Quickie because sculpt fixing is taking forever and I felt like doing something else for a little while.
As I said in the last progblog, I had been intending on sketching Zara in a hive hoodie as I've drawn her in a steem hoodie previously, and then decided I should use her model instead. Some fixing was required and that had to be done anyway so it got done, and then I made the hoodie together out of a cube.

Youngest had seen the hoodie in the initial cube state (I'd done some loop cuts and positioned it around the chest area) and commented that it looked like a Minecraft shirt. Then he walked away for an appreciable period and I was up to this when he came back and after ascertaining that it was still the same cube, he then declared I was a witch or a magician or something to that effect.
Next step was finally testing out bpainter which I bought not too long ago.

I just dove in with minimal knowledge (haven't read the documentation, just have some idea what it can do because I watched a few videos about it and Layer Painter when I was trying to work out which one would be better for me) and decided the only thing I don't really like about the hive logo is that I struggle with straight lines which is why all my old drawings with city backgrounds had deliberately wonkered lines if I couldn't be bothered doing the perspective lines which was almost always. Figured out how to paint relatively quickly and as I'm relatively comfortable with the node editor and really just wanted to be able to paint I was pretty happy with how quick it was to pick up.
From the videos I watched it can do a hell of a lot more complex and interesting things which I will probably figure out down the line.
I did also quickie test out some of the tools from the retopo addon on the existing mesh (mostly spacing and relaxing vertices) and am so far happy with that too. Have yet to put it through its paces which I'll do when I'm redoing Red. My only minor annoyance is that I can't seem to get it to work with an existing mesh. It may do, I ended up not fixing Zara's hip area because I was too worried about messing up the existing uv maps too much.
Pretty happy as currently it looks like I'll be able to do everything in Blender, and the only thing left to figure out now is baking which I guess I won't be able to avoid for too much longer. On the bright side the only things I really need to bake now are the family tattoos from one model to another and I hope Blender is able to do that x_x

This post also appears on my blog.
I can't freehand straight line things x_x
Also I hand drew the ribby things because I'm too dumb to figure out how to do it with procedurals.
I wanted to make a red hoodie with black accents but apparently it had to be like this.
Want a crowd character? If you interact frequently with me here (either on my posts or your posts or better yet both!) or on one of the linked Discord channels, all you have to do is let me know and tell me what you'd like :) Everything you need to know is (probably) here and if it isn't just ask (sorry the link goes offsite to my blog where the layout is how I want rather than the one here which is only here because the original one was).
Thanks for looking! ^_^
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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:
I'm happy you are learning so much about Blender and that you are going to learn how to bake textures. Please when you have worked it out let me know. I do some photogrammetry and want to simplify mesh and then bake texture onto it. I get so frustrated trying to understand the process.
I like the hoddy, now you just need a 3d printer and you can start your own fashion line.
Have you done the retopo/mesh simplification already? I can help with that one now if you need help as I know how to do that (to some value of know, I'm still not brilliant at it XD).
We could probably get a 3d printer now maybe. J wanted one previously but there were too many moving parts that youngest could injure himself on/break XD
I'm not good at fashion x_x I can't even coordinate outfits, I feel sorry for my characters that are supposed to be well dressed XD
Glad you like the hoodie, that one was easy as my daughter and I practically live in them in winter :D
I have been able to use a free tool to retopo. I am not looking to get it perfect, just reduce the polygon count and make the geometry a bit cleaner but it is baking across the textures that I have trouble with. I'm sure it is simple but I have;t been able to find a good walkthrough.
I would love a 3d printer but no space for it at the moment. I can actually draw most thing I need with my 3D pen.
It hasn’t been simple in previous versions (or at least I haven’t found it so, been the opposite) hence my staunch avoidance 🤣
I don’t know when I’ll get around to it as I’m still messing around with the same two characters. I haven’t looked at my build list for a while but think the next one I have to bake the dragon and phoenix tattoos on is like 5th or 6th maybe 😵
Hopefully you’ll figure it out before me, either that or aren’t in too much if a hurry 😅
Hopefully as the wintertime comes around I will get more time to play with Blender. The summer is a time when I really don't get much time on the computer and also having no child care available means most of my baking time is spent in the kitchen.
I'm in no hurry so will probably wait till you have chartered the waters.;)
Not sure why you’d want to spend those glorious summer days in front of a computer anyway 😜 (I say even though that’s exactly what I do for the most part 😅)
Baking in the kitchen is the best kind if baking 😆 (unless you’re a fire hazard like me I try not to spend longer than it takes to get food or make coffee in kitchens in case something spontaneously combusts 😝)
I just realised I need to bake the normals for the character I’m working on now so it will be sooner than expected, I’m a bit of a derp 🤣
My time in front of the computer is usually restricted to when I get my son to sleep and can do an hour or so before I spend some quality time with my wife.
I am not the best in the kitchen either. Although lately, I have had to diversify my repertoire from just omelettes.
tokens.Wow it's really amazing creativity. you are great maker. I really need this Hive hoodie.
Thanks ^_^ Haha I need it too XD
"He then declared I was a witch or a magician or something to that effect" Ahahaha I mean being able to make something like this is pretty magical
The hoodie looks nice~
It always looks like magic if you find it hard or don't know how to do it ;D like I find drawing from scratch pretty magical because I suck at it XD
Thanks ^_^
I love hoodies!! :D This one looks so cozy
Yeahh switching between various projects certainly helps with getting a fresh perspective. Some projects can't be rushed no matter how much we want to xD
I want one xD and I'm thinking of also doing the original version I wanted to make (red with black accents) but that might be a mission for another time.
Switching is how I get a lot of things done XD though it sometimes annoys J as if chores are one of the things I'm switching I don't always finish them x_x
I've been told it's a bad habit and I simply must finish what I started before starting on anything else but that has ended badly 100% of the time ;D
I know the feeling 😂😂😂
Yeahh I've also heard finish what you started constantly, but no matter how much I force something, if I can't do it then it won't happen D: At this point I'm starting to accept to let go of projects I'm tired of (not all but a few :) )
I don't see the point in finishing things for the sake of finishing it if you aren't into it anymore, it's literally a waste of time and effort you could spend doing other things XD
I get where people are coming from as a habit building thing or whatever but finishing what you started regardless of how you feel about it only works for a small number of things XD
Now I try to "wrap things up" and call it done xD Even though it's not what I initially planned haha. I just pretend it's finished :P
It's done if you decide it's done right 😜
It's fun to see a sketch from you @ryivhnn since you do SO much work on your model building tech stuff that just goes completely over my head, lol.
Hopefully it won't be long till there will be more pretty pictures and tech stuff associated with making them and less building related stuff 😄
You got this, @ryivhnn but I can see it is a LOT of build up work.
It is and there is still so much build up work to do, but I'm feeling like I'm moving again which helps a lot, feeling stuck sucks XD
Oh man this is really cool, you know I had a sweater just like that one... I miss it! RIP Mr. Warm =(
You had a hive hoodie?! :O What happened to it?
Thanks XD and also had to laugh at that gif, that's pretty much how I feel in winter XD
I am very to see you creativity. Great 3d work.
Thanks :)