Damn, you actually got quite lucky there! 14 years ago, I've torn my "Posterior Cruciate Ligament" in my left knee, in a similar accident on the Football-Field. It took me 3 years, 2 operations, and a weight gain of around 25 kg before I returned back to the Football-Field. So you have to stay safe Marly! ;-)
I wish you a good recovery, and a soon return to the waters!
Oh damn, that sounds quite heavy! Literally heavy...
I'm not planning on following your example and really hope to recover veeeery soon :-)
Thanks for your wishes!
I was heavy back then, incredibly fat. I ate like I was used to, because I trained like 4 times a week, and at least one game... Then suddenly, I was deprived of any sport or fysical activity whatsoever...
I blew up like a balloon, it was nuts... Luckily, I have lost most of them now... ;-)