ADSactly Homage - RIP Stephen Hawking
One of the biggest minds of our times has passed away on March 14th. The world's combined IQ dropped by staggering 160 points. Not only his intelligence - a true force of nature - was impressive, but also the whole man, his focus, his life.
There is a saying associated to Voltaire:
"Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers."
Stephen Hawking knew how to ask the right questions. Some of us may remember where knowing an answer of which the question was forgotten leads to. The number 42 comes to mind for some. (For those who are not familiar with Douglas Adams "The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy": The Supercomputer "Deep Thought" gave this answer, after being asked the answer on Life, the Universe, and Everything)
Another big mind, Albert Einstein once phrased this task with following words:
"If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask… for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes."
This sums up the life of Stephen Hawking in an impressive way. He was constantly living his life under this kind of time pressure, never knowing if and when it could be at an end, so he had to perfect his way of asking proper questions.
If you have some time, I strongly suggest watching Stephen Hawking asking the proper questions and giving answers to them, as clear and bold as only few other man were capable of. (Find a link to his infamous TED talk here)
Some Private Coincidential Background History
Only 2 weeks ago I decided to buy and read some of the books by Stephen Hawking. Because it has become a habit of mine, to regularly fill the holes in my education, since I found the Steem platform.
After reading the first few chapters, I was already impressed by the ease Hawkings was able to find words explaining the most complex of matters. It would be proposterous to claim, that I was able to grasp every idea he was discussing, but still I was able to follow his thoughts.
Until Sunday, I had no time to continue reading, but was reminded of it in the strangest way:
I was travelling home from a visit to my parents, when I spotted a bird of prey sitting on the guardrail during a minor traffic jam. I tried to take a picture with my phone, thinking about what kind of bird this could be. I wasn't sure if it was a falcon or a hawk.
Later at home, the picture I took turned out to be garbage, the bird was completely blurred, almost transcendend: A falcon... maybe the king of hawks - the Hawk-king was almost gone! I thought to myself that I really have to return to reading that book. Only two days later Stephen Hawking died.
Back To Stephen Hawking:
There is not much need for digging in the past to find out facts about Stephen Hawking. There is Wikipedia and there are hundreds of articles posted about him since his death on March 14th - and surely even more before that.
But there is something we can do - we can try to do what he did:
I think noone ever came closer to the answer to the question:
What if there is nothing left of you, but your mind?
If I imagine being locked in a constricted and limited body with an unfathomable powerful mind, then I have to realize that this is in fact the case - for each of us calling ourselves human: Our bodies may be limited, but our minds are unlimited (no matter how stupid we are at times), only less extremely than in the case of Stephen Hawking. There is soo much going on in our heads, that we hardly are able to get it straight for ourselves and even less for our fellow humans. If we learn to overcome our limitations, we learn what it really means to be human.
What can we learn from his life?
He learned about his disease at the age of 21, he was told he had only a few years left at best. He lived for another 55 years, became a husband, a father, a grandfather, a bestselling author, all while loosing his ability to walk and to speak. He still managed to find ways to be heard, to get along, to be useful and even held the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics from 1979 until 2009, the probably most prestigious "chair" in sience, that once was held by Isaac Newton. Why he succeded? He never ever he gave up despite all his limitations!
Try, Fail, Adjust, Repeat!
Thank you Stephen, for giving us a glimpse of how we could live our lives, and even if you didn't believe that there is anything after death, I like the idea and the belief that you are now in a less limited condition and able to see one of the few things that have been denied to you:
Seeing the world from the outside, being in space, perhaps finding the answer to so many questions, you have well phrased and thought about.
Rest In Peace!
Let us remain silent for a while and listen to the mastermind, whose words even found their way into modern pop music: Pink Floyd "Keep talking" (2009)
Thank you for reading!

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@adsactly nice post but feel sad he didn´t beleive in life after life. By now he must be repented and realized that God was the author of the knowledge he had. Brilliant mind an example of what man can do, a spirit out of time
@adsactly thanks for your vote
He was a great man that changed the life of an untold number of people.. very sad to hear this news today.. this was the first I heard of it and just google this to make sure it was not just click bait.. and it is real.. RIP
We were a great man! rest in peace. A legend a great genius, scientist to admire, and to remember forever for all humanity.
