Very wise words. But, the person there knows little about love, that even now it is difficult to determine something. Because of the unpredictability of love in the Slavs, there is a proverb: "Love is evil - you will love the goat", which perfectly underlines the unpredictability of human relations.
Очень мудрые слова. Но, человек там мало знает про любовь, что даже сейчас сложно определить что-то. Из-за непредсказуемости любви в славян есть пословица: "Любовь зла - полюбишь и козла", которая отлично подчеркивает непредсказуемость человеческих отношений.
Nothing is really written in stone my friend. By nature Love is not evil. We all make our decisions whether they're right or wrong. It's part of the human experience. I only try to provide some guidance :)
In this proverb we mean that love is not predictable. Because of this - people whom someone has fallen in love with, over time, they seem different.