Great Habits I Picked Up Along the Way
There's nothing more rewarding in life than being the best me, I can be for myself, my family & friends, and for my community. The speed bumps in life that slow us all down are programmed deep in our subconscious from the endless marketing and branding of useless products. While all these brands and corporations have no significant meaning in my life whatsoever, I on the other hand, try to mean the world to my family. That's why I started picking up some great habits.
I used to think being healthy was just about obesity & exercise when in fact, they are just a small part of it. I spent countless nights studying the work of the late great Stephen Convey, and am so grateful for the knowledge I got from those nights. What I learned is an understanding of unconditional leadership and the factors that affect my well-being as a whole.
Being healthy is about all components I operate with. It's about all the components I can use to change & create the positive or negative world around me. It's about my physical state, my mental state, my spiritual state and last but not least, the state that my heart is in. Let me share some of the most valuable tips I picked up along the way that's helped me optimize my own happiness.
As Soon as my Eyes Open
This is a magnificent moment for me. Every day I get to present myself to the world, starts at the moment I open my eyes each morning. I learned how important stretching instantly as you wake is from my old track coach Mr. Kogut. I now throw in some big-pose stretches and a few custom stretches while I'm still in bed. I can instantly feel my blood begin to flow.
The same stretches have been known to also help ease a sore back and minor back problems.
Those big-pose stretches I was talking about can boost your confidence levels where you can be a part of your best daily. Amy Cuddy, Harvard psychologist & author of "Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to your Biggest Challenges" suggests that those big pose stretches are bi-directional. They help me feel big and strong mentally and we are what we think.
The Most Important Fuel for Me
I know that some people believe that breakfast is the most important part of the day and others believe in not "breaking" their body's nightly "fast" with "breakfast" until noon. Despite these morning traditions, I believe that water is the most important thing on earth for our bodies. Our bodies are bundles of electromagnetic activities and up to 60% water and that's one core reason why I believe it's the most important fuel to us as we wake.
It's quite interesting to me that water cannot be made and the same amount of water that exists on Earth today existed millions of years ago. It's caught in the perpetual water cycle of Mother Earth that fuels all living organisms she nurtures and I'm grateful for that nurturing.
The Japanese water treatment is another great habit I picked up from traveling Japan. I now drink pure water on an empty stomach as soon as I wake each morning, 45 minutes before I eat my first meal. It's found to be a 100% cure for a number of diseases, proven scientifically by the Japanese Medical Society. Cures for diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, some forms of cancer, all eye diseases, asthma, kidney disease, just to name a few. I found the technique & guidelines online and the knowledge I gained from it is vital to me being the best me I can be.
Masaru Emoto through his legendary research found that water reacts to words and feelings. His best sellers like "The Hidden Messages in Water" proves that water changes auras and neutral properties, according to the positive or negative feelings, emotions, words, music, and natural surroundings. I can only imagine what that 60% water in my body is doing when I feel angry or sad. That's why I feel it's important I drink water as soon as I wake, and urgent that I feel great about myself. I don't want the water I'm fueling myself with to affect me negatively by my own negativity, so I always remember those big-pose stretches in the morning.
The Diet that Fits Me
I started making changes to my diet according to my blood type (which is blood type A) as soon as I read “Eat Right for Your Type” by Dr. Peter D’Adamo. He taught me that our diets are optimized through understanding my genetic makeup and chosen lifestyle. Certain blood types digest and break down foods differently.
People with blood type A like me, for example, should stick to a vegetarian diet most or at all times. We have a rough time metabolizing and digesting animal fat & animal proteins.
People with blood type O, on the other hand, should eat a variety of fish like sashimi for sources of protein as well as low carb, high protein meals with legumes & a variety of nuts. With a little research, you'll be aware of the foods that can optimize your life according to your blood type. This awareness has helped me be the best me, I can be. I am what you eat.
Got My Mind Right
Meditation is good for optimizing the powers of your mind so that you have more control over your wellness. I learned to meditate a bit late, in my late 20's so I took it upon myself to teach my children & grand-children how to meditate as soon as they could do a Muay Thai roundhouse kick.
I've spent countless hours reading books about the law of attraction and that's when I realized all the authors meditate. Every great life coach & mentor from Jack Canfield to Tony Robbins meditates. Every successful billionaire meditates. Every great spiritual leader who has given up their love for material possessions to heal their people meditates. Every highly successful world influencer in every country meditates. Once I realized it wasn't a coincidence, I was more than happy to begin.
