutron Bomb," many distinguished service awards, military decorations including the Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, and Vietnam service medal for three campaigns, and training in special forces and military intelligence. Aquino joined the Church of Satan in 1969 while he was in the army, became a priest in the church in 1970, and was promoted to the level of Magister IV, the highest ranking below High Priest, held by Anton LaVey. In 1975, philosophical differences, as well as the feeling that LaVey was using the Church for his own personal gain, led Aquino to leave the Church of Satan, along with a number of others, to found the Temple of Set. http://www.anthropoetics.ucla.edu/ap0702/skandalon.htm

OF Susan, a parent who suspects that her child has been sexually abused, ''Unspeakable Acts'' tells us: ''Susan said she couldn't rest until she knew the truth. She wouldn't rest afterward, either.'' Readers of Jan Hollingsworth's account of a widely publicized Florida child-abuse case may feel the same. In its lurid details, its frustrating complexity and in the agony of the children and families who were victimized, this case would seem to be the paradigm of incidents in Minnesota, California and elsewhere that have surfaced in recent years. A startling difference, though, is the outcome: the molester was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.

Danish police have so far extracted 56,594 images of child pornography and 3,174 video sequences from the man's computers and hard drives, but the total volume could be much greater.

As well as operating the DanBB site, the man was also an administrator of The Love Zone, a global paedophile network run by Australian Shannon McCoole, which was used by more than 1,000 paedophiles around the world.

Sandusky http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/13/sports/ncaafootball/joe-paterno-jerry-sandusky-sex-abuse-penn-state-1976-court-documents.html?_r=0

this is excellent work. you might consider making this a post, so more people can see.

i can understand that people would become fatigued from hearing about this, but the facts that are provable are legion. the investigations must continue.

It would probably get flagged.

My first flag by whales, I will have made it on Steemit ...I seriously love whales though ...

could be. it wouldn't be that painful though.
this is almost a mob, though, right? no pitchforks yet.
it only takes a few flaggers to ruin it for everyone.
thought it might make a good christmas present for some of those kids, that's all.

What's alarming, is no one gets tired of corporate garbage of mass distractions full of violence coupled with sex....I didn't get a headache, ( I used too because of my physical, mental and sexual abuse as a child) writing this and I will seriously think about writing a series on the white slavery, porn, and drugs that are almost as profitable as selling wars and everything that goes with it.. Banks are heavily involved. I also want to write about allopathic medicine and their business making profit off of disease and death. Happiness, healthy people/communities, family, peace are not (as) profitable.

sounds ambitious. more power to you.
it's unfortunate that humanity has not found as many ways to make health and happiness profitable. can you imagine a world where not hurting or killing people was incentivized, and could find a fan base? it's crazy to me that success is still measured in stacks of money and stacks of bodies.

The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this." "Even though there is no evidence," he said, "the seriousness of the charge is what matters."

Note the part about no evidence

I don't think it's fair to say "no evidence".

One of the definitions of "evidence" is (from http://www.dictionary.com/browse/evidence):

something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign:

Example: His flushed look was visible evidence of his fever.

What indications or signs are there in this case (within the emails, in Pizzagate)? Well, I wouldn't call all of the pictures found on that guy, Alefantis', Instagram "normal", by any means, to seriously understate it. Could certainly be a sign of something (off), in itself.

That being said, there aren't really any substantiative facts, of the "jail-able variety", tied to Pizzagate, at least, as far as I know, which is admittedly very little. So, in light of these two observations, I think it's more accurate to refer to this whole case as having "weak" (as opposed to "no") evidence.

I remain skeptical of "pizzagate" but flagging it seems petty.

Exactly my sentiment. Flagging, in general, seems petty to me, UNLESS you follow the guidelines for flagging put forth by Steemit, that is (that usage I agree with).

again. I couldn't agree more. Thanks for your level headed assesment!

