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RE: Crowns & Trees, Stephanos & Wreaths

in #abuse8 months ago

I'm just tryna write, bitch! This is my personal Hive page! You ain't even USE da Hive, yo!

Why don't ya go get your SHINEBOX!?

You could probably have this conversation with Frank like a grown man instead of using a woman as some sort of shiny lure and shield. Frank has alllll the power in this situation. Well, both of us. You're the one who's out of control.

I don't care what you think about women, your opinion is void to me. You starve human beings so...I mean, what you 'think' about anything is truly inconsequential. It's intrinsically flawed from the get-go.

'We' had a big week, he says.


My weeks aren't going to stop being big, that's the difference between us.

I let you believe that. It was the only way to get out of arguments with you since October of 2020. You can't be's another Narcissist symptom. I allowed you to believe that, Mike. So. You were just a dick. So all those times you called me names thinkin' it was a demon? You were abusing me. You can't help it, it's what they do. You're 'normal' for your illness. And you will never, ever get out of it. You have no awareness of it.

Your life will get worse and worse and worse until you pick a fight with the wrong motherfucker, yell at the wrong motherfucker. Mark Taylor was right.

I wouldn't fuck with Frank, he holds allllll the cards. And I've never wronged Frank. You've been talking royal shit about him since you got here and he told you to forget about Jacqueline (he was correct to say that to you). And as far as the homeless, join them, it doesn't look like you're going to be able to stay in RR.

Looks like you're probably in a huge state of stress not knowing what to do. Stay in PB. For once in your life act like a grown up and stop fucking with people around you.


Tygh holds his dick in his mamas backyard while he fraudently claims to hold some cards.

You can’t lie and claim to be of Truth.

Dangerous games around celestial beings, as you know Angel.

You let women finance your comic book lifestyle, let's not talk about dicks and mamas, K?

You wish your mom would want you in her life physically.

You're a turd, not an angel.

God has done nothing but open this songbird's cage and set me free.

You don't have wings, Sir


I landed here on "Independence Day" to fireworks and celebration.

What does that tell you, Mr. There-Are-No-Coincidences...

God is thrilled with my freedom.

No shit he is. I asked him for it and you got Tygh thinking he had a thing to do with it.

Threatened me two days ago. Couldn’t remote view I had evac’d myself as soon as we got you out. Then he called the state.

My mechanics working. Real world.

You know I know how to play the game.

You threaten every day of your life, lolol.

He 'threatened' you. He warned you. You're not welcome there. He did a kind, decent thing to someone living in a home of his family's. Say 'thank you' and move on, Tantrum.

Are you 4?

YOU...didn't get me out.

You're evicted so...I have no idea what you're talking about.

Enjoy PB though! You're back home!

He has you bearing false witness.

Thinks it’s a win.

We just getting started, kids.

The Lord knows all of our deeds.

I’m evicted from the place I left the day before. Nice bloody hands on others for nothing, Tygh. Auroura Trashworthy slays the unaware wolf.

Tygh has no authority over me and you are creating a story that isn’t gonna hold up long. An unecessary once because i asked for a cancellation of the LOMB at an exact point. Isn’t it great He put you in such good hands?

Tygh the guy who never lived with a real world woman for more than a year or so?

I’m everywhere. Stay in PB? You wish you could visit these people.

I didn’t call Tygh to the yard for Gods timing. You always do that, Ms. T. We got work to do that doesn’t involve science fiction mastabutory fantasy. Isaiah 66 yo.

I'm not your dog, you have one of those.

So you can talk to your dog about all this stuff, ok?

I need him to know that you are holding my property hostage, that's why I called him 'to the yard.' Now you're the one I have to worry about not sending that to me.

I'll live in whatever world I want to live in. You are not invited into it.

You are jealous.

Nobody held your shit hostage. We had travel plans you didn’t know about so timing became issue. When you were telling me one thing and telling Matt another we decided it would be healthiest for me to handle it. What you are doing to him here is very sad and I know eventually you gonna apologize to him. I packed your boxes. We didn’t have tape or a big enough box for the computer equipment that you gave to Matt after deciding not to return your employers equipment.

You did the same thing you always do. Nice work, Angel. Can’t wait for the recap eventually. ❤️

It turns out there's a lot I didn't know about, not just that.

You created this. My absence. Narcissists don't love, they suck life from people. You created the distance, you neglected our relationship, you PUSHED me into the arms of someone else and I just love you for it. I couldn't be happier.

What am I doing to Matt? He'll see it. He has Frank in his life. Frank will go over why you're a lunatic. Frank gets it. You're doing the same thing to Matt that you did to me. And I told Matt about this multiple times.

If this was about anything other than a spirit in the sky that I cannot see I would have left your dick in the dirt LONG AGO

Maybe he'll understand that someday.

