AMA - I am Toni Lane Casserly, former CEO of CoinTelegraph, labeled as the "Hottest Woman in Cryptocurrency" 🌹

in #ama • 8 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone!

This is my first AMA of all time! I've been an artist and an entrepreneur since I was a little girl and would love to share my tips for life and success, or even give people advice and guidance on relationships :)

I've been a published poet since the age of 8, have written an experimental fusion, health hacking cookbook called "Put it In Your Mouth", I beat Snoop Dogg once, spent 3 months in silence with a Buddhist monk, had 1,313% higher impact than the CDC during Ebola using Bitcoin and started my life as a philanthropist shortly after, advise 8 companies in the blockchain industry (including the United Nations, whose official perspective on blockchain tech I will be co-authoring), have seen every state in the US and over 30 countries abroad, coach people in lucid dreaming and am considered by many of my friends to be the consciousness, love and relationship guru.

If you want to check out a few of the interviews I've done in the past on entrepreneurship, Bitcoin / blockchain tech, consciousness, art, philosophy and life itself... Check out for context!

So... What are you waiting for? Ask me anything!




How you like Steemit so far, "hottest woman in cryptocurrency" :)

This platform is setting an extremely interesting precedent for the future of content monetization for artists and creators. I'm interested to see how the economics evolve.

PS- I'd never normally think of myself like that, lol. The press has been very kind to me! Thank you :)

Do you think Steem's economics are sustainable? What are some things we, the users of Steem, can do to keep the system running and paying out rewards with meaningful purchasing power?

This is a compelling question, one that I have spent time thinking about, but unfortunately, only I only feel can be comprehensively answer by the founders. Regardless, this system is so valuable as far as the tangible proven potential that if anything does happen to exploit economic shortcomings, steem will certainly go down in history as the one who paved the way. Either way, they've made it :)

I don't think the founders have significantly more insight on this than we do. Speaking as one who worked closely with Dan Larimer on the framework that Steem is based on, I'm pretty sure it's every bit as much a learning experience for the folks at Steemit as for the rest of us.

Here are some of my thoughts, and I'd welcome your opinion. The question of purchasing power is really just a question of market cap. So we need to find ways to drive demand for the STEEM asset. Right now, demand for STEEM is probably coming from two avenues: speculation, and desire for Steem Power and the voting power it carries. The former is not going to keep us afloat long-term, though the latter could definitely do so especially if advertisers and marketers begin powering up to promote their content. This is fine since they would have no advantage over the rest of us except for budget, and if they abuse their power we can just team up and downvote them.

Another driver for demand would be the development of an economy of STEEM -- a marketplace of goods and services being sold for STEEM. Several projects like this are underway, and I think we shouldn't be shy about promoting them and driving them to greater quality, usability, and trustworthiness.

Finally, viewing Steem as a pay-what-you-want (including free, for those who can't or won't pay) content discovery service, rather than a free service, will keep it going. We could encourage those who don't do much posting to buy Steem Power as their contribution to those who are posting the content they enjoy consuming.

That's what I've come up with so far. Comments welcome!

Is there a slack channel for this where we can all collaborate? I agree that backing steem with tangible assets and creating a marketplace will create a healthier economy and more stability. This seems like the logical right direction for the evolution of the platform.

I believe the desire for steem is stemming directly from the absolutely curiosity created amongst an entire class of people who now have the liberty to feel economically empowered for something they previously gave away for free.

I would love to have more context on the framework for steem. Can you share details?

Ah, well I was referring to the Graphene blockchain framework, which is an easily customizable and extensible blockchain project. It provides a solid starting point for making new blockchains, allowing the developers to skip past all the busy work and get straight to what's unique about their project.

The fact that Graphene was completely designed and implemented before Steem was even a figment of anyone's imagination, and that a few developers took Steem from idea to beta in a matter of a few months is, in my admittedly biased opinion, quite a testament to its success. :]

As to a slack channel, the Steem slack is being retired in favor of Steem Rocket Chat. I'm not aware of any channel dedicated to the discussion of long-term sustainability, but one could easily be started.

Let's start a new channel. I believe this is a compelling experiment, just like Bitcoin, that, with the right minds involved, will change the world.

Many of us have an issue with Slack due to its centralised nature and lack of privacy. is an excellent open source tool that have many possibilities to create further open or closed chat rooms within Steemit. Personally, I'd like to see the chat option integrated in to the platform itself.