One of my best arguments for directing new users to participate on this platform is the security that is offered via the blockchain. That allows content that is heavily censored on other social media sites to be allowed and discussed here in an open community based model.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions based on their chosen belief systems - yet if a handful of influential users get to pick & choose what is allowed to be discussed here based on their reality tunnels - then in my opinion - this site will be no different than any of its competitors - and I need to adjust my presentation to perspective new users should I chose to continue to participate here.

this is not the reaction i expected from your post. pedo enablers are just pouring out of the woodwork. i'm sure some are just in denial, but i'm amazed by the hatred shown here, for the simple desire to investigate. these are the children of humanity at stake, after all. human trafficking is known for a documented fact to be the most profitable, illegal, international trade. how can anyone deny it? whether or not there is pizza or pingpong, the fact of human trafficking is evincible, undeniable, and verifiable. it is unbelievable that anyone would be thwarted in their attempts to address it.

Richardcrill, dang. That is disappointing.

Yeah it is! Thanks for your support!

i could theorize about why the rich and powerful cover for pedophiles, but not having evidence, i'll say maybe the video sources weren't clear enough. just guessing. i thought it was a solid post. i upvoted it, and would do so again. good luck. i know how it feels to have whales dislike me for telling the truth.

Thanks! I figure youtube videos source themselves, but I still mention the names of the authors to be safe. I don't think that was his motivation.

Has @berniesanders ever identified himself for all we know it could be Mark Zuckerberg himself trolling steemit.

Haha, no he hasn't. If he did, he would not behave the way he is. He is too scared to reveal his identity. He's probably an angry virgin living in his parents basement with nothing better to do than troll steemit.


Is that a threat?

Pretty funny considering it's over some flags on a social site.


I downvoted both of the above comments. Threatening vote retaliation is bad enough, and worth a downvote by itself, IMO. Threatening actual offsite retaliation is another matter.

Im not so concerned about berniesanders, as about the precedent this sets for the next guy LW wants to extort for votes.

trainwrecking/doxxing, or threatening to, or bragging about "knowing where someone lives" is not acceptable under any circumstances.

Those who feel like downvoting bullshit they choose to. Duh.

The developers have left it this way so they can maintain control of unpopular opinions.

Notice the people calling for censorship. Notice the people that can censor with a single vote, and have decided that they should control who can see what. This is no different than in DC, people with money do not want this subject to be discussed. Watch them as this investigation gets even worse.

Right! I am glad that he wasn't able to collapse my post at least. He even ended up bringing more awareness overall, so I am happy about the whole thing now. I will definitely be posting more on the topic as this continues. Like you said, it is not going away. we cannot put up with this despicable behavior!

Honestly I think you conspiracy folks get overwhelming respect here, complaining over somebody's right to exercise their free will on this platform may decrease that respect. Just saying, not trying to be a jerk here. Just be happy you cannot be censored here. If your community is large enough you'll organically have plenty of upvotes to keep you on the trending page's upper fold.

can you please just stop crying and whining like a baby? @berniesanders can flag for whatever reason. and anyway, your post is not nuked!!!! it still has some payout.

True, its not nuked and I think @berniesanders could completely nuke it if he wanted to so I am happy that didn't happen. In fact, I'm definitely happy about the whole thing because this started a discussion.

"flag when you disagree". It has the aftertaste that somehow you are wrong and then you need to defend yourselfI am not much into the whole #pizzagate because I didn't dig enough but I am recurrently annoyed by the

Cry me a river. I can flag whatever I please including your conspiracy theory bullshit. Get over it.

FYI - there was nothing random about it.

Here is what I see though... When you look into these things no one will be brought to justice though official means. Anyone with the official power to investigate and convict are under pressure and routinely get called names and are putting their carriers and freedom on the line. This is a concern for the public because the masses are absorbed the risk. This is also idea for many smaller reporter as that distributes the risk.

Don't you see value in decentralization via the block-chain? Well, this is decentralization via Open Source investigations.

