Hello Air-Clinicians & Friends,
It's a beautiful morning and about time for us to examine our ideologies. This is the 19th episode of ACPF where we give our followers/ members the opportunity to contribute to trending and useful health-related topics.
Public Health Forum is an opportunity for anyone interested to bring solutions to common healthcare problems of general concern especially now that AIR-CLINIC could possibly extend its tentacles offline. Your opinion matters to us all!
Last week, we discussed about :Should Hospital Bills Be Paid Before or After Treatment ?!
**It made quite an interesting discuss as people shared a lot even mixed with personal experiences. We appreciate the contributions of the following persons who dropped their meaningful opinions most of which spoke from their personal experiences. They include @anikys3reasure, @stacey31, @menoski, @chetan9, @kennykajo
On the Topic of this Week...
The topic of Abortion isn't any thing new. All over the world it is a subject of serious contemplation. Although it has been legalized already in some countries such as some states in the US, Canada North Korea and China but still frowned at in so many countries. This has made abortion still carried out by some doctors but undercover taking advantage of these ladies especially young ladies and collecting huge some of money to get it done.
Like we all know, abortion means deliberately terminating a pregnancy; for some it's evil, morally bad but then, there are times where it is indicated especially when the health of the one carrying the pregnancy is compromised. So tell us, what do you think is the best way of dealing or handling this issue on abortion. Every comment gets a good Upvote.
We expect your candid opinions on this topic!
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Should abortion be legalized?
The answer depends on two schools of thought. There are arguments for and against legalising abortion. From the moral point of view abortion is seen as ending a life. Simply put; 'murder'. Others would also argue that abortion legalisation could promote promiscuity among young ladies. From a medical point of view life may be viewed to begin after birth not in utero and so abortion may not be viewed as murder in that case. There's also the concern about the mother's health due to the fact that despite the fact that abortion is illegal it is still practiced in secrecy by mostly unprofessional and unqualified personnel leaving the mother at high risk of maternal mortality. In a nutshell abortion has two sides of the coin and each side have their points to prove. However in my opinion, taking into consideration, the volatile environment of Nigeria it may just be safe for abortion to remain illegal because this country is unpredictable.
Fantastic response @stacey31. We thank you for giving this topic a well thought out approach.
This topic is kind of complicated but the answer is neither YES nor NO, We shouldn't be talking about legalizing Abortion here, We should be talking about stopping Premarital sex.
As for me, If we are successful in stopping premarital sex then abortion should be legalized with the consent of not less than Five people(The Husband, The wife, The Husband's parent, The wife's Parent) because in that case, any reason for abortion will be worth it, Nobody will love to abort in a marriage if not for a tangible reason. Like when the mother is not safe carrying the baby(Only medical students or doctors can understand). But if we cannot stop Premarital sex to some extent.........My Answer is NO
Lol @anikys3reasure We appreciate your point of view and approach to this medical issue but premarital sex can't be stopped unfortunately, just saying.
10x @air-clinic, by saying it should be stopped to some extent, I meant, it can be controlled.
My reaponse is Noooooooo00000ooo.
Legalizing abortion means giving authority to kill.
There must be clear cur guidelines on where, by whom and when aboetion is indicated.
In INDIA we have Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971 (MTP 1971) in which guidlines for above are given. let me mention few situations where it is legalized.
And in these conditions abortions are performed by qualified medical practioners in authorized medical set ups.
Also there is a need to bring strengthen the laws to punish the guilty. We do have law to deal with antisocial elements involved in conducttion of crimnal abortion.
But black sheeps are found in every community and they do so to satisfy their greed as they are paid big bucks for this illegal act.
Thank you so much @drqamranbashir for your contribution to this topic. We appreciate your time and intellectual prowess. We shall visit your blog to give you an Upvote.
My response is Yes, it should be legalized.
Many girls have died because of this legalizing issues, reason being that, they go to poor hospitals and doctors to do the abortion or they take different substances prescribed by a chemist or friend. All these deaths can stop if abortion is legalized.
For someone having a thought to abort, such a person is not yet fit to be a parent and should be given the permission to abort.
