ADSactly Perspectives - Where Have the Indigo Children Gone?

in #adsactly6 years ago

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Who or what are the Indigo Children? That's a fair question depending on what continent you live on. Ever since parapsychologist Nancy Ann Tappe invented the term "Indigo Children," the group that it refers to have been represented unfairly. Nancy Ann Tappe was referring to a growing group of children either being born or kids alive whose aura radiated with the color indigo under aura photography. The indigo aura could have possibly meant that an overwhelming amount of power naturally came from what Hinduism refers to as the third eye chakra.

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Nancy Ann Tappe is also a physic and when she created this term "Indigo Children," it was for a large group of children being born on the Earth grid in a very short amount of time. The indigo color aura represented that this specific group of children born from the 1970's to the 1980's could possibly have full use of what ancient cultures referred to as third eye also known as the pineal gland.

Our Interest in the Aura

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My business partner and licensed psychotherapist Jamali sent me an older video from Vice Media a few weeks ago about Indigo Children that rekindled my interest in the subject. It was called "Inside the Strange, Psychic World of Indigo Children." I remember my feelings on the subject when CNN did a special on it and the media piece came out like the news media giant was picking on children. On "Anderson Cooper 360: Indigo Children" over 8 years ago, many debated the guests were too young to be in the class "Indigo Children" and were rather a younger or later class of gifted children.

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The Vice Media piece that was broadcasted in 2016 had a theme of finding people who proclaimed themselves to be Indigo Children based on findings on the internet.

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The overall tone of the video was mentally mocking the guests they interviewed with the VICE host Galvin Haynes. Interestingly enough, both episodes on both networks had aura photographers and both hosts' auras came out red/orange. The orange color aura represents the root chakra which is almost exact opposites of the third eye chakra.

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The root chakra is a powerful and wonderful chakra if controlled correctly but it's also the chakra that some say the systems enslave us with. That means that both CNN and Vice Media sent the least qualified host to do the job.

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That's equivalent to sending badminton players from Thailand to do an NFL American football special. Why would they do that? Why would these 2 media giants go that much out of their way to debunk a mystical theory on there being "beings here to assist in the evolution of mankind." They didn't even mention the part about the third eye chakra but more about kids thinking they're psychics.

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The more the media gets there hands on it, the more the knowledge gets confused and now the original concept of "Indigo Children" is lost in Hollywood entertainment. The original concept was that there were a large group of children born between 1970's to 1980's that exhibited an overwhelming amount of power from the third eye chakra and would have full use of them by now.

Putting Together the Pieces

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My lifetime friend, co-founder and business partner at both Jamori Entertainment Group & Jamori International has spent years witnessing the impossible in the darkest places known to man. She is still a licensed psychotherapist who works with the Los Angeles County.

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She spends half the week down on skid row counseling the hopeless and counseling the mentally unstable incarcerated prisoners of the state.

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Jamali's a multi-platinum recording artist and is there by choice because of a deeper calling to help the hopeless eradicate the shadows that haunt them. On our journey together we've been mentored by some of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century to come to our findings on the subject Hollywood entertainment calls "Indigo Children."

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Today there are numerous websites on "Indigo Children" traits and personalities that have made many parents ignore the advice about their own children by professionals. Over the years I've seen these websites go from core concept to more of fantasy write-ups using prior information. Some parents whose children were diagnosed with ADD or autism suddenly claimed their children to be an "Indigo Child" without having any facts or knowledge on the subject. Which in turn probably hurt these children even more. If a child is diagnosed with ADD, then in most cases healing options may be a whole lot of love, extracurricular activities like martial arts, youth meditative training and strict control on smart devices.

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One trait that seems to be in some ancient Asian folklores that is similar to the core concept is that these individuals have a problem with rage. This was quite interesting to me when I came across these teachings. An "Indigo Child" is supposed to have full use if their third eye chakra to have access to the astral planes and spirit worlds. They do battle and eradicate the evils that dwell between the realms that are merged with our existence so some believe that's why these spirits contain so much rage. They are said to be the warriors and assassins of the light here to give the spirits contracted to the Earth grid a chance to carry out their promises to their loved ones, uninterrupted by the shadows.

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On many levels, this is easier stated than done and this would explain why they have so much rage in them. They are supposed to be the strongest and the fiercest souls destined to fight with the cruelest demons for others even without getting credit for the victories. These aren't battles between countries for resources and gold but rather battles with demons in the astral realms for the souls of the people around them on the Earth grid.