I began with "mindful meditation" because it had many health benefits I was seeking. For starters, it's a stress reliever that helps me still my thoughts by controlling them. The breathing techniques help my respiratory circulation as I release negative energy trying to cling on to my chi during meditation. Over the years, deep meditation has awakened my pineal gland and my memory has improved.
I Stepped Up My Herb Game
I learned the greatest gifts that we have from nature are herbs and mushrooms from traveling through Japan. In any health issue, if nature created the problem, nature has the cure for it. The knowledge humanity has on herbal medicine is endless. I just learned that China & India have been practicing herbal medicine for over 2000 years! Indonesia has some of the most medicinally useful plants in the world. Their islands and rainforest continue to produce curing medicines for most diseases.
I started by having "tea time" in my life twice daily and then trying out tinctures such as moringa & added honey. I've had the pleasure of reading "The Herbal Medicine Maker's Handbook" by James Green. It's a great place to begin for those interested. I don't remember a lot of the mixtures but I sure do remember what most herbs are great for individually.
Herbal supplements such as Ganoderma lucidum (also known as reishi) capsules (preferably the spores) are a great addition to your diet, 30 minutes before each meal. I've been taking reishi for decades now and have my entire family taking it. I buy it as gifts for family and friends on birthdays and weddings. Reishi's nicknames over the centuries include "The Mushroom of Immortality" & "The Miracle Mushroom." Who wouldn't want that in their herb game?
Be Great to Me
These healthy habits continue to help me maximize myself as I learn more ways to change whatever I considered as bad habits. Whatever your lifestyle is currently like, disciplining yourself to be the best you, is the best investment you'll ever make in life. No one going to invest in me, if I'm not willing to invest in myself. I've got to be willing to push myself to exhaustion to improve every day. This applies to business, family matters, friendships and even my marriage. There's nothing more rewarding in life for me than being the best me I can be, for myself, my family & friends, and my community. Hope some of these great habits help you all as much as they have helped me.
Authored by: @stewsak
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My name is Hiro Yamagishi. I am from Nagoya, Japan. This a nice tip you mention on this article. Japanese Water theraphy cures many illness and abnormalities. Depriving our body to thr unneccessary food is great medicine. Please dont banned the Ramen Lol. Btw Great post
Hello Hiro, I've learned so much healthwise on my trips to Japan. I have great friends that live in Toyohashi and I'm amazed at how many 90 plus-year-old seniors are walking to the stores and hanging out in parks. Health-wise, you guys are champions....and please no banning ramen noodles...LOL. Thanks for stopping by and have an awesome weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
I'm with @hiroyamagishi on keeping the ramen. ;) But I also start my day with water and have for many years. And yes, meditation, stretching, and seeing yourself as a wholistic being (mind, body, spirit, emotions) are great keys to happiness and overall health. Wonderful post! 💖
We definitely have to healthily fight to keep the ramen and udon...LOL. Thanks for stopping by and have an incredible weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
When you did this message, you did a good job.
Our habits - make us who we are. That is, it is applicable to the food that we consume. There is a saying - "you are what you eat". Therefore, proper nutrition is one of the main habits for me. Although I do not always adhere to it. My sin :) sometimes I pamper myself.
As one of the most important and useful habits of people, I think right thinking. Correct thinking for different people can have different views. Nevertheless, for "correct thinking" I would single out the fundamental concept. This is the positive thinking, an objective look at the things around us and what is happening around us. We are here only because of our thoughts. You look at the person who is above you and you think that he was lucky. But I think that this luck is only his thinking. Therefore, people with similar thoughts often become friends and they have the same social level (there are exceptions).
I like how you talked about your great habits. This is an excellent example for many of how to become better. You need to program your mind to do useful things. This will help change our life and the world around us.
For example, I want to learn how to meditate. But to do this I need to cope with the flow of thoughts that are potsoyanno in my head.
Thank you! I like it
Hello, I'm from China. I learned a lot of new knowledge in your article. We in China have many effective ways to cure diseases like our Chinese acupuncture. They are just as magical as our martial arts.