I'm thinking that through necessity, Open Source investigations should gain some part of the public's attention and routinely the public will run these investigations. This is no different form JFK's assassination or the ongoing investigations into 911. More often than not Official Stores don't hold up. We simply can not trust them. These people we are investigating are a part of the official story creating system. They intentionally use psychology to deceive the public which includes sophisticated techniques like: name calling! and dis-information. The also recruited the public to help them, they are few and far in between and rely on tricking us to do their dirty work for them.

Sure this is scary or does not sit well with us, this is by design. And obviously every one benefits from better fact checking. But the show must go on so we can learn about and create a demand for these solutions.

I challenge you to see our Open Source Investigators as people that are as noble as our honest public servants. Investigators will be respected and encouraged to do these investigations but always challenged to do better. Obviously not everyone will participate. But in general I believe this is more health position for our population to put themselves in. This is not a guess, this is a clear course of action when you understand our politics and political systems behind governments.

And everyone who does not want to investigate or have any part of this? I propose that It is in their best interests to wake up and understand what is really going. We need a population that can't be controlled and manipulated by fear and doubt so easily. There is a time and a place for everything. Drop in learn and test yourself. Get comfortable learning about things early in the investigative phase. Think for yourselfs, learn to always questions one's knowledge and beliefs. Become comfortable learning about things that may or may not be true. Become decentralized. This is how we innovate.

I challenge you to see our Open Source Investigators as people that are as noble as our honest public servants.

Well, that goes both ways. Hopefully, they can live up to that characterization.

I have not followed the pizzagate stuff very closely, but the incidental contact i have had with a few of them in threads here leads me to believe that, at least to some extent, some of them have earned the disdain some people feel towards this topic.

I'm a big fan of Trial by jury. And I am not referring to those exercising their freedom of speech (apparently you have to specify this these days).

I'm so tired of even hearing about this pizza gate bullshit ! And if there's a tag for it why wasn't it listed there !? It's also constantly showing up in my feed ! Enough is enough already ! I wish people would stop rehashing and saying the same stuff over and over again ! It's a stupid pizza gate broken record conspiracy theory B.S. ! End of Rant ! Thank you very much ! Steem On !🍕🍕🍕

That was the very first tag. I was definitely not trying rehash or say the same thats already been said. I don't like that either. I am always trying to add value to this platform. I'm not saying that I always do but that is definitely my goal. Thanks for sharing your opinion though. steem on.

Your opinion was spot on ! I'm just tired allready about hearing of it ! It's on the news the past month . And enough is enough all ready . It's not so much directed at you. As at the whole pizza gate thing in general ! That's all I don't even want to talk about it right now so that's all I want to say ! Merry Christmas ! And all the best in the New Year ! Still following ! Stem on ! 👍♨🎄

Merry Christmas

Obviously you can. You are also entitled to your opinion. Did you read the email from wikileaks. Or do you consider wikileaks just conspiracy theory too? I doubt you have done sufficient research. Can you be specific?

I've done enough research to know it's exactly as I described it above.

You people need to stop taking shit so personally and if you're worried about only your earnings you're using the wrong platform.

How bout answering my question then. Did you even look at the email from wikileaks that was at the bottom of the post that Dan commented about. What is your opinion of wikileaks?

This is one of the issue I see with steem. Governments don't like information that reveal stuff about them and their agenda. As we've seen recently, the "fake news" categorization allows them to censor content that they don't like in a inconspicious way. As we know these entities have endless money and will definetely buy steem power in the future just for the purpose of flagging content.
Don't get me wrong some conspiracy theory have very little substance to back them up but there are many theories like chemtrail for instance that are very real stuff with tons of evidence and some people are trying their hardest to hide and discredit.
Try edit the chemtrail wikipedia your edit will be rectified within 2 min, so obviously when you see the comittement of some people to hide stuff it raises question..

