The Alphabet Art Challenge - 'A' is for Apple

It happened.

I finally reached a point when I stopped staring lovingly at my art supplies and started using them.
With a little apprehension I decided to join the #alphabetartchallenge prompted by @tonyr

'A' is for Apple

#alphabetartchallenge A is for apple by Meredith Loughran @merej99 #steemit

The Rules of the Challenge

  • Create an original work every day for 26 days.
  • Each day begins with the letter of the alphabet. ie. Day 1 - letter A; Day 2 - letter B, Day 3 - letter C, etc.
  • All forms of artistic expression is welcome. This includes traditional and digital art, short stories, doodles, photography, songwriting, poetry, or any other kind of creativity you can come up with.
  • IF YOU MISS A DAY START FROM THE BEGINNING. <<how's that for motivation?

Don't forget to use hashtag #alphabetartchallenge in your post so we can find your work.

Initial pencil sketch

Did I mention I have some misgivings about this?

Well, yeah... The timing of this challenge is quite terrible with Christmas and New Years but I don't really celebrate and I'm not hosting any parties so I'm pretty confident that I can do this. As @haphazard-hstead said, "Consistency is my nemesis."

Will I get to Z? Only time will tell.

#alphabetartchallenge A is for apple by Meredith Loughran @merej99 #steemit

Meredith Loughran blogs on @merej99


Hey that's really pretty - I'd like to color it. #collaboration? :)

Absolutely! Go wild and crazy.
I know that @jlufer has printed some of my previous art offerings for his granddaughter to color too. That just gives me warm fuzzies :)
One of these days I'm going to scan them all and post full size on my website... one of these days

Very nice - I love the variation in pattern. It does look like a page from an adult color book ;-)

I love drawing these because it's like little doodles and there's no pretense that it's fine art.

Reminds me of Romero Britto Art, that stuff is all over the place down here.

Oooh, please snap some photos of them when you see it. Or if you've done that, please send me a link to your post. I'd love to see what you're referring to.

Here ya go...
0775.JPG 20171121_134334.jpg

Ooh, really cool! It seems we may be inspired by stained glass work perhaps?

This is true art. I love this post.

Thanks @luisrod, I appreciate that. Doodling makes me happy.

Good job getting the supplies out and going for the challenge. I really like the ink and pen apple (you can tell I don't really know much about it, beyond I that I like it). You have many talents, that's for sure.

And I agree fully concur with you and @haphazard-hstead. I thought about doing this challenge with photos or something like that, but after reading the rules, fear people would see a whole lot of Apples, Ants, Anteaters, Ant Sandwiches, and maybe some Baskets or Bee's as well. So I will just enjoy the one's being put out.

LOL @ddschteinn
If I miss a day I might just forge ahead anyway. LOL I've taken on the challenge because I've been totally inconsistent... And I kind of feel bad about "failing" NaNoWriMo this year. There was just too much going on in November. So if I'm going to push myself I'm going to dust off my markers, maybe some music, and definitely my writing muse.
I would love to see you do a photograph a day for this challenge. :)

Hmm, I will contemplate that. But I seem to have a hard time getting more than a post out every 2-3 days. Once a day about did me in in your challenge a few months ago. Unfortunately, I didn't make it ) :
But it's great you are getting back to the drawing, etc. A bunch of music certainly can't hurt either. The muse seems to come from daily life, which is great.
I thought about NaNoWriMo and a few other writing contests too, but it's hard sometimes to write well on demand. "Want a bit of whine with that cheese"? Guess that is what practice is all about. Though until Steemit, I never finished anything. So this has been great for me. Onwards we go at a snails' pace, but loving it every day.

Thats really a beautiful bit of art, such cool design work

Thank you @tattoodjay
I will admit that most of that design work is panic. Like... oh sh*t...what am I gonna fill that space with? LOL

Well the end result is fantastic:)

Awh, I love this! As an artist, I think this is a really awesome challenge idea. Making art is good for your brain!

I agree! Art and Music is definitely good for the brain.
It also helps to have a decent creative space. I'm a happy gal lately :)

Woohoo!! Way to dust off the cobwebs! 26 days is no laughing matter. That's some serious stuff, and I have no doubt that you're going to crush it! Something about starting with ABCs that's just poetic in terms of getting back into regular posting. I really do hope that this revs the engines, so to speak.

Wonderful work here, Mere! Lots of visuals packed in a nice little apple. I'm on the fence which segment I like best. I'm leaning towards the flowers, but the checkered crossword is just too damn entrancing!

I think the checkered crossword is my favorite section too. It seems to pop more. My husband said I missed a spot and I told him it was the shine on the apple. LOL
Yeah, 26 days... I'm on day 2 and staring at a blank sheet of paper right now. Hooboy.

THE SHINE ON THE APPLE!! HAHAHAHA!!! That really cracked me up haha!

That's really good and so unique- It's very 'adult coloring book' while also being unlike any i've seen before. You've got talent!

Last year was the first time I'd picked up markers to do anything art since high school. I'd done a few pieces like this and it's a lot of fun because each section is a doodle so I don't feel overwhelmed by creating a whole thing. Does that make any sense?

Very nice apple, great work!

Thank you @prostosun Are you working on any Steemit challenges?

That came out really well! Glad to see you are using the art supplies!

I haven't quite brought out my paint supplies. Baby steps. Right now it's pencils, markers and pen. Next, perhaps, the oil pastels and paint. Though, I'd love to try pyrography thanks to @anca3drandom

Yes! As I'm late to your post, I see you've made it to day three already, so you are 3 steps closer to z - congratulations! Do you feel satisfied/accomplished now that you've taken the first steps? ☺