My reaponse is Noooooooo00000ooo.
Legalizing abortion means giving authority to kill.
There must be clear cur guidelines on where, by whom and when aboetion is indicated.
In INDIA we have Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971 (MTP 1971) in which guidlines for above are given. let me mention few situations where it is legalized.
Women whose physical and/or mental health were endangered by the pregnancy.
*Women facing the birth of a potentially handicapped or malformed child.
*Pregnancies in unmarried girls under the age of eighteen with the consent of a guardian.
*Pregnancies in "lunatics" with the consent of a guardian.
*Pregnancies that are a result of failure in sterilisation.
And in these conditions abortions are performed by qualified medical practioners in authorized medical set ups.
Also there is a need to bring strengthen the laws to punish the guilty. We do have law to deal with antisocial elements involved in conducttion of crimnal abortion.
But black sheeps are found in every community and they do so to satisfy their greed as they are paid big bucks for this illegal act.
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