Btw not saying berniesanders is related in any way to the government, just an observation about censorship.
Pizzagate is an important topic and should not be censored, conspiracy theory is the perfect word to discredit alternative information. 10 years ago a microchip implant was a "conspiracy theory" and now it is used by tens of thousands of people already, this narrative of "conspiracy theory" is a dangerous ones. If governments and bankers had a clean history these conspiracy theories would be ridiculous , unfortunately that's not the case.

when there is money invested in steemit on the line, and no proof pizzagate is real, only speculation, the whole pizzagate could be government phsyop to weed out alternative media and stomp therm into the ground, all they would need to do is release the fake info to wiki leaks and watch the chips fall, I gave the disgusting pizzagate attention for about 2 days, and realized if it was real then shit would have hit the fan very fast, but the only people who are in the shit are the ones who keep talking about it. Even Alex Jones is staying away from it, that says someting

If @berniesanders agrees with me... he should just get rid of the entire #pizzagate idea all together and flag out every post made

You can't just censor out a few random peeps... this entire hashtag doesn't need to exist if his opinion of pizzagate is that this is complete bs

pizzagate is being heavily censored on other social media platforms, when steemit users try to promote pizzagate steemit links on those platforms, it hurts the steemit domain

i don't get it... what is that email supposed to prove.

It doesnt prove anything definitively but the language is very interesting, especially when combined with everything else.

there is an entire hashtag about pizzagate... with endless amounts of similar evidence and material. Why are you down voting?

Maybe I'll take a look at all of those as well. This one was brought up in a chat which is why I saw this specific post.

I would appreciate if you would... maybe flag the entire pizzagate hashtag and kill this "conspiracy theory" completely

thank you very much mr. wang for steeping up to the microphone on this issue, I agree 100% with getting rid of pizzagate , that shit will hurt steemit when other platforms start heavily censoring it and steemit users try to promote it on those platforms with links to steemit

the investigation needs to continue for every reason you've stated. very real scandals like this have led to successful prosecutions before, also, many coverups.

defamation is not my goal. stopping a demonstrated culture of corruption is. not looking for a witch hunt. if you actually knew the facts you wouldn't stop any investigation. this is happening. who is doing it? i don't know. the numbers of children gone missing are real. look it up. if you don't want to be discredited, don't make accusations you can't back up with evidence.

the evidence says that the children gone missing is a real fact.
i don't personally know if pingpong or pizza has anything to do with it, but missing children, by the hundreds, sure do. look up Dennis Hastert, the former speaker of the house to see how many scandals this convicted pedophile is connected to, or just keep believing that pedophiles don't exist because you are tired of hearing about it. you could just mute the posts you don't like.

when there is money invested in steemit on the line, and no proof pizzagate is real, only speculation, the whole pizzagate could be government phsyop to weed out alternative media and stomp therm into the ground, all they would need to do is release the fake info to wiki leaks and watch the chips fall, I gave the disgusting pizzagate attention for about 2 days, and realized if it was real then shit would have hit the fan very fast, but the only people who are in the shit are the ones who keep talking about it. Even Alex Jones is staying away from it, that says someting

Pizzagate is nothing new, politicians,bankers,etc..have been accused of doing shaddy things like this for years if not decades ( look up Bohemian Grove)
There are plenty of clues indicating that pizzagate could be real, it's not like the story is baseless.
The very fact that the media give this story so much coverage and attention proves that it's not some fairy tails.
If a theory is able to persist and keep momentum it's because it make sense and could be possible. Look at the whole one world government/new world order thing, this theory as enormous legs because it makes a lot of sense, and every events happening in the world points towards this direction and put us closer to the agenda. When you connect the dots you can easily see how this is a real possibility.
AlexJones is an hysterical warmonger, some thing that he say are true but most of it is meant to create fear and sell his survival products. The fact that he doesn't cover the story mean shit.

pizzagate is being heavily censored on other social media platforms, when steemit users try to promote pizzagate steemit links on those platforms, it hurts the steemit domain

When users posts steemit pizzagate links on facebook it doesn't hurt the steemit domain, it allows people interested about pizzagate to get the info they need. You really need to get rid of that herd mentality.
The whole point of steemit is censorship resistance, when users broadcast their info to the world it is permanently recorded on the blockchain. Why pretend we censor stuff when we don't? Keep it real

Honestly the way I see it.. if we can't say anything about it...

