I came across this on secureteam10's youtube channel a while ago and wanted to share it for those who have not seen this yet.
So the story goes a group of alien researchers rediscovered this video on the deep web under the file name "EBE 1992, Eiger" and posted this video.
EBE stands for extraterrestrial biological entity
The EBE was said to be found in a wooded field by men on snowmobiles passing through the area, the individuals fearing contamination did not touch the body but used sticks and rope to lift the body off the ground to get a better look at it. The EBE was initially discovered covered in snow, these men saw the outline of a small body and investigated further.
These men became scared as one can imagine and fearing any possible contamination left the body where it was. They returned the next day but the body was gone.
The body was frozen solid. But clearly visible muscles, tendons, rib cage and other very real looking anatomical body parts are seen here. If this was a doll or fabricated hoax, someone really spent lots of money and time on a video hoax that wasn't released anywhere.
Further the style and quality of the video, the clothes the men are wearing and the style of flashlight that was seen used by the men, corroborate that the 1992 time period is accurate.
Last point here, the actual video itself that we can see, is said to be someone who took a video of a TV monitor that was playing the original video.
Lots of questions here, what do you guys think! I think there is definitely something here and can only hope that any of the actual witnesses can one day be found or will come out and tell there side of the story so we can hear and understand the whole picture here.
Video below:
Secure team is a well known hoax, he creates videos with CGI, to earn money from making ufo/alien videos. I dont know if you knew it, but channel like that should not find ground here on Steemit, because Steemit needs the truth, it's not like facebook!
Real UFO investigators have their own movies, or link the authors or work for a organisation. But nowadays with CGI, it's easy to fake videos and then to fool the public with it.
Everyone has the right to there own opinion, but I respectfully disagree with you.
First of all Tyler will be the first to say that he presents UFO material/info that he comes across or info that was given to him that he believes looks interesting enough and credible enough to share. He is not above making mistakes, in this UFO field we have been swamped by disinformation and it has touched every facet of the UFO issue. We are all delving into this subject trying to figure things out and Tyler is no different.
You as the viewer of his work or anyone else's info, need to think critically and if what is presented to you doesn't make sense or you do not agree that it is credible or warranting further examination, than its your choice to not believe it.
Saying that 100% of what he shows is CGI and not even worth a look is absolutely ridiculous and raises lots of red flags about why you would want to censor his info, if what he presents is usually not correct his channel would suffer. If anything, I have seen Tyler have lots of videos where he debunks the current flavor of the month UFO video because it doesn't stand up to vigorous inspection. I have been following him for years and I believe that he tries very hard to present the best and most credible info he can.
Regarding the link u sent with a debunked video, firstly I have no idea what video this is and if this is someone giving tyler bad info that he then turned into a video, well it wouldn't be the first time nor the last time a UFO researcher has been tricked. It doesn't change anything and no one ( I hope) makes up there mind after reviewing 1 piece of evidence presented to them. And the "debunker" altering the voice a few octaves and making it higher to sound like Tyler as the "whistle blower", well I dont think thats sounds like Tylers voice at all.
Regarding the video that i blogged about there is much info here that warrants at the very least more questions and deeper researcher and if you dont see that than there is nothing more I can tell you. You can lead a man to data, but you can't make him think.
This is steemit, you can aspect a word back. What else did you thought to get here? yes and amen?
Let me explain you about this field, because you clearly have no clue what you are talking about. Im a UFO researchers and im contact with real investigators, who go outside on the field, with scientific equipment, and who share everything what they know. That means, every person who comes forward with footage, will be investigated in a way to figure out what he film, were he film, and with what camera, and who is filming.
And you need to scrol up, because i never said, its not even worth to look. Ofcourse everyone can look and they must look, they must see how those videos are, to see how fake videos really are. People cant know that because someone say so. And there for i said, i dont know if you know, but he is fake.
But from your words, you act like you know him in person, or you are Tyler. Any about the voice that is easy to fake, i mean come on nowadays anyone can create a voice, or let others use a voice, it's not that easy.
And about the video, just think about, just think for a moment. A real grey on video?????? And how on earth could you say that i dont watch that video, while you say on the same time that you dont watch the video i shared??
Anyway believe what you want and from my point of view, was i respectfull, but here il share another video from a steemit member, who made a video about secureteam, if you are open for debate, then atleast you would watch this video of @lionsground and say something about that, and not about my comment. To me and many reall investigators in this field is secure team entertainment or fake, nothing more and nothing less!
A word back is fine and fair, any info I or anyone else shares, I expect a healthy dialogue. Disagreement is fine, but in the same way disagreement with the information that you present is also to be expected If that person does not agree. I have come across people saying the same things about secureteam for years, and for the record he is one of very many resources I use to see what new information is out there and than I do my own digging /research to look into that topic further. I dont really care to defend this channel because its not my responsibility to, I believe what he does is genuine to the best of his ability, you are free to think otherwise.
I did look at your link, again its this mans interpretation of trying to catch Tyler altering his own voice, I cant say for 100% this is or isnt Tyler faking his own voice. This does not matter, because each video is taken on a case by case basis and the viewer has to be his own safeguard. Someone saying ok well he might have faked a few of his videos in the past, so thus all of this videos are fakes, Is not a correct argument. Lionsground might be correct here! but again its not about a waste of time battle between him and tyler, this does not help the UFO field, because it is already filed with disinformation, nothing changes.
This video I shared, showed this EBE as having muscle, cartilage, artery in the neck and musculatory system, rib cage and veins. The men in the video were wearing clothes and equipment that matched the time period. If this was all a hoax and fake, it would cost a lot of money and be extremely elaborate, just to be viewed in a secureteam video. No I do not believe that this was CGI as well.
What I believe is that this body and for the record this was probably a deep project military man made EBE grey look alike, that the special ops uses when they stage there own abductions and by various chances happened to be there and be filmed. This look alike body would still be based off the real deal alien greys that the government has seen and held bodies and probably have worked with. But again it might be the real deal, again we do not know, thats why sharing this video and getting the questions out there is what this is all about. Since I cant track down the people in this video to gather more info, would I not share the info, of course not and I still would. The more people who see this and spread the word, might works its way to the people in the video and than we would know more!
Now why was the video allowed to resurface years later...not sure, maybe a soft disclosure attempt or someone out there attempting to seed this into our mainstream consciousness. Things are not black and white but shades of grey (no pun intended).