I agree with some other comments about the fact that iIt is a bit they used the 'get-rich-and-get-it-quickly' message... That's definitely the wrong message to use to promote Steemit (in particular today).
Let's however hope for retaining a fraction of the potential new users that could be attracted. :)
A few months ago when $1000+ payouts were still commonplace this would have had a lot more validity eh? Sort of silly to get folks in just as we prepare to open the floodgates for hardfork 16's"dumpening".
Of course note. It is the bad message anyhow, at least in the context of the longevity of Steemit.
Concerning the about-to-come hard fork, I am expecting three months of prices continuing to go down (as said in another post). Those who want to run away will, and only then we will be able to restart on a fresh basis.
Personally going to be waiting till there is blood on the streets and a roadmap has been laid out by the higher ups before I start buying up STEEM. :)
It may very well get nasty for a bit here.. Depending on where whales attempt to hold the price (or just let it drop) will have a huge effect on how much cheap weak hand Steem we can soak up.. :)