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They aren't only blond haired with blue eyes like on most websites but rather spread out across the world among the races. By the count of many monks, the number is just a bit below 145,000 warriors were born under the Western World term "Indigo Children." For the warriors of the light, the full use of their third eye chakra would allow them to astral project at will at some point in their lives. This ability would teach them that the physical body is only a vehicle and their truth factor would help them seek out the dark spirits they must eradicate. They have been here protecting us all from the evils we don't see so we can proceed in doing great deeds in our lives.

You May Know a Warrior

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It does strike me as odd that the Hollywood entertainment would focus on the term "Indigo Children" and that area of their life cycle. That era started over 45 years ago and the western world is still speaking about Indigo Children. The most important part of life for a 3rd eye warrior of the light is the point when they are able to battle the dark forces in the astral realm.

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The "Indigo Children" would have been doing battle with these dark forces as adults for years now and we will never know who they are. They can only speak about these battles to their closest friends and allies or on holy land with their spiritual mentors. For a 3rd eye assassin of the light, this is their greatest life secret and will never announce it to the world. Announcing it to the world would be like putting a tracking GPS beacon on their physical bodies for the dark forces to find and destroy.

We've gone far beyond the core concept into the maturity of "Indigo Children." They are now the warriors and assassins of the light with the full use of their pineal gland moving among the astral planes and Earth grid. They may continue to do battle with lower beings until humanity wakes from its slumber to save Mother Nature and themselves. The "Indigo Children" never left us. They are now the warriors of the light who secretly protect us all from the dark forces beyond our own limitations.

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What if indigo children never excelled in the maths a science of schools. But spiritually and through God could see and do things. She’s been a target her whole life. Someone is constantly chasing her and ruing her life. We’re at a loss for how to take care of things now that she’s an adult. Yes it’s generational.

Thank God i came here. Indigo children as the subject kept my mouth open and my eyes glued to read through. I never knew about this children and there existence. I'll go ask my dad and tell him about the indigo children.

I'm super happy you enjoyed the post. By my count, all the ones labeled "Indigo Children" are all adults and well into their purpose. The younger ones are much more loving beings that may have the abilities to control more powers within the chakras, affecting the chi around us positively. Hopefully :) Thanks for coming by and hope you have a great rest of the week.

"May happiness find you daily..."
Wishing you the best, @stewsak

Hello, I am an Indigo child and yes my aura is bleu! If you want to know where I am? I escaped modern life together with my children and husband and live in the Hongarian Puszta.... The Dessert of Europe! I live a life in fight with all what is regular... We fight against so much that we almost lost everyting.... And every year we experience the same routine of losing more again and again. And yes my spiritual guides call me an in between worlds child... I could tell you soooooo much but I never talked because mostly nowbody is intrested enough to listen! So hello :-) I am one of your lost Indigo children!!! I am almost 40 years now and have an amazing Indigo husband and a bunch of intresting spiritual radical unschooled kids follow us on and you can find us also on, nice to meet you!

I believe that people just don't know that they are....well...etc. It always brings me back to that speech Morpheus gives about the matrix in the film. How not only do they not know, but do everything to protect the systems that enslave them. It's probably hard to explain to people that in a dream, you can't control your emotions and hardly remember any.....But a jump (projection), wow.... that becomes part of your you... as a warrior of the light, spend more time with your conscious than those around you. I would love to one day hear about all the powers you and your husband have acquired during your time on the planes (astral). It's been a pleasure meeting you and hope we keep in touch. Have an outstanding rest of the week.

"May happiness find you daily..."
Wishing you the best, @stewsak

Thank you ;-)

This is honestly the first time I’ve heard of this therm “indigo children”. If I understand well, you are already born with spiritual advantage over us, regular people. You may even take a test whether you are qualified or not. If I’m correct, they naturally value love and true, and on the other hand they may have violent reactions when they feel presence of falseness or disrespect. It’s just clear and obvious to them, which makes them not to hesitate from any action.

The most important part of life for a 3rd eye warrior of the light is the point when they are able to battle the dark forces in the astral realm.

Especially when they can recognize the dark forces.

They are now the warriors of the light who secretly protect us all from the dark forces beyond our own limitations.

They may, but many people including me believe God and prayers protect you against dark forces. Indigo children just see things much clearer than most of us do IMO. At the end it must be very interesting to get to know one of them. Perhaps they would assure me about my investment in crypto 😆.
Great and very interesting article @stewsak!