Ahead of his time. We can only be grateful for all his contributions to humantiy..
He was such a champ. He was one of those people on earth I wanted to meet.
Yes, he used to ask questions very well and one other thing which impressed me most was his will power and bravery. Nothing could make him afraid.
This scientist had the biggest brains of our time. No words could describe him. Rest in peace Stephen. May God put him among the greatest ever to have ever lived.
Well, God may have asked him at the gates of heaven: "DO YOU BELIEVE IN ME NOW"?
lol so true!!
Hhaha, yeah it could be.
Yes, I agree.
Our children will read about him in the books the way we did about Einstien and Newton.
I bet by now he already realized that something is no coming from
So true. Even not death.
una verdadera lastima para el mundo, él brindo muchos conocimientos y sabiduría, espero que su espíritu ayude a fortalecer nuestro sistema mundial.
Stephen Hawking was one of the brightest stars in cosmology, who awed both scientists and the general public with his exemplary works in the field of theoretical physics, cosmology, black holes,etc.
It still seems unreal and unbelievable that he is no more. In the words of Neil deGrasse Tyson -
“His passing has left an intellectual vacuum in his wake. But it’s not empty. Think of it as a kind of vacuum energy permeating the fabric of spacetime that defies measure.”
I didn't know much about the magnificence of this personality before I read his book 'The Theory of Everything’ in which he explained the complexity of universe, black holes, singularity, in a subtle,witty and simpler way to the general public from a scratch without filling it with difficult jargons. Hia perception of time excited me.
They will remember him as a man confined to a wheelchair after being afflicted with a “neuromuscular disease but still ascended to the boundaries of universe and beyond” and is trying to unlock the mysteries of the universe. He was a inspiration from them when it came to physics,astronomy,etc.
He came from the stars.Lived as a star. Went back to the star. Stephen Hawking don't die.They just move from one star to another.
But any science or especially space enthusiast who has spent some time exploring and studying about the universe will feel it as a tremendous loss to the cosmo-world who will be deeply anguished today.
Some look upon him as the Einstein of the generation. Our knowledge of the world and the universe would be so much less if it weren’t for Hawking's. He understood the universe, black holes,time very well in a nutshell. He was a true legend in himself.
“I’m not afraid of death, but I’m in no hurry to die. I have so much I want to do first” -Stephen Hawkings
“The enemy of Knowledge is not ignorance,it is the ILLUSION of knowledge.”
Thx for this long comment! I love the analogy with the stars. This reminds me that we effectively are all "stardust"
Thank you for posting this.
Rest in peace Stephen Hawking! He was such an amazing human being, and I am very sad to see him leave us :(
intelligent person
So sad to hear :(
Simple quote, but only genius can quote it!
One more for good measure. Stephen Hawking was a scientific and cultural revolutionary. A great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years. His courage, brilliance and humour inspired many across the world. This man will be missed. We must not allow society and science to regress in his absence Stephen Hawking. Rest in peace at 76.
Also we should not put facts above feelings. This makes a lot of things quite easier.
THX for your comment!
RIP Stephen Hawking.......:-(
I had no clue about this TEDx talk! This guy was incredible...
Excellent article ! I hope you will make other posts about science and space, would be exciting!
I am a very big fan of these TEDx talks and wasn't aware of this special one either. I even wasn't aware of the Pink Floyd piece (I own each of their discs until 1987)
What a terrific memorial to a unique individual. Very well done indeed.
2 things for me. 1: Hawking made some mistakes. He never ducked them, he never minimized them. He owned them. That's the piece that signifies the man to me.
The other is much more personal. One of my best friends ever was diagnosis to dead of ALS in two years. I always sort of resented that Hawking got so much time with it and Ross so little. Sad, huh?
Thanks for a terrific post. Rip Steven Hawking. Your mark was mighty.
I completely relate. While I am grateful that Hawking's will to live was so immense that he was able to withstand the ALS for decades, I lost a dear friend to it, roughly three years after he was diagnosed.
It is a terrible wasting disease, wretched both for the patient and his or her loved ones, and incredibly painful to watch the steady ongoing decline.
RIP to Professor Stephen Hawking, your friend Ross, and my friend Gary.
THX a lot!
YES: Knowing his mistakes and and stand by them is one task a real man has to "own".
