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RE: ADHS als dynamische Regulationsstörung der Hirnerregung

in #adhs7 years ago

The following applies only for cases of mild to middle-grade ADHD (severe cases of ADHD are indeed im many ways too deficient too take advantage of the ressources which are related to ADHD in the hunter-farmer-context):
But with the adequate stimulation for your ADHD-brain, you are able to achieve fantastic things. Sensation Seeking and so called Adrenaline-Junkies, there is a strong connection to ADHD.
Thom Hartmann issues (of course insufficiently) the advantages of the activation-dependent ADHD-brain in his book: "ADHD and the Edison Gene" e.g. with section: „…Cultural anthropologist Jay Fikes, Ph.D. , points out that members of traditional Native American hunting tribes normally behave differently from those who have traditionally been farmers. The farmers such as the Hopi and other Pueblo tribes are relatively sedate and risk-averse, he says, whereas the hunters, such as the Navajo, are „constantly scanning their environment and are more immediately sensitive to nuances. They´re also the ultimate risk takers. They and the Apaches were great raiders and warriors.“….“
When it matters most, when facing the most dangerous situations, as a person with (at least low- to middle-grade ADHD) ADHD one is performing better than normal people, be it as combattants in militia fighting in densely-build urban areas or Guerilla-warfare, be it as thieves (in my opinion there aren´t any better and more successful thieves than people with ADHD ), be it as a medic in emergency situations, be it as a Nescar-driver or be it, as it used to be in paleolithic ages, as a hunter hunting mammoths, deer and else.

In this context I also get thinking of Ninja and their Guerilla-warfare tactics as the ideal model of ADHD in medieval Japan versus their opponents without ADHD , the Samurai Thom Hartmann issues the advantages of low- to middle-grade ADHD in nomadic hunting soscieties and I am linking this here:


There is an ethnic group of people in Europe who are the most skilled thieves of our times ... in order to avoid any triggers I don´t call this ethnic group by the name ... but some! members of this ethnic group have found out what they are very talented in ... it is easy to guess which ethnic group I mean ... ok, doesn´t matter ... of course I mean the Sinti and Roma , Gypsies or how else you may want to call them...
... in 19th century North America there was an ethnic group in Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico which I can see many similarities with the Sinti and Roma, Gypsies in Europe , I mean the Apaches ... in my opinion the legendary image (but the reality was actually brutal and gruesome and in no way "romantic") of the Apaches in the 19th century does also have to do with many cases of ADHD in the Apaches ethnicity .... get a feeling of the neglect , the bad moral, physical and psychological and general condition and the perspective of death (general neglect is something one can see as well in todays Roma communities in German cities like Duisburg , no garbage collection, prostitution, drug trafficking and so on) of the Apaches in late 19th century I recommend the movie "The Missing" made by Ron Howard