Just making common sense
But there is a problem female foeticide in countries like India. The desire to have a male child in this male dominant society will definitely decrease the sex the ratio in our country. At present the sex ratio in many parts of india is less than 900 for 1000 males.
I think Abortion should be legalised in certain conditions only.
Thank you so much @menoski for your contribution to this topic. We appreciate your time and intellectual prowess. We shall visit your blog to give you an Upvote.
I think legalisation of abortion should be done is certain conditions only like
I think these are the conditions where legalisation is required any where in the world.
Thank you @airclinic for providing this opportunity.
Thank you so much @paulvickey for your contribution to this topic. We appreciate your time and intellectual prowess. We shall visit your blog to give you an Upvote.
I personally feel , it's an evil deed , considering abortion means termination of pregnancy and basically killing that life inside . So , maybe it can be done , if the mom's condition is really serious , like an ectopic pregnancy or even age related problems . I also feel abortion should be possible for those who were raped and became pregnant with the rapist baby. But at the end of the day , when I ask myself , I really don't feel happy thinking about abortion , mainly because there are many people in this world who want to get pregnant so bad that , they try everything. Again , it is killing of a life , so my conscious is always against abortion , except when really the mom's condition is bad , or maybe the whole rape scenario. Yeah , that's what I think.
Thank you so much @ashley4u for your contribution to this topic. We appreciate your time and intellectual prowess. We shall visit your blog to give you an Upvote.
No, Abortion should be legalized because it will be abused but, if the life of the mother or child is in danger it should be done to save life not to terminate life
Thank you so much @nigeria-yogagal for your contribution to this topic. We appreciate your time and intellectual prowess. We shall visit your blog to give you an Upvote.
its a serious and sensitive discussion of PRO CHOICE and PRO LIFE.
I am currently living in a country where abortion is illegal. this has resulted to very many single mothers, some of who are not able to take care of their children and end up bringing them up in stinking poverty. People living in the streets are constantly reproducing , and bringing more lives to their already very bad conditions. the government doesn't do much in helping these individuals, more is done with private sectors and NGOs, but still the problem is persistent.
pro life or pro choice? i dont know.
Thank you so much @purpletazanite for your contribution to this topic. We appreciate your time and intellectual prowess. We shall visit your blog to give you an Upvote.
looking forward to that.. thank you.
Abortion should not be legalized because even with the current ban and punishment to offenders, the rate of abortions going on secretly is very alarming.
Thank you so much @dubem-eu for your contribution to this topic. We appreciate your time and intellectual prowess. We shall visit your blog to give you an Upvote.
To me I would say yes on some aspects
Am a pro-choice.
In most cases I don't see why someone should keep a pregnancy when she's not
1 capable of taking care of herself,
2 feeding 3 square meal a day
And her health/life is at risk.
Rather than bringing an innocent child into the world to suffer, it's better to be aborted and to me, I don't see it as a crime when the pregnancy isn't yet developed.
Thank you so much @uche-nna for your contribution to this topic. We appreciate your time and intellectual prowess. We shall visit your blog to give you an Upvote.
Thanks @air-clinic
Nigeria is not matured enough to legalize abortion as its definitely going to be abused.
Thank you so much @nonny for your contribution to this topic. We shall visit your blog to give you an Upvote.
I think it should be cause wether legalized or not, a good number of ladies still abort on a regular basis, many die due to complications from inproper abortion. I have heard women in countries where abortions were legalized who changed their mind due to getting orientation on what happens durijg abortion and seeing their babies and hearing their heart beat before abortion in abortion clinics
Thank you so much @michellesamson for your contribution to this topic. We shall visit your blog to give you an Upvote.
I had an abortion. Then lost a son to SIDS. My answer is NO.
All babies belong to our Father.
@sweetjoy so sorry about that dear. Thanks for opening up on this.
Yeah and the hs did not tell my mom or give me counseling. Now they put our babies in food and drinks. ;(
This is a big medical dilemma, even i still have an internal debate about if it should be legalized, in this moment i think it has to be but in specific conditions like: rape, mother's health endangered for the pregnancy, or if the baby comes with a non-life compatible condition between other stuff...
Thank you so much @romanc93 for your contribution to this topic. We appreciate your time and intellectual prowess. We shall visit your blog to give you an Upvote.