@Ackza and I are discussing this civilly like adults in private now.
We are finding some common ground.
Steemitizens Of Steem show on the Steemstar Network to discuss this further together in public on the public stream, for all to observe and comment on in real time.Watch for @ackza to appear on an upcoming
I removed a vote from other comments to get this one where you could all see it before the vitriol.
Do it man!
I want to hear/see this one ;-)
I give @ackza first go, all my best
Yes I reached out on discord, apologized for my heatedness, and I am glad we are moving on and got all of that out of our system
Yes we greed on our disagreement ad also found out it was miscommunication, like most arguments are :)
Checkout his show I will probbly be on in the future now
Well... I didn't include a straight "conclusion" in my comment, because....
See you on the stream ;)
@ackza @sircork @tytran @surfyogi
please drop by to my account what's wrong
No - None of us have time for one on ones - read it here like everyone else.
also flagging for thinly veiled spamming your link.
Oh hey i found out hes actually someone trying to just help, he didn't know any better, he has thank yous to me and team ghana and just wants to be n Indonesia ambassador
illlet him slide, i dont wanna hurt the noob lol I honestly believe he doesn't know any better and doesn't understand why his comment would be against our unwritten rules, and I 100% m confident he will follow our wishes now that he knows
Fair point, I'll remind @patrice to remind me to remind her to remind all of us on the air, before her next Trash Talk with @Patrice on the SteemStar Network on Tuesday night ;)
I am' sorry...Ok @sircork..