Graphene is amazing btw, so undervalued, underutilised and something I'd love you to explore via to give us your opinion.

Loved the photo btw, we need more like that on Steemit.

Why did you leave Coin Telegraph?

"Leaving" is a funny word in that I helped make the property into what it was today! You nev really leave your babies, but it is great to watch them grow up! I'm a co-founder, so I still affiliate, but I do not run day to day operations so I can focus on building new civilizations :) don't you love those sketches though?! ;)

 8 years ago (edited) 

If you are inteested in building new civilizations Ms Toni, please come join us at Steemtopia, I am trying to build a steemit real-world sharing-based community!

Could you help us with a new name suggestion? Our first major decision we would like to settle.

Have you heard of

Much love,

We are extremely aligned.

 8 years ago (edited) 



I have emailed you!



New civilizations? Can you elaborate on that?

Soon. I believe we can live in a world of peace.

What would you like to know?

Well, when I read "New civilizations" I think of projects like Liberland, Fort Galt, etc. and I like to keep tabs on all of these projects. If you're directly involved in any, I'd be interested to hear about them and make sure I haven't overlooked any. :)

What drugs do you currently partake in?

Stay tuned in to me for announcements in the future :)

Are you friends with those groups?

I'm a fly on some fairly important walls as far as Liberland is concerned, and I follow all of the Fort Galt updates posted on Steem.

Additionally, I'm a co-founder of which is a project to build a fully open-source, end-to-end verifiable blockchain-based voting system. I'm part of that project for the express purpose of building a consensus platform for voluntaryist societies.

 8 years ago (edited) 


Join us!

We will be creating a slack channel!

Apologies for another reply @tlc, I could not reply directly to @modprobe in this post.

Followed @modprobe.

So you were/are the CEO, YES/NO ?

yes, of course I was.

To join Steemit, obviously :P :D

Welcome. :))

 8 years ago (edited) 

Ok, Serious question.

It's no secret that the fem to gent ratio in the ancap / liberty movement is sadly skewed.

As a brilliant and very successful libery Lady, and as a love / relationship guru, what do you think makes you attracted to these dissident and esoteric spaces, and how can we get more fair ladies like you to join our cause?¨

(Shameless plug, the fem to gent ratio at Anarchapulco is much kinder for some wonderful reason. "CoinOlympics" coupon gets you 10% off in 2017 xD)

I am a big advocate for gender equality and ending the anti-intellectualist commoditization of women by changing the broken dynamics I see and experience from the inside out. I am hoping to bring more women of integrity into these spaces by leading with example and becoming a role model for women of all ages.

I cannot do this alone however, and men and women embedded in consumer culture need to take a step back and objectively evaluate the way they see and understand the role of women in society outside of the fears and desires productized stereotypes stimulate.

 8 years ago (edited) 

+1 culture is the problem, I believe.


We would be better off dissolving these boundaries.

Boundaries are our major malfunction, I believe. That, and a reduction in the male ego would be a good place to begin our new journey towards a brighter future and would be a welcome step/shift towards something 'better' than this current 'situation' we seem to be in.

I am trying to do that every day :)

I think your post got cut short! Want to finish it?

 8 years ago (edited) 

Which alt-coins do your think hold the greatest potential? Other than Steemit, do you foresee a "killer app" that could provide a use case and liquidity for any particular tokens?

Ah, altcoins. To be frank, I believe very few alternative currencies have tangible economic value outside of the community of people who are using them. Most are marketing scams because to create a strong community, you have to have strong culture, something I have seen very few people in the technical community value... Something which I happen to be highly skilled at. I personally believe the true value of an economic instrument ("token") in this field is the value of the underlying technology platform utility or the value of the underlying community.

BitNation is the future of governance. I would engage in an absolute sense with Susanne and her strategies.

Since you mention Bitnation how do you feel about

Welcome to Steemit, Toni. You look great. But you already know that :)

Sorry to bother you with CoinTelegraph but can you tell the guys there to put back the referral system? All they do is promise but nothing happens :(

I know my ask is not a substantial or life saving one but still ...

Come to life-saving. I will have one much bigger thing to ask you for your help if you don't mind. You are a much better (public) person to promote it than I am. It is about Nuba tribe in Darfur. Are you interested?

Thanks a lot on both accounts! Good luck here at Steemit.

Hey! Email me about your issue with the referral system and I'll see what I can do to help you get everything worked out.

Tell me more. I am extremely interested in the secrets and majesty of tribal cultures.

