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RE: August ProgBlog #1: the fun part

in #aer6 months ago


I hate comps, I'm very non-competitive x_x but I have to pretend it's a lot of fun and we're just showing off so that the competitive kids are happy to do them because it's a competition and the non-competitive kids are happy to do them just for funsies

I am doing better but I should also kind of want to see if the chest infections are actually making my lungs worse or if it's a temporary thing that happens after each one and it is actually healing up okay afterwards, as while it feels wrong even after the infection has cleared up, it always seems okay again by summer and continues being okay til next winter comes around and the cold air is starting to hurt and then rinse repeat if I get another one.

Thanks again, hoping i'll finish him (for the second time aaaaargh) in a...timely fashion x_x