Get Rid Of It

actually, i didn't. this was to your reply to snowflake, and there were no more replies possible on that comment thread.

I havent done a ton of research, but my general feeling is that the whole thing is bunk.
However, what you propose is a very very very slippery slope. There are a lot of major news events (watergate, monica lewinski, iran contra) that were completely unsubstantiated, right up until the point that they weren't.

Killing off an entire topic just because one whale doesn't think there's anything behind it sets a bad precedent.

I can't tell if you're being serious or not. I do not go looking for posts to flag, complete waste of voting power when it could go to better projects like @curie.

I'm being serious.. this "conspiracy theory" has too many holes and exaggerations. Why not just kill the entire hashtag because let's be honest.. as much as we want to believe this bs is really happening and point fingers at the people we want to be responsible for the ugly accusations... There's absolutely no good proof to keep this theory alive. So let's kill this hashtag

This conspiracy theory represents steemit.. this theory was for a good month.. the face of steemit

Me too, I cant stand to see all that pizzagate stuff, but I personally don't want to get into any war with conspiracy theorist, they can be very harsh. Somebody should to do something about it tho, just not me

the evidence for this repeated pattern is beyond overwhelming. there are people connected to this scandal who have already been convicted in a court of law of pedophilia. you may want to do a little research before you go defending people who have been convicted of abusing children. this is not my opinion. the court records prove that some of the people involved are criminals. look up Dennis Hastert, former speaker of the house of the United States. he is a convicted pedophile. this was proven in a court. he is connected to many of these scandals over the years. please, know what you are talking about before you call something fake. please, i implore you, i entreat you, help us stop this, or at least don't obstruct the truth coming out. i have been tracking these scandals for at least 25 years, this is real. i have seen many convictions. i do not want false accusations, but the only way to find the guilty is to be open with the investigations. i don't expect sanders to be reasonable, but i have previously thought that you were. for the innocent, i want there to be no doubt. for the guilty, i want them to stop harming others.

, but the only way to find the guilty is to be open with the investigations.

So the only way to find the witches is with a witch hunt? Though, to be 100% fair, i do recall that hastert pled to something finance related that had some sort of seedy overtones recently.

check out the witch hunt strawman. it was only a matter of time before the strawmen were deployed.

haha. we'd lose so many users. It was used in marketing steemit. I dont write about it, i read some post. But there's lots on steemit, tons.

I brought up the post in the chat because I found it humorous that our infallible CTO is supporting this nonsense. Mainly it was his comment...

... now I lean toward believing there is something to it

I found this to be appalling. Nobody is going to invest in Steem if those in charge are supporting these bullsh!t conspiracy theories.

Let's put pizzagate behind us PLEASE!

So your opinion must be infallable then? How are you so sure? I kinda felt the same way for a while until I saw Megan Kelly's interview and decided to do some digging. Why don't you come over to steemspeak.com and talk to us about it. MrWang is there so you won't be the only one on your side for sure.

@richardcrill I wouldn't stress about it. Just keeping steeming

I won't. I was a bit booty hurt. but I'm over it. Steem on man

My opinion infallible? Hah that's laughable.
I absolutely can't buy into this though. And yes I looked at the links you posted, it is just that there is no real evidence.

I don't expect you to buy into it. And you are correct. There is not solid evidence. But there is a lot of evidence that when looked at as a whole is very interesting.

You got me to thinking though. I can see why @berniesanders would have gotten mad about my title if he looks at this the way you do. I probably made that title too strong.