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RE: **AdoptAMinnow** Logo Contest Entry by @mightymicke

in #adoptaminnow7 years ago

I LOVE this idea. I've been browsing blogs to see who I want to follow as I am, well ... less than a minnow who almost lost heart! I absolutely love the idea - the concept of adopting a minnow, but I love this logo even more! Forget the contest, you already win in my opinion! My upvote on this may mean nothing, but I just want you to know - I honestly love both the idea and the logo. Keep up the good work!


Thank you very much for wonderful words! I hope adoptaminnow still works but there's many other projects who support minnows. Check @minnowsupport it's has above 70k members. I wish you all luck on Seemit, stay consistent and success will come. Thanks!