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RE: THAT'S FU%*ING SMART: Why Elon Musk Donated $10 Million To The Future of Life Institute

in #ai8 years ago

You knew about Arkhipov? I had no freaking idea! And my father was even an anti-nuclear weapons person and member of Physicians for Social do make a good point about how machine logic doesn't take us into account, that's why Hawking and Musk are worried! Also, imagine when the weaponized AI gets so advanced that there is an entire black market of it????????
Also, the other thing few people even consider is that when superintelligence gets to be recursive, meaning that it will be able to improve it's own intelligence, and it surpasses us in every cognitive way, then we will no longer be able to relate to it at all! We will have created something which we do not even understand! This is crazy. And most of the AI scientists believe that by 2060, superintelligence will exist............
There are already robots who are babysitters in Japan.......