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RE: Ask Me Anything - Marky Edition - February 2025

in #amalast month

Good stuff! PoE wasn't available in asia so I didn't check if PoE2 is yet, didn't hear about the new elden ring!

About the other 3, same, lol. I played 2077 a total of like 1h in a gameplay video a few years ago then stopped.

I heard there's a new heroes of might and magic being released, might be fun for nostalgia!


I've been following the phrase "heroes of might and magic" with Friday bot since forever and now I've finally gotten a notification about it! And what a notification it is- I don't keep up with gaming news so I'd never have known they were making a new one otherwise! I haven't bought a new game in years but I think now I will...

The original composers are still doing the soundtrack?! They seem to have combined some of the factions and shaken them all up to give them a fresh spin?! AND it sounds like there are some cool new options along with the classic style of gameplay. Wow! I immediately sent that link to my dad cause he's the one who got me into HOMM when I was a kid, and it's still one of my faves to this day (hence my SN, grindan from conflux castle in 3 haha) I'm so glad I saw this 🎉

Haha how awesome and what a great idea for FRIDAY notifications, hadn't thought much about it that way!

That's really wholesome, let's hope we can play soon! PS. you have @strawhat to thank as he told me about the new HOMM! :D

I didn't know about that HOMM release. I hope they didn't politically correct it. Publisher: Ubisoft

I recently got into homm3. It is a good game.

Did you see the woke things in Dragon Age? If you refuse to use pronouns you get a 2 minute lecture by the NPCs on using pronouns.

One of my first "proper" pc games way back was HOMM, playing hot seat with a friend was so much fun.

What faction do you like to play best?! My SN comes from HOMM3, conflux faction... I actually like rampart the most though 😄

The first time I played 3 I was a kid and decades later I still play it from time to time! It's seriously a freaking gem imo

I haven't gotten into factions yet. Still playing the campaign.

didn't hear about the new elden ring!

It's a bit different, it's a group rogue like spin. 3 players try to survive each day while defeating monsters and exploring map trying to power up before the final boss.

Vaati walks you through it here. It's basically using Elden Ring's assets, but a totally different playstyle.

I never played Might and Magic, except for the 3D one Dark Messiah based on the source engine.