Thank you very much for your reply. I do appreciate it. I will write to you tomorrow. Good night.

You seem to embrace intertwining your career and reputation with sexual attractiveness and objectification. This is something many women in tech reject and resent when it happens to them non-consensually, and some of them will certainly find your use of sexuality to build your personal brand objectionable. How do you feel about this yourself? Are you not concerned that being partially defined by sexual appeal detracts from your intellectual reputation and undermines meritocracy?

I am not personally particularly bothered by this, but I encounter complaints of sexism (sometimes a conflation of sexuality with sexism,) in the industry so often, that it's interesting to see a woman embrace sexuality in her public profile.

Ah, I am so glad you brought this up as it is a frequent topic of my conversations with women and men across industries. Such a complex issue in societies overburdened with anti-intellectualism and excess consumption.

I am a model, yes, and became a model to overcome the years of bullying and abuse I received from people who body shamed me and for countless years, made me believe that I was truly an ugly and hideous monster. For me, actualizing the quality of beauty in myself was and is a challenge. My work as a model aides me in my ability to overcome how I was made to feel all my life. However, because of what I went through, I also struggle with the standard of beauty as a value over values or integrity of knowledge, and thus, I ride a very interesting middle he way I advocate for myself and others. I deeply believe everyone is beautiful; beauty is your character and how you shine from inside.

I am working to do my part to become a role model that can help decommoditize women while retaining my right to express what I have overcome.

I would love for you to keep asking questions here as your have touched on a topic very dear to me. Thank you for bringing this up.

Thanks for being open to discussing this.

I've had a lot of conversations with women in tech, as well as lawyers and other fields. Some spend a lot of time thinking about sexism and how it has held them back. Others embrace the opportunities they are given as a women. For instance, tech conference panels are always looking to pad their all-male panels with a female face, which can be hard to find. Certain successful mentors of both genders often want to see more women in tech, so they can be more open to female mentees. Some in the legal or real estate profession bemoan that many male clients are more interested in dating than business, others appreciate that they have a leg up at the top of the funnel.

Both of these approaches have a strong basis in reality - there is intentional and unintentional sexism, and women are also afforded certain opportunities because of their gender. I'd love to see the dialog around sexism in tech embrace a more balanced view that takes into account both, because unless or until there is full equality of opportunity, ambitious women would do well to take advantage of the opportunities they have.

You know, I've been in this position and turned the offer down to speak on the "women's panel" because I felt I was being ghettoized for my gender when they offered the person who forwarded the offer to me, a fellow make executive, with a full 30 minute speaking slot. I pointed out their actual creation of separation in trying to unify for a cause and they rectified quickly.

There is no one answer. We need to change culture.

I have a question...

Will you marry me?

That offer almost brings me to tears... I'm so honored you would ask! Thank you :)

Hottest Woman in Cryptocurrency

Legit. Great to have you here. :D

Would you be interested in doing an interview on me and my project Etheroll?

We are currently winding up to run round #2 crowdfunding campaign!

Awe. I'm not a reporter but I think people will really like your idea! Is it the first one of its kind on Ethereum?

 8 years ago (edited) 

Actually, the 2nd. We have been around since about February 2016.

We are one of only 3 Ethereum dice games. Our crowdfund entered the top 15 most successful crowdfunds in crypto history. :)

Thanks for the support.

Way to go! Anywhere I can read more about it?

 8 years ago (edited) 

You can check out my reddit account at u/etheroll + u/iss_throwaway , our twitter at , my blog at

I am currently in talks with you via email - I am also @darknet here on Steem - AKA Steemtopia AKA Optimistic! :D

I find you to be the most interesting person I have met on Steemit! So happy to meet you. :D

I am deeply a capitalist, but I am deeply a humanist.


Would love some verification here -- a tweet etc. :)

Nothing against you, just want to make sure.

Yes, TLC is her account. She has posted before and verified on Facebook. Thanks for doing an AMA on Steemit, Toni!

Thanks for having, @donkeypong. Love your username. Literally just saw the score of Zelda performed by a massive symphony last night, such a blast.

Verified on my Facebook page:

yay! My apologies. :)

What is the hardest part of being a CEO in the cryptocurrency space? What challenges have you faced at your prior positions and what advice would you give to new CEOs entering the space for the first time?

