
Haha, no he hasn't. If he did, he would not behave the way he is. He is too scared to reveal his identity. He's probably an angry virgin living in his parents basement with nothing better to do than troll steemit.


Is that a threat?

Pretty funny considering it's over some flags on a social site.


I downvoted both of the above comments. Threatening vote retaliation is bad enough, and worth a downvote by itself, IMO. Threatening actual offsite retaliation is another matter.

Im not so concerned about berniesanders, as about the precedent this sets for the next guy LW wants to extort for votes.

trainwrecking/doxxing, or threatening to, or bragging about "knowing where someone lives" is not acceptable under any circumstances.

Those who feel like downvoting bullshit they choose to. Duh.