You said I could work, so I brought my work equipment. Your work requires nothing because you don't work. Some of us have to eat. Including you. I'm sure Matt says 'You're welcome, freeloader.'

Same thing I always do? Leave you? Yeah, I did. It's wonderful. Couldn't have said it better myself.

You're not getting a recap lol, you're getting not even the bare minimum as far as what I'm doing with my life right now. There are things about what's happening with me right now that you think you know that you don't even know that you don't know.

I ain't 'Andy Dufresne' because I was completely honest with you when I was chiseling my way out of Shawshank under a shirtless Steve Perry poster, dumbass LOL!!!

I'll speak to Frank about getting a 'bigger box' and some more tape so a very simple shipment can be made to me. I know that's real hard to come by in your world where you're at the mercy of a man younger than you are who broke his fucking back for rolling papers.

What a great friend you are, having him work while you jerk off on the couch all day.

You’re following a fraud. It’s over. ‘Fuck the homeless people’ ‘help me pseudo swindle my parents’ all the other things you know happened that you pretending now didn’t.

Call me for your peace. This ends the way it ends. Just a matter of how long.

The longer you take, the tougher it will be for that little man and his twin flame desperate crushes.

You won’t stay in this. Your beauty lies in Truth. Not cuck ass online phonies who con oldies into believing he has superpowers.

The homeless people that you're friends with don't even speak to you.

I'm not 'following' Frank. I'm my own human being, you get that, right? Or is that another narcissistic symptom? Probs.

I left you for my peace, get it? No? Why is comprehension hard for you? Symptom?

Literally just told you there?

Frank, Austin, Keegan...those are the people you have respect for. I can tell when you speak to all 3 of them. Talk about tells. So I validate that you're dealing with a lot seeing how Frank wants you out of his hood and home but didn't wanna be there and called it the 'House of Bacon.'

You also called it 'House of Michael' ... even though it's owned by Matt...shoulda probably been House of Matthew but anyways, who tf cares anymore?

You sold used cars for 25+ years, let's not talk about swindling people, ok? Thanks.

My beauty lies in fields, in starry skies, in His eyes, in the echo of my voice, in the spirits God sends to mine...not in you. You made me spiritually and physically ugly. Anyone who forces someone to read the Bible doesn't know what the Bible is. That's abuse, doll...check into it.

You're the cuck, think about it...the projection is amazing up in here.


Are you talking about yourself in that last sentence cuz...frighteningly accurate, there.

You're such a little boy right now, it's amazing to witness!

When you come up for air and see what has happened here the stink will still be on the mini-pimp pretender.

Yeah. I treated Tygh as he was serious until I realized how many lies he has told so many people.

Productive week, Angel!

Call me, girl.

Thanks for keeping me updated on that, ya know, where my clothing is. I've got 2 shirts and a microphone, real nice of ya. Another reason you're toast to me.

Whole lot of misunderstandings to be cleared up by whomever cares. I’m not struggling to see what is occurring here. Again. I asked for it.

Nobody cares.

No misunderstandings at all.

No worries.

I have no respect for you, you had none for me, that's how that goes.

We're done and you're having a very hard time dealing with that because you don't have ANY other women lined up, even though you talk big, or you would be SUCKING off of THEM right now. I am not stupid.

I was there, dumbass, you had NO ONE. Ok? Nobody.

You still don't, so enjoy whatever citayyyy you end up in or travel to or whatever tf. Enjoi.

Those poor souls are watched over, whoever's supposed to be bamboozled by the snake oil salesman will be bamboozled. Outta my hands.

But I'm finito w/you, Chachi.

So pull your head out of your ass and stop DEFAMING YOURSELF.

You're arguing with an award-winning writer who's doing two of the things that trigger your kind the most. STOP! You are embarrassing yourself and just bringing further humiliation EVERY time you 'counter' the truth.

You won't though.


That’s fine. I’ll follow your patterned behavior that everybody here should have heeded my warnings on.

I know who you are, where you been, and the difference between truth and pretend.

I love you more than you will ever understand.

Soon you thank God for Matt instead of blindly exalting some already irrelevant manchild.

Listen to me.

You look at human beings as RESOURCES FOR YOURSELF.

That's why ever time I dump you, you think I should 'be passed down to' someone with a PENIS. Get the fuck outta here, you weirdo. People...are not property. I know you think the same thing about Matt. Gender doesn't matter to you. You prefer women because you have a MUCH bigger chance of gaining full control over a woman, as they are the weaker sex, instead of honoring them and respecting them. Too bad.

I get it now, doesn't make it any prettier but...whew...that's a helluva dis ease you got there.


I prefer women because there are a lot of them coming to the banquet.

You of course know the odds for men. Especially lukewarm whoremonger sorcerer combo swindlers.

That’s your friend now.

I’m sticking with our new homey Defango and the rest of the True motherfuckers.

Plenty of ministry meetings planned out here.

Path and Providence. Mosh pit style.