There is also a symmetry thing in the top right corner by default but that only mirrors transforms, it won't mirror topology modifications like cuts which really annoys me >_<
Clothes are fine, multi-layered clothing can be a pain. How you'll want to animate them depends on your style. If you have a cartoony style it's easier as you can just weight them to the character rig for big movements and use a clothing rig and maybe shape keys for smaller flaps and things.
Because I'm using particle hair and kind of needed the clothes to look as good I ended up using cloth dynamics x_x which I'm still struggling to figure out. I made a super quick video (link goes to my blog not the hive blog) with my really fast tmoving character and if I can get the cloth dynamics to work with her (they almost did XD I didn't want to play around with it too much longer as I still have so much to build) then they will work with anyone XD
I loved the dancing movements of your character that gets naked in the middle of the demonstration xD
What version do you use in Blender? Do you know if i's possible to apply Globlal symmetry instead of local with the mirror tool?
I want that when applying symmetry of an isolated element of the set it is applied on a global and not independent axis of symmetry. Let me explain xD:
If you have a face and you have created an eye as an independent figure of it, you will have an independent axis of symmetry for each one and in turn you have the global axis of symmetry that is your work table 😄
If I'm understanding what you want correctly, that's easier to do with the 3d cursor. So after you've made your eye, change the pivot point to 3d Cursor:
Place the 3d cursor between where you want your eyes to go.
Select your eye (if you're in edit mode hover over the eye and press L to select all vertices/edges/faces depending on what mode you're on linked to the one under the cursor if the eye mesh isn't attached to anything else), press shift+D to duplicate and then enter to drop it in place (don't move the mouse while doing this).
Then press ctrl+M (to mirror) and X, Y or Z depending on what axis you want to mirror around (it ended up being Y in my case as I wasn't paying attention to where I had moved the example cube to XD).
depending on what you want to achieve you can mirror arbitrarily by dragging the mouse around to where you want it after duplicating
Now was that actually what you wanted? If not we can try again XD
Symmetry. Is there another mirror in blender aside from the modifier that I hate using? 😆
Almost! Just need to finish fixing up the sculpt and retopo and then he can get his rig and some clothes and go play with the other character 😄
I only know this xD :

I don't know ... but I think you're going to want to leave him naked xD Clothes could cause a lot of mess, or not 😅?
That would be the mirror modifier that I hate ;D
There is also a symmetry thing in the top right corner by default but that only mirrors transforms, it won't mirror topology modifications like cuts which really annoys me >_<
Clothes are fine, multi-layered clothing can be a pain. How you'll want to animate them depends on your style. If you have a cartoony style it's easier as you can just weight them to the character rig for big movements and use a clothing rig and maybe shape keys for smaller flaps and things.
Because I'm using particle hair and kind of needed the clothes to look as good I ended up using cloth dynamics x_x which I'm still struggling to figure out. I made a super quick video (link goes to my blog not the hive blog) with my really fast tmoving character and if I can get the cloth dynamics to work with her (they almost did XD I didn't want to play around with it too much longer as I still have so much to build) then they will work with anyone XD
I loved the dancing movements of your character that gets naked in the middle of the demonstration xD
What version do you use in Blender? Do you know if i's possible to apply Globlal symmetry instead of local with the mirror tool?
Haha thanks, that was better than it was where the pants used to completely fly off XD
I'm using Blender 2.83 (.5 to be precise but it was .4 last night XD)
What do you mean by global symmetry instead of local? Or maybe a better question is what are you trying to do?
I want that when applying symmetry of an isolated element of the set it is applied on a global and not independent axis of symmetry. Let me explain xD:
If you have a face and you have created an eye as an independent figure of it, you will have an independent axis of symmetry for each one and in turn you have the global axis of symmetry that is your work table 😄
If I'm understanding what you want correctly, that's easier to do with the 3d cursor. So after you've made your eye, change the pivot point to 3d Cursor:
Place the 3d cursor between where you want your eyes to go.
Select your eye (if you're in edit mode hover over the eye and press L to select all vertices/edges/faces depending on what mode you're on linked to the one under the cursor if the eye mesh isn't attached to anything else), press shift+D to duplicate and then enter to drop it in place (don't move the mouse while doing this).
Then press ctrl+M (to mirror) and X, Y or Z depending on what axis you want to mirror around (it ended up being Y in my case as I wasn't paying attention to where I had moved the example cube to XD).
depending on what you want to achieve you can mirror arbitrarily by dragging the mouse around to where you want it after duplicating
Now was that actually what you wanted? If not we can try again XD