The hardest blow was being told I could not be an executive because I was a woman and because women have no business running companies. The hardest part is most certainly the trolls, which I am sure you can attest to. Most people don't know the troll mentality was curated through high level psychological grass roots insurgency strategies funded by major companies who wanted to fragment the Bitcoin community (I can do a lot of digging and find the coinfire piece that outed this truth).

Lessons: don't be too trusting, remove bad seeds IMMEDIATELY, surround yourself with good people and protectors, always take the high road, negativity is a virus, be allergic to drama (when you see it, sneeze, bless yourself and walk away), don't take anything too personally (still challenged with this one), and only even remotely associate with people of integrity (have empathy for those going through hardship though... The strongest bonds will be built through this sense of togetherness).

"Most people don't know the troll mentality was curated through high level psychological grass roots insurgency strategies funded by major companies who wanted to fragment the Bitcoin community"

Yup. Completely agree with you.

Please find that article, I'm curious to read it. Thanks!

 8 years ago (edited) 

Fascinating background Toni!

  1. What types of dishes in 'Put It In Your Mouth'? Vegetarian? Vegan? All?
  2. Beat Snoop Dogg in...?
  3. 1,313% higher impact using Bitcoin... how?
  4. Can you make it to our meetup this Thursday in SF? There'll be yummy Cheeseboard pizza:

what do you think of decentralized crypto mining?

For future iterations of currency, I think it would be interesting, as far as the distribution of power and centralization of mining, to put certain constraints on the amount of power miners are able to consolidate. Decentralized mining is great in theory, but would only truly happen if we embedded the technology into all devices in the world. It will happen in the future, for sure.

Do you still write poetry? If you do I would like you to share some of your works with us on here. And how can writers and poets like my self and others get curated and upvoted for quality content in the community without being walked past and unnoticed. I haven't seen poetry going strong on steem.. How do you intend to affect and change that?

Yes. I still write. It is a part of the way I breathe. My core of being. The selfless self.

As an artist you must realize that your work, as any other business, is about making a market or capitalizing on a market someone else creates but cannot fill (i.e. Sia became a pop star because Lady Gaga started pursuing the "art pop" route, but did not have an image previously built up through the community of artists who listen to music for integrity purposes over booty poppin club beats. Sia did and has for ages... I knew her because literally every person who has ever performed in a dance competition has watched 100 girls dance to "Breathe Me").

You have given me faith... Perhaps there is a way to make this art, one I had believed for so long to be dead, but never stopped loving; my aged photo of a missing man in a broken locket, alive again.

stark silent with monk
vajra asana gesture
speech chakra aflame

@stevenraj you remind me so much of my best friend in college (who is still my brother)

(Lucid dreaming) do you perform this with home grown techniques or do you have assistance?

When you say "home grown", do you mean to say "have you created your own method"?

Yes. Homegrown = An unassisted method like meditation or mantras.

Assisted methods = psychadelics.

Ah! I don't use medicine with my students although I believe in legalization of most substances. My lessons are about unlocking the power of your mind without using shortcuts. You learn more that way :)

please help and share Family in need about to loose everything

Hi, I do a lot of work to help others, but giving a fishing pole is nowhere near as valuable as giving a fish. If you can explain the situation in depth, perhaps we can help this family find a sustainable solution.

 8 years ago (edited) 

So, I'll go ahead and ask what everyone is thinking.

Are you single?

(You are welcome gents, tips accepted. :) )

Are you able to experience lucid dreaming anytime you choose?

The only difference between dreams and reality is your perception of consciousness. I can teach you if you want to learn.

I am very pleased to meet you, Toni Lane Casserly!

Question: Are you a Tulku?

And would you say more about the monk with whom you've meditated silently for three months? Like, what tradition of meditation was that?

Great Fortune!

Is there a person in that photo?

A human being with a mind, a heart, a spirit and the discipline to see her dreams through.

i didnt mean anything bad.


A human being with a mind, a heart, a spirit and the discipline to see her dreams through.

What do you think of Coin Telegraph now?

I would have raised her differently.

How do you explain the benefits of blockchain to an average person, like an elevator pitch? Or is that even important and instead success is best defined as how much it guides life without direct consumer interaction like Linux? Is it about faith in technology or people (who are depended on to implement technology)?

Thank you

The worlds largest distributed super computer.

Definitely gorgeous. Gorgeous and captivatingly interesting, a true slayer of hearts I imagine. Do you have a love life experience of your past that you can share, and what did you learn?

what is your outlook on romantic relationships? Are people monogamous or is that doomed to fail?, etc.

Every relationship is a unique