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RE: Hive hoodie

in #aer5 years ago

Hopefully as the wintertime comes around I will get more time to play with Blender. The summer is a time when I really don't get much time on the computer and also having no child care available means most of my baking time is spent in the kitchen.
I'm in no hurry so will probably wait till you have chartered the waters.;)


Not sure why you’d want to spend those glorious summer days in front of a computer anyway 😜 (I say even though that’s exactly what I do for the most part 😅)

Baking in the kitchen is the best kind if baking 😆 (unless you’re a fire hazard like me I try not to spend longer than it takes to get food or make coffee in kitchens in case something spontaneously combusts 😝)

I just realised I need to bake the normals for the character I’m working on now so it will be sooner than expected, I’m a bit of a derp 🤣

My time in front of the computer is usually restricted to when I get my son to sleep and can do an hour or so before I spend some quality time with my wife.
I am not the best in the kitchen either. Although lately, I have had to diversify my repertoire from just omelettes.

I don't think it gets any better as they get older, just teenagers need you for different reasons XD