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RE: Ask Me Anything - Marky Edition - February 2025

in #ama4 days ago (edited)

You have Mal Reynolds in your witness graphic- is he your favorite character from Firefly/Serenity?

I like them all, it's just the most recognizable for others to know wtf I'm talking about. I really liked Shepherd Book, he was great and it really sucks the actor who plays him died. I know Disney owns Firefly IP now and there are talks of a reboot but it will likely be a completely different cast.

What do you like best about his character?

He's funny and quirky. I am a sucker for good banter, and Firefly had a lot.

If you were to rank the characters from the show from best to worst, what order would you put them in?

All S tier.

And lastly, what are your feelings on how the show ended?

I'm salty af it ended, I loved the show. It was fun, funny, and unique. Now all we have is woke trash trying to push an agenda rather than tell a good story. Hollywood is dead.

Do you hope like many of us do that they might make more episodes someday?

They won't, but as I said above, there will likely be a reboot. Joss Weeden has said many times he wants to do more Firefly but his time is taken up with Avengers and most of the cast has moved on at this point. I'll watch the Disney reboot if it ever launches, but I don't expect the same magic and chemistry.


"I'm salty af it ended, I loved the show. It was fun, funny, and unique. Now all we have is woke trash trying to push an agenda rather than tell a good story. Hollywood is dead."

"...Disney owns Firefly IP now..."

I honestly think I'd grieve were Disney to reboot it. I have about zero confidence they'd come close to the original vision of a universe that was so decentralized that cowboys, smugglers, and rebellion were realistically portrayed, possible, and positive producers of economic value. I can't even imagine the Disney of recent days doing it justice.

Stargate makes me sad.

I have no doubt it won't be great. Mandalorian is great, so there is some hope but not a lot.