this is excellent work. you might consider making this a post, so more people can see.
i can understand that people would become fatigued from hearing about this, but the facts that are provable are legion. the investigations must continue.
this is excellent work. you might consider making this a post, so more people can see.
i can understand that people would become fatigued from hearing about this, but the facts that are provable are legion. the investigations must continue.
It would probably get flagged.
My first flag by whales, I will have made it on Steemit ...I seriously love whales though ...
could be. it wouldn't be that painful though.
this is almost a mob, though, right? no pitchforks yet.
it only takes a few flaggers to ruin it for everyone.
thought it might make a good christmas present for some of those kids, that's all.
What's alarming, is no one gets tired of corporate garbage of mass distractions full of violence coupled with sex....I didn't get a headache, ( I used too because of my physical, mental and sexual abuse as a child) writing this and I will seriously think about writing a series on the white slavery, porn, and drugs that are almost as profitable as selling wars and everything that goes with it.. Banks are heavily involved. I also want to write about allopathic medicine and their business making profit off of disease and death. Happiness, healthy people/communities, family, peace are not (as) profitable.
sounds ambitious. more power to you.
it's unfortunate that humanity has not found as many ways to make health and happiness profitable. can you imagine a world where not hurting or killing people was incentivized, and could find a fan base? it's crazy to me that success is still measured in stacks of money and stacks of bodies.