Stephen Hawking:
nice quotes..
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RIP Stephen Hawking
A very successful and intelligent person. Such people can not easily grow up. I am very sorry :(
good news....nice video.
thank you for sharing with us. my dear friend @adsactly.
how this is a good news??? the world famous Scientist has been passed away.....he had great contribution on modern this man died and u r saying it a good news!!! how come??
I don't think you even took the time to read the title.
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Yeri ışık olsun
I loved Stephen so much. I dreamt of meeting him but his gone so soon. May his soul rest in eternal peace and the almighty God put him among the greatest to have ever lived. The likes of Jesus, Isaac Newton, Mohammed, Moses, Noah, name them.
He was Dr Stephen Hawking, he definitely deserved to be Sir Stephen Hawking and was offered to become a Knight. However, we turned down the opportunity to be Sir Hawking over the lack of science funding given by the government.
He was absolutely a true knight of the scientific community, KBE or no.
His death made me so sad. We lost, once again, one of the greatest mind of the history. I feel this being a scientist myself. looool. just kidding. I'm no scientist. :D
keep trying and he has showed some amazing discoveries with his work he was a legend
Also grieve for Stephen Hawking. Hopefully he is calm in nature there.
"RIP Stephen Hawking"
RIP steph
This is great quote, "Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers."
Indeed, he is a rare gem
Yeas, he was a rare gem like you said. I really hope that in the next years we'll see some new "Hawking"s ...
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Nice you posting
yes its a sad news for all
his inventions are precious for the whole global world community
but remain alive in our hearts
God bless him
So true, to have something that lives on after your death, you either need children or ideas that will love on. He had both. That is more than anyone can ask for!
His name is known throughout the world. In times of my studies of Astrophysics I read about works of this remarkable man. I recommend (at least for the sake of diversity and common development) read at least one book by Stephen. This is a very interesting and informative for people at any age.

If you read about Steven Hawking more closely and explore his life then you will understand that this was a very determined and talented man. Being chained to the Chair he could do much more to science than those people who have more opportunities.
Stephen Hawking is a direct proof that nothing is impossible. He proved to the whole world that the power of thought and the power of the human mind is able to change the world.
After his death the world has lost one remarkable person and science lost one ingenious mind.
I recommend everyone to familiarize themselves with the books this person and show documentary films about his research. You can see artistic biopic. "The Theory of Everything"
Thanks for a good article about a good man
Thx for your words!
As I am not a scientist myself, I was also impressed by his ability to make his very big thoughts understandable for normal people. This is even more difficult than having big thoughts imho.
yes its a sad news for all
his inventions are precious for the whole global world community
but remain alive in our hearts
God bless him
He is real hero who showed the world that dreams don't require wings to fly, only it require determination in heart.
One man bound to a wheel chair gave us theories about the universe and space where even a normal man cannot dream of going.
The greatest mind of our time.
I only feel sad that he didn't realize his biggest dream, being so close to achieve it.
Perhaps now he does it somehow...
Agree with you.
It absolutely wonderful work you put here...
One of the greatest physicist. If any one want to know about him go to
we can't forget him.. really wonder full man for our socity......
Yeah.."What if there is nothing left of you, but your mind?" and people are really trying to do this. I've read how some people are ready to die, just to try this new technology.
Really sad news.. He was a great man.. thanks for sharing..
I love him he was incredible and his history of space and time is eternity not brief
His achievements were incredible. I also mourn his death.
Like the post said, the universe lost 160 IQ ... Let's hope that someday, a little Hawking will be born!
RIP stephen hawking.
He was a great man...
He said God doesn't exist, yet he could not prevent God's destiny that put him to death. now he meets God in the grave. RIG = Rest in God
R I P great man
Stephen hawking is a great man & nice post
His way of thinking has forever changed the world. Didn't know of him till I watched the movie 'the theory of everything'. I'm still puzzled by his questions and his zeal to provide answers.
For sure he was able to ask the right questions.
Hawking was such a genius. His body is gone though but his ideas lives on.
The death of hawking will be a news of great sorrow for all the human. His contribution to science is really undeniable. RIP great man :(
So sad he was a very good man
More than being good, he was a wise man. And aware of the challenge of the humanity for the next decades!