Because I was vaguely interested in seeing what all the fuss with jamstack was about and vuejs was mentioned in the hive dev docs so I was like sure why not.
I don't know how much difference any of them would have made to me in the end, I hate js x_x
Glad to see some other Hive interfaces in the works. @ryivhnn, @jedau Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions .
On my end, I used React and Mobx for the first iteration of Inkito. I had no database and a node back end only for the IPFS uploads at first. Here's the source code if that can help
On my new iteration, things get a little more complex with a MongoDB database and a more complex node back end. I'm still at the comic reader redesign. But will soon move on to the home page. ;-)
I had the chance to use Nuxt.js at work which is a variation of Vue. The way it is structure is easy to understand and there is a lot of helpful documentation so I'm sure you'll do fine with it. All JavaScript frameworks are pretty much the same anyway...
Hope to read more about your project. @jedau my only experience with mobile apps is with React native last year and progressive web apps...
I wish mine worked! XD I still can't make a connection ;-; I did actually scour your sourcecode trying to figure just that one out but I'm too dumb ^_^;
No worries, I spent a lot of time on it to understand.
Some of the code is in the back end, so you might be missing parts of it in my source code. I made the back end source code public if you want to check it out. I might close it later tough. It is a little better structured so you should understand better. Might interest you as well @jedau
Basically I followed the hive documentation, here:
And the hivesigner api for login, vote, follow etc...
When you are say making a connection, are you at the initial config or trying to get information from Hive? Is it the Vue structure your troubled with? Maybe I can show a smaller example to help you out...
I'll have a scrub through if it's up long enough next time I get a work period (with the way I structured stuff coding only gets a work period once a week which is the other reason why it's taking so long to get anywhere ^_^;).
I was following the hive documentation but I can't even get posts to list. Initially tried rewriting the example to fit how I wanted the vue structure (because I absolutely loathe code spitting out more code like that) but in the end couldn't even get a straight up copy/paste to work ^_^; I would have to go back and look again for the exact error message, my current interpretation is that I'm missing something because something or other is not being done with the client object.
Nice! Thanks for sharing. Pinata looks like a cool service as well.
Nice! Will definitely use your repo as a reference. How did the IPFS strategy work out for you? And, why the move to a NoSQL architecture? Just to scale up?
React Native was my entry to mobile (coming from a React background), but I've been planning on using Dart and Flutter for the project I had in mind.
For IPFS, I took a pinning service called Pinata. It has an easy set up, accept crypto payment, and they make sure your images remain available. I like the fact that if I grow I can run a server to pin my own content. I had little traffic so I haven't used the service much to be honest.
As for the database, it is to help improve the home page loading performance. I display content with a cover which is in the first blog post of a series. Instead of digging for it in the blockchain I 'd rather save a few key information in a json object and pull it out quickly. I still have to work on image optimization but loading speed has improved since last year.
I have a few other things that will need a database but I use it more as a cache than a proper data storage.
Unfortunately, JS is the quickest entry 😣 During my time away, I did wade through Dart a bit and have since fallen in love with the language. Maybe you can give that one a go, mate-rhorn.
Ahh I remember a time when I would have at least had a look because it sounds interesting XD
Now I am still managing to not have enough time to do all the things I want despite having cut down x_x