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RE: ADSactly Homage - RIP Stephen Hawking

in #adsactly7 years ago (edited)

What a terrific memorial to a unique individual. Very well done indeed.

2 things for me. 1: Hawking made some mistakes. He never ducked them, he never minimized them. He owned them. That's the piece that signifies the man to me.

The other is much more personal. One of my best friends ever was diagnosis to dead of ALS in two years. I always sort of resented that Hawking got so much time with it and Ross so little. Sad, huh?

Thanks for a terrific post. Rip Steven Hawking. Your mark was mighty.


I completely relate. While I am grateful that Hawking's will to live was so immense that he was able to withstand the ALS for decades, I lost a dear friend to it, roughly three years after he was diagnosed.

It is a terrible wasting disease, wretched both for the patient and his or her loved ones, and incredibly painful to watch the steady ongoing decline.

RIP to Professor Stephen Hawking, your friend Ross, and my friend Gary.

THX a lot!
YES: Knowing his mistakes and and stand by them is one task a real man has to "own".