What if all of us mere mortals adapted to this new AI technology, like most of us will be doing soon enough, and began using our own AI programs to generate content? What exactly would be the point of Steemit?
I personally don't vote for anything that doesn't demonstrate a personal human touch through it's format and delivery. Yes, that means you actually reading the content, not auto-upvoting and moving on in the blink of an eye. That's the point isn't it? Sure, as AI get's more advanced this may become harder to decipher, but isn't that our job as HUMAN curators?
This auto-generated content , in fact auto everything at the moment, are negatives imo. This place is supposed to moderated by humans, unless I've misunderstood the point in all of this. Auto-upvoting is a form of moderating, and if it's done on behalf of a whales account, it's also agenda setting, and when you've witnessed that type of content set the story of the front trending page, for the rest of world to see, then yes, it doesn't promote the best of what steemit has to offer.
Thanks for following this up, and for the recognition stellabelle :)
"but isn't that our job as HUMAN curators" I think you've nailed it here. I am beginning to notice or observe that perhaps Steemit will morph into a place where bots are calling the shots. I also feel that bot owners are already more powerful than regular users. This is the divide that we see with the more powerful forces having AI and the less powerful humans not having access to AI. It's not clear what would happen if we all got our own AI writing programs up and running. If an AI can write 500 posts in the time that it takes me to write 1, why on earth would I do that? I could be painting while my robot is writing for me.......and I could be singing and eating fritos too....It just doesn't make much sense. I could then sort of tweak the results to give the article the feel of it being me. I feel that everything is accelerated in Steemit, and the wars being waged, are ones that will be waged in the mainstream future.
HFT - High frequency trading algorithms have been calling the shots in the global financial markets since at least since 1999, but when you go digging you realise that they have probably been going on for a lot longer. HFT happens in the bitcoin market, and with the high degree of curation automation here, perhaps we are at the precipice of HFT blogging becoming a thing.
Bot owners do seem to have an advantage, at least based on the current setup.
SorryI fixed it to @yogi.artist
Thanks @stellabelle. Also, I just wanted to say thanks to @bacchist too, for his solid work on this.
yes, he was the first. I feel that I got more out of your cheeky way of writing. It really had a sense of humor that I appreciated. And it was subtle, the way I might have written about it.
Thanks, I'm glad that it resonated with you @stellabelle :)
"I personally don't vote for anything that doesn't demonstrate a personal human touch" Me neither. I actually read most of what I vote for. There are exceptions, of course, but I read a lot. If I sniff something fake, or inconsistent, I won't vote for it. what's your opinion about @mibenkito? Doesn't the writing feel extremely weird?
Flagging this for your constant harassment of @mibenkito.
I haven't checked out that account yet. I'll have a little nose now.....
What you think after checking it out ?