I only had so many words to explain a complex subject, LOL. The 144k light warriors are in most cases protectors yes but more like ones trying to even the score, sort to speak. The people have to actually finish their personal contracts or agreements themselves and if they fail may have to do it over again etc. Hey, who am I to judge, LOL? Thanks for stopping by and have a magnificent week.

"May happiness find you daily..."
Wishing you the best, @stewsak

It's an excellent job you've done, @stewsak. Iremember hearing about Indigo Kids at one point, but I also thought there was a lot of manipulation and publicity by the media. I remember many mothers pretending that their children were indigo just because. The explanation you have given me today makes it clearer what is the meaning and earthly reason for the existence of this type of people: to fight with dark spirits that may be stalking our environment or someone else. I think you have awakened my curiosity to know more about this subject. Thank you for inspiring me to know more! Greetings

My spiritual journey started with one of my greatest mentors, the late great Luang Phor Koon and I'm the grateful one who gets to share what I've learned. Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a lovely week.

"May happiness find you daily..."
Wishing you the best, @stewsak

Thats really interesting. I heard about them before, but didnt understand what it was about. Now it is clear and will follow this topic in the next days. The star children are also interesting, you might check them out. They are children who are guided by Aliens and talk about life and technology in other planet. And there are many people like them on the planet already.

Star children ??? @hanen thats sounds very interesting . children whobare guided by aliens...pretty amazing stuff

Posted using Partiko Android

Great groups of people have existed through the ages so I agree that many folklores around the would are super interesting. Hope you have a terrific week.

"May happiness find you daily..."
Wishing you the best, @stewsak

It is a very awesome journey for everyone in finding out what the Earth grid really is. I totally agree that, whatever groups of people are labeled, ones with great power tend to sway the battle between the yin and the yang. What's confusing for me on this subject is why does the word "Alien" has "a lie" in it and why does planet have "plan et" in it. If we put them together they say " a lie n plan et. Yikes! Just a brain teaser for fun and hope you have a great week.

"May happiness find you daily..."
Wishing you the best, @stewsak

i find the term "indigo children" to be such an abstraction, just like the term " third eye " ... to which an oversimplification might be ; " those with a spontaneous ( almost biological ) tendency to gain a bigger picture faster than others " ...and i feel an aura can turn indigo in the middle of one's life journey as well ... but only with the logic that the inherent tendencies were nurtured to be curbed and can "come out of the closet" at any point of life... Also , keeping with the generalisation that i have seen so far in life ; all shades of the spectrum exist... which also means that ones that change shades also exist !

Yes I totally agree that one's aura can change throughout life with proper training and guidance etc. What we were referring to was about a group that came here with their pineal gland in full use, or so how the story goes. Then we tried to exclude the Hollywood fantasy stuff, which would then lead to what you referred to as other shades. They would be different power sources fueling different abilities and if one could control them all, in The Belief, they would then be the true believer. Before being able to control the crown but if you were able to reach this level, you would be able to save millions of lives with just one thought. The True Believer. Thanks for coming by and hope you have a superb week.

"May happiness find you daily..."
Wishing you the best, @stewsak

Thank you for shedding light on an interesting subject

Glad you enjoyed the post and have a great week.

"May happiness find you daily..."
Wishing you the best, @stewsak

Too much hype kills the children

Posted using Partiko Android

Especially if the hype is over 45 years ago, LOL. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week.

"May happiness find you daily..."
Wishing you the best, @stewsak

Peace be with you too

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh may God, it's a stunning post. I am charmed. I will visit your blog regularly. I have upvoted you and followed.

So happy to see you enjoyed the post. Thanks for coming by and have magnificent week.

"May happiness find you daily..."
Wishing you the best, @stewsak

What shall I say?, we're pencil in the hands of our creator!!.

Everything is a learning curve and I hope we all pass each test :) Have a superb week.

"May happiness find you daily..."
Wishing you the best, @stewsak

It's rare to find a post about a topic I have precisely zero prior knowledge on that I find truly interesting.
Very nice read. I may need to do more research on this on my own, I've never heard about of any of this.

Happy to see you enjoyed the post and have an outstanding week.

"May happiness find you daily..."
Wishing you the best, @stewsak

I tend to stay away from anything that may be turned into buzz word, and this is one that has in certain communities. There are also certain concepts may be interpreted very differently depending on the individual, kind of like near death experiences are all very different from person to person depending on that persons beliefs but there are also many constants that manifest in different ways. Essentially, we all have our own realities.

I've met some of the people you describe. It's all really interesting to listen to. I am staying out of the idea of a "Battle" though because in the end, all is love.