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RE: Video footage of 1992 Grey Alien?

in #alien7 years ago

A word back is fine and fair, any info I or anyone else shares, I expect a healthy dialogue. Disagreement is fine, but in the same way disagreement with the information that you present is also to be expected If that person does not agree. I have come across people saying the same things about secureteam for years, and for the record he is one of very many resources I use to see what new information is out there and than I do my own digging /research to look into that topic further. I dont really care to defend this channel because its not my responsibility to, I believe what he does is genuine to the best of his ability, you are free to think otherwise.

I did look at your link, again its this mans interpretation of trying to catch Tyler altering his own voice, I cant say for 100% this is or isnt Tyler faking his own voice. This does not matter, because each video is taken on a case by case basis and the viewer has to be his own safeguard. Someone saying ok well he might have faked a few of his videos in the past, so thus all of this videos are fakes, Is not a correct argument. Lionsground might be correct here! but again its not about a waste of time battle between him and tyler, this does not help the UFO field, because it is already filed with disinformation, nothing changes.

This video I shared, showed this EBE as having muscle, cartilage, artery in the neck and musculatory system, rib cage and veins. The men in the video were wearing clothes and equipment that matched the time period. If this was all a hoax and fake, it would cost a lot of money and be extremely elaborate, just to be viewed in a secureteam video. No I do not believe that this was CGI as well.

What I believe is that this body and for the record this was probably a deep project military man made EBE grey look alike, that the special ops uses when they stage there own abductions and by various chances happened to be there and be filmed. This look alike body would still be based off the real deal alien greys that the government has seen and held bodies and probably have worked with. But again it might be the real deal, again we do not know, thats why sharing this video and getting the questions out there is what this is all about. Since I cant track down the people in this video to gather more info, would I not share the info, of course not and I still would. The more people who see this and spread the word, might works its way to the people in the video and than we would know more!

Now why was the video allowed to resurface years later...not sure, maybe a soft disclosure attempt or someone out there attempting to seed this into our mainstream consciousness. Things are not black and white but shades of grey (no pun intended).
