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RE: Hive hoodie

in #aer5 years ago

I love hoodies!! :D This one looks so cozy

I felt like doing something else for a little while.

Yeahh switching between various projects certainly helps with getting a fresh perspective. Some projects can't be rushed no matter how much we want to xD


I want one xD and I'm thinking of also doing the original version I wanted to make (red with black accents) but that might be a mission for another time.

Switching is how I get a lot of things done XD though it sometimes annoys J as if chores are one of the things I'm switching I don't always finish them x_x

I've been told it's a bad habit and I simply must finish what I started before starting on anything else but that has ended badly 100% of the time ;D

Switching is how I get a lot of things done XD though it sometimes annoys J as if chores are one of the things I'm switching I don't always finish them x_x

I know the feeling 😂😂😂

Yeahh I've also heard finish what you started constantly, but no matter how much I force something, if I can't do it then it won't happen D: At this point I'm starting to accept to let go of projects I'm tired of (not all but a few :) )

I don't see the point in finishing things for the sake of finishing it if you aren't into it anymore, it's literally a waste of time and effort you could spend doing other things XD

I get where people are coming from as a habit building thing or whatever but finishing what you started regardless of how you feel about it only works for a small number of things XD

Now I try to "wrap things up" and call it done xD Even though it's not what I initially planned haha. I just pretend it's finished :P

It's done if you decide it's done right 😜