I love learning about all the Chinese herbal concoctions and the success rate is amazing. I often travel to Guandong, Macau and Hong Kong and am always amazed at the use of herbal medicine, even commercially and the support of martial arts such as Wu Shu in all 3 places. Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a outstanding weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
Our sins are that we all pamper ourselves...LOL. I'm looking at a chocolate cake or it's looking at me as we type...LOL. I suppose the trick is gaining some good habits to balance out the bad ones. Thanks for joining us and have a great week!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
Apart from good food and water therapy you can also do Ayurveda panchakarma technique and yoga of India to connect mind and soul
The whole Ayurveda medicinal system had been world class for over 5000 years! Amazing stuff...thanks for stopping by and hope you have a superb weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
The key is to remember that every habit has three components: a cue (which is like a trigger for a habit to start), a routine (which is the behavior itself) and a reward (which is why your brain learns to make this into an automatic behavior in the first place.)
Rewards are why our brains take even very complex behaviors and make them occur almost without us thinking about them. But rewards are also really complex and hard to discern. It's unclear, sometimes, what reward is driving a particular pattern.
Take nail biting: oftentimes, the cue for nail biting is anxiety or boredom. And then the routine is biting our nails. So what's the reward? It turns out that, often, it's that sharp, almost so-fast-you-don't-even-notice-it pain that nail biting causes. That pain occurs in the same part of the brain where anxiety or boredom often resides, and the pain sensation overwhelms and crowds out the tension related to anxiety or boredom.
In other words, our brain prefers pain to tension, and so nail biting becomes a habit.
You probably wouldn't have guessed that a pain sensation is the reward that compels a nail biting habit, right?
That's what I mean when I say that rewards are important, but sometimes hard to discern. For more on how to think about this (and how to identify the rewards that are necessary to train your brain to build good and healthy habits.
That's an awesome addition. The rewards and how to identify them so you can build great habits. Would be even great to reverse engineer it a few times to understand how healthy habits can improve your quality of life. Thanks a million for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
I think this publication is loaded with so much positivism that I would love all my friends to read it and try to adapt their lifestyle with some healthy tips.
Upon awakening
I couldn't imagine how important it would be to activate the body through stretching, which allows active blood circulation throughout your body and can even reduce back pain.
The water
Who would have thought that water could help us with diseases like diabetes and some forms of cancer... this is really miraculous.
Eat according to your blood type
This is something I would never have believed and it has so much logic, that we should all go and find the best diet that suits us.
Just to name a few of the many important facts you shared in this article, it would be excellent to publish it in several languages so that so many hours of reading and learning can reach many hearts that may adapt their lives to a healthier and more genuine life, grateful for all this reading, I wish you a happy night.
Please if you get any mistakes it was my translator who didn't help me, my mother tongue is Spanish
We can always help each other get healthier and share "how to stay healthy" secrets. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
It is one of the things I like about steemit, to be able to share a little bit of everything with everyone, at the end of the day you will always have something new to learn, I always tell my mom, what I read and she is very interested in all the information, thanks again.
Great people in life are people who choose, monitor and advance in good habit. Some habit chose us because we were unconscious of how our life unfold daily, and sometimes, this might be the reason why our life isn't working as planned.
Great write up man, full of valuable right habits to have a right life. I admire your writing technique and I have learned a lot from this. I do only only two of these things, but not yet my habit, just occasionally.
I love to take herbal tea and I do more of meditation, I will apply the others you mentioned and see how fast I can build good morning habit.
I'm now one of your followers @stewsak
You're absolutely right about how some habits choose us and how to be aware of the great one. So glad you stopped by and hope you have an amazing weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
we drop to pick up new habits that helps in our journey
So we can ensure it's a great journey :) Hope you have a terrific weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
awesome post man i love it long but good stuff i am sharing this post with my wife specially your diet habbits i need that food and only she can cook amazing food like this thanks for sharing best practices.
It's always great living with great cooks because they can take the ingredients that we all need and make them enjoyable to eat. Great health to you and your family and have an amazing weekend.
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
Thank you for appreciating my comment
Nicely explain and useful information.....
Glad you like it. Thanks for stopping through and have a great weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
hi @adsactly i agree for your statement that water is your fuel in life cause pure water have no chemical that can affect in our body even you drink 1 galoon or over a day.
I've learned that RO purification is a great way to clean water 100% for consumption. Thanks for stopping by my friend and have an incredible weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
thanks a lot my dear friend and your welcome..
i am agree with you because pure water can keep our body healthy .
Absolutely. Sometimes our kids don't understand that sodas and sweet drink dehydrate you even more. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
Everything mentioned here is something that we all should practice each day. I stretch in the morning always to prepare for the day of work. I have for many years. When I get home, I will park my truck and walk to places I wish to go like the store or anywhere else. I love to walk. Helps me keep in pretty good shape and helps me wind down for the evening. Great Post @adsactly and @stewsak. Thanks for sharing.
Walking is awesome. 30 minutes of walking a day gives your immune system a daily super boost.
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
I love walking @stewsak. Gets the blood pumping real good.
Awesome post. I look forward to reading more of your writing!
Awesome to know you enjoyed it and have a superb weekend.
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
The small changes we make, adopting one good habit at a time build is into powerful people that can really make a difference in the life of our loved ones. Thank you fir sharing yiur wonderful habits, I esspecially liked the herbal medicine practice and I'll be sure to read the book you recommended
Absolutely right, the people around us are affected both positively or negatively by everything we do. So it's great if we can keep it positive. Thanks for stopping by and have a terrific weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
This is wonderful,this post covers almost every aspect of being healthy. Very very imformative and eye opener unfolding realities of healthy body,soul and mind.
We need water more than food as water is involved in everything that goes on in our body. Drinking good water(alkaline water) in a right quantity can help cure any kind of disease.
Yes we are what we eat,giving our body the right type of food it desire,maintaining sound state of mind are added advantage to good health. I learnt alot from this post. Thanks alot.
Yes, these days you can even buy RO water units with PH correctors and always keep your water alkaline after cleaning it. Thanks for stopping by and have an incredible weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
Thank you for sharing with us
Thanks a quintillion for stopping by and have an incredible weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
I love it! This is a good and interesting read. It's true health is very important. Good thing I'm drinking lots of water every morning since it's the most important fuel of the body :)
Happy to see that you liked it and have a great weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
I love this post.... If there is one thing I can't be faulted on, it's staying hydrated.
Yeah, dehydration feels the worst. Staying hydrated keeps your body sharp & ready for anything, overall. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend.
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
You too, mate. Cheers
Very nice posts
Thanks a quadrillion for stopping by and have an outstanding weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
Our bodies are bundles of electromagnetic activities and up to 60% water and that's one core reason why I believe it's the most important fuel to us as we wake.
Important line...Thank you for share
Glad to see you like the post and thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful weekend.
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
This platform will draw more photographers. Only if they are able to keep their status high . Nice Innovation
I hope to see it attract recording artists and filmmakers as well :) Great platform with an awesome community. Thanks for stopping by and have a superb weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
changing in habbits in positive manner has a great positive reponce in life .specially in health and if u r healthy u can face every trouble.which make a life perfact,
Absolutely true. When you are healthy and optimized, you can face any obstacle and come out on top. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
me guata tus pos, muy real te felicito y que tengas éxito
Muchos gracias y lo mismo a ti.
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
we can enjoy our life better with a healthy life style.almost all good tips you are telling here ,you searched and applied.Diet according to blood type is new for me ,thank you for sharing here i will read and search about it more,i am from O blood group, likes vegetables and taking daily .Meditate and water therapy should follow for health
I found that just small adjustments (I'm type A) I feel more energized. Thanks a million for stopping by and have an incredible week!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
you are always welcome
I have to strive to be more like you
I'm trying to add earthing or grounding to my routine and hope you all join me :) So awesome of you to stop by and have an outstanding week!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
As spring arrives, it is posts like this that motivate me to get myself back into a more healthy mindset. The winter duldrums have me down for too long.
Stretching is something that I need to definitely do more of in the morning along with drinking more water.
As we age, yeah, stretching is one of those things. I'm trying to add some neck stretches and exercises I saw Lyota Machida do. All the parts they say may rust with age. LOL. Thanks a million for stopping by and have a fabulous weekend!
nice post...!!!
Thanks a billion for stopping by and have a great week!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
Very good post....
Thanks a trillion for stopping by and have an outstanding weekend!
"A toast of tomato juice to our great health..."
Sincerely @adsactly & @stewsak
Yes.... Welcome.... Good luck forever to you... Please vote me too
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Good points. Water is underestimated, yet makes a lot of difference in mind and body.