I feel like doing nothing. It's not because I'm lazy nor because I suck at everything I do. I just literally don't want or feel like doing anything . This morbid feeling is killing me day by day. It has already been 2 years I've been feeling like this and it's just getting worse. As of now I'm just patiently waiting for it to end it by itself. I'm just done caring .
Everthing to me right now is like 'whatever ' 'bleh' .My interest died out on the things I loved to do the most . It's like I'm half asleep throughout each day. I can sleep or wander of in my own world for a whole day if the people around me let me. I don't even feel any guilt regarding my unproductive life. I don't care about my appearance nor about the clothes I wear . Even with people around me , I'm still in my own world inside my head just wandering aimlessly.
Ori pari ko manche le chinta garcha bhanera I put on a mask and try to act as a normal well functioning human being (which is too hard to maintain so I just make them think that I'm a carefree person) but inside It seems like I always have poker face . It's not like I don't feel any emotion. I do laugh until my stomach hurts whenever I am out with my friends or whenever I watch some comedy stuffs but as soon as it's over I immediately switch back to my real self . That happiness which slips away as soon as I try to grab it or that same happiness that goes away so fast that it seems like the happiness was never even there , that specific fleeting happiness is what really keeps me going.
I could waste away an entire year and not feel any guilt about about it . Studying is the least of my worries and what baffles me is that I preferred not to copy/cheat even if I had zero chance of getting caught and even write what I knew on the test just because I didn't feel like writing at that moment and thought that looking out through the window to observe trees would be a better idea than a freaking HSEB exam . I know what I'm doing is stuff I'm not supposed to .
This life is a nuisance . Everywhere I've gone , everything I did thinking I'd feel different felt all the same. If only I had a choice to end it all without hurting the people around me , that would be a great steal. But unfortunately that will never happen so I think I'll be living for 50-60 more years , half dead.
That's sad to hear. What you need is a routine. You can't wait for life to GIVE you happiness or purpose. It's you who have to go and get it. And it all starts with something productive to do. You are writing on steemit aren't you? That's a start. Find good content to write and share your story. You should pat yourself on your back because you found Steemit on such an early stage.
thanks for yor information .i am here(steemit) to do somthing .i hope i can