Damn you got flagged. These people don't even read the comment they are flagging act all out righteous when they talk about the reward pool. STEEM was built a mess with the way they did initial token creation, inflation and the reasons they set up for flagging. I've always considered Dan to be a naive genius and things makes it seem that I was right. I also find myself agreeing more with Ned than Dan.
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I think that is the case. There are many simple solutions for steemit. But the circlejerk isn't willing to accept this. Just get the best out while it last. STEEM has become Bitcoin 4 years ago. Flagging should not be common or else we'd be having a zero-sum game. Also there are many people who are enjoying all these wars. Personally I stay out as much as possible.
steemit is run by idiots with idiots on top. Dash is doing things right. They have a vision beyond the price of the token. STEEM started with massive inflation levels. The system is unbalanced and infested with commies and tyrants.
Some class A idiot put disagreement on rewards as the 1st reason to flag and never adjusted the incentives to fit the system. I'm not selling my STEEM because of Ned and SMTs. But for the most part steemit is just another USSA.