May ProgBlog #4: another week another noprogblog

in #aer4 years ago

I managed to take care of the thing I needed to take care of. Dealt with most of the brain post-processing yesterday but it feels like there's still some subconscious resisual doing stuff so it's probably going to occupy brain space for a little while more. But at least it's not weighing down everything. The progblog ended up being late again mostly because of that (could not concentrate enough even when I didn't have to deal directly with the external problems) and I figured I could get an appreciable amount done on the Sunday (today) which I'd dedicated as an art day to recover.

I feel like I should have been able to at least make a connection to hive to be able to pull posts for the front end I'm trying to make but I'm too dumb for the more hardcore coding -_- there's reasons I tried to stick to very front end dev. I ended up spending way too long reading and trying to figure out ways to nut things out and by the time I switched back to art this was about as far as I got on the character before switching to the building.

Then as far as Acaedia got all week was getting a couple of holes punched into the walls (I'm sure it's structurally sound x_x) as the lower parts of the walls where the accesses were meant to be cut out didn't quite line up with the landings, and then I made a nice round balcony to match shapes and now I need to figure out how to cobble this mess together.

It's starting to kind of look cool from the right angles?

Today was mostly dedicated to art (with some other stuff like failing to keep up with hive and Duolingo interspersed but I haven't even really done more than keep my streak going). I managed to get the reeeeeeetopo done finally. Normally at night I would switch from working on characters to working on sets and props (the current project being Acaedia) but as I'm close to done I figured I may as well push along. As usual got stuck into detailing making sure the finger and toenails look acceptable enough to be used as a base model, then duplicated out to do a rig test before exporting the retopo mesh (with all the modifiers that Retopoflow adds because it's much easier that way) into its own file for later use.

And while I was there I decided to make the new Zara mesh more Zara by making the already large eyes even larger because she is part Wraith and as she says to Zul'jinn in one ep:

You know Wraith eyes are big and freaky right.

I made the eyeballs visible again and turned on the material preview so I could reposition the eyeballs into the now much larger eye socket and enlarge them if I needed to and well I didn't need to sleep tonight anyway.

I remember fixing those eyes already but apparently not in this particular file.

I spent a lot of time doing a lot of tiny little fixes on the mesh and then Blender crashed and I had to redo most of it. So looks like the rig test and all the rest of it will be a tomorrow job.

This post also appears on my blog.

Want a crowd character? If you interact frequently with me here (either on my posts or your posts or better yet both!) or on one of the linked Discord channels, all you have to do is let me know and tell me what you'd like :) Everything you need to know is (probably) here and if it isn't just ask (sorry the link goes offsite to my blog where the layout is how I want rather than the one here which is only here because the original one was).

Thanks for looking! ^_^

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How's long is your Duolingo streak? It gets really addictive keeping it going

131 days XD (only because there was a leftover practice exercise in a saved state from last night that I figured I may as well finish as I was pretty close to the end before I could find out)

I had a longer one last year (was approaching 200 or maybe had just gotten over 200) and something glitched out somewhere (I missed a day as I think I was on Christmas Island at the time so there was a bit of stuff going on) and it didn't use one of my two available streak freezes so I ragequit it for a bit before trying again.

What languages are you doing :D

I am doing Finnish!! I am on 120 days roundabouts. Got hooked when watching some Scandinavian crime drama and really liked the sound of the language. I quite like it compared to others, Inow get the fear when I think I am going to miss a day!

I rage quit before when I lost my massive 200'er and then funeral shit and was fuming, lol. As if it was their fault or something, oh dear!

Oh nice! I might have to look something up, I can't remember if I've heard Finnish spoken. Is Finland where @tarazkp is at? Maybe you can practise together XD

Oof that's a big one to lose if you weren't ready to drop it yet x_x and then with everything else on top of it DX but you're over halfway there again :D

It is where he is at. In fact I managed to get a sweary work out of Galen so he must have passed some on. lol!

It was, I was like a kid kicking a stone for a whole day I think!

Swear words and food words are the most important ones to learn right ;D

and maybe at some point how to ask where the bathroom is and that you don't speak whatever language you're learning is and can they speak something you do know XD

Haha, I think the bathroom is always a necessity. So you can say least say that word and hop up and down with your legs crossed!!

Ohh! You're building a Hive reader as well! That was what you meant before. What stack are you using?

I'm tinkering around with a mobile-only approach, but maybe we can collab on the backend.

I'm attempting a front end for OCA. But starting with a reader (I figured that once I had the connection part sorted everything else would come eventually but...). Using vuejs because why not learn something completely new to go with the completely new thing x_x but on the bright side theming (which I'm half-decent at) is really, really easy. And if I need an intermediary database (which if @jrej's experiences with @inkito are anything to go by is a possibility) I'll...figure it out much later x_x

Mobile only as in an app without even an accompanying webapp?

LoL "collab" on the backend will probably consist of you going "oh this is really easy" and me going "..." xP

VueJS... Why did it have to be VueJS? 😔

I haven't been able to carve up a regular pocket of dedicate time for it, but yeah, mobile-only. So, I'm planning to create a serverless backend to interface to, which you could theoretically use on your end, if we line up our features right haha!

Because I was vaguely interested in seeing what all the fuss with jamstack was about and vuejs was mentioned in the hive dev docs so I was like sure why not.

I don't know how much difference any of them would have made to me in the end, I hate js x_x

Glad to see some other Hive interfaces in the works. @ryivhnn, @jedau Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions .

On my end, I used React and Mobx for the first iteration of Inkito. I had no database and a node back end only for the IPFS uploads at first. Here's the source code if that can help

On my new iteration, things get a little more complex with a MongoDB database and a more complex node back end. I'm still at the comic reader redesign. But will soon move on to the home page. ;-)

I had the chance to use Nuxt.js at work which is a variation of Vue. The way it is structure is easy to understand and there is a lot of helpful documentation so I'm sure you'll do fine with it. All JavaScript frameworks are pretty much the same anyway...

Hope to read more about your project. @jedau my only experience with mobile apps is with React native last year and progressive web apps...

I wish mine worked! XD I still can't make a connection ;-; I did actually scour your sourcecode trying to figure just that one out but I'm too dumb ^_^;

No worries, I spent a lot of time on it to understand.

Some of the code is in the back end, so you might be missing parts of it in my source code. I made the back end source code public if you want to check it out. I might close it later tough. It is a little better structured so you should understand better. Might interest you as well @jedau

Basically I followed the hive documentation, here:

And the hivesigner api for login, vote, follow etc...

When you are say making a connection, are you at the initial config or trying to get information from Hive? Is it the Vue structure your troubled with? Maybe I can show a smaller example to help you out...

Nice! Will definitely use your repo as a reference. How did the IPFS strategy work out for you? And, why the move to a NoSQL architecture? Just to scale up?

React Native was my entry to mobile (coming from a React background), but I've been planning on using Dart and Flutter for the project I had in mind.

For IPFS, I took a pinning service called Pinata. It has an easy set up, accept crypto payment, and they make sure your images remain available. I like the fact that if I grow I can run a server to pin my own content. I had little traffic so I haven't used the service much to be honest.

As for the database, it is to help improve the home page loading performance. I display content with a cover which is in the first blog post of a series. Instead of digging for it in the blockchain I 'd rather save a few key information in a json object and pull it out quickly. I still have to work on image optimization but loading speed has improved since last year.

I have a few other things that will need a database but I use it more as a cache than a proper data storage.

Unfortunately, JS is the quickest entry 😣 During my time away, I did wade through Dart a bit and have since fallen in love with the language. Maybe you can give that one a go, mate-rhorn.

Ahh I remember a time when I would have at least had a look because it sounds interesting XD

Now I am still managing to not have enough time to do all the things I want despite having cut down x_x

I hope I'm not supposed to understand any of this...Because I do not.

There will be a quiz on Friday ;D

Umm let's see if I can translate.

There's been some stuff going on which I haven't gone into detail about because it involves other people, it's very convoluted and at times downright ridiculous, and has been wreaking havoc on my brain and probably affecting my mental health but I am nothing if not unreasonably stubborn. This has really slowed my project progress down and I'm annoyed about it. I think I've dealt with it as much as I can and am stepping away.

As a result it took longer to redo some work on the character which annoyed me but it's done now.

And in solving some problems with the building I created other ones, which is par for the course in everything I do XD

Ah yes I see, and can relate despite the circumstances. The wreaking havoc thing is something most of us will experience, probably more than once in life. (I'd say also the mental health thing also.) One step at a time tends to be the way to move forward though. Seems you've got the hang of it.

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