Here is what I see though... When you look into these things no one will be brought to justice though official means. Anyone with the official power to investigate and convict are under pressure and routinely get called names and are putting their carriers and freedom on the line. This is a concern for the public because the masses are absorbed the risk. This is also idea for many smaller reporter as that distributes the risk.
Don't you see value in decentralization via the block-chain? Well, this is decentralization via Open Source investigations.
I'm thinking that through necessity, Open Source investigations should gain some part of the public's attention and routinely the public will run these investigations. This is no different form JFK's assassination or the ongoing investigations into 911. More often than not Official Stores don't hold up. We simply can not trust them. These people we are investigating are a part of the official story creating system. They intentionally use psychology to deceive the public which includes sophisticated techniques like: name calling! and dis-information. The also recruited the public to help them, they are few and far in between and rely on tricking us to do their dirty work for them.
Sure this is scary or does not sit well with us, this is by design. And obviously every one benefits from better fact checking. But the show must go on so we can learn about and create a demand for these solutions.
I challenge you to see our Open Source Investigators as people that are as noble as our honest public servants. Investigators will be respected and encouraged to do these investigations but always challenged to do better. Obviously not everyone will participate. But in general I believe this is more health position for our population to put themselves in. This is not a guess, this is a clear course of action when you understand our politics and political systems behind governments.
And everyone who does not want to investigate or have any part of this? I propose that It is in their best interests to wake up and understand what is really going. We need a population that can't be controlled and manipulated by fear and doubt so easily. There is a time and a place for everything. Drop in learn and test yourself. Get comfortable learning about things early in the investigative phase. Think for yourselfs, learn to always questions one's knowledge and beliefs. Become comfortable learning about things that may or may not be true. Become decentralized. This is how we innovate.
Well, that goes both ways. Hopefully, they can live up to that characterization.
I have not followed the pizzagate stuff very closely, but the incidental contact i have had with a few of them in threads here leads me to believe that, at least to some extent, some of them have earned the disdain some people feel towards this topic.
I'm a big fan of Trial by jury. And I am not referring to those exercising their freedom of speech (apparently you have to specify this these days).