hey man, as a fellow cynical asshole, i thought i'd comment and say that the people you see on the leaderboard are definitely racking up real steps.
this app is still pretty new, and sometimes people have issues depending on what kind of phone they use, and what the phone's settings are. in my case, i have an iphone, and before i started using the app seriously, i went outside and literally stared at the screen while counting my steps to verify its accuracy. in my experience it is pretty much spot on.
help channelif you're on discord, maybe you could share your issue in @actifit's , or just leave a comment on @actifit's steemit profile… i'm sure a moderator or someone from management like @mcfarhat would be happy to help you figure out what's going on.
always nice to meet a fellow cynical asshole, haha. I'm going to do a little more research and hopefully figure out how to get an accurate reading! I think it all depends on the phone and it's sensitivity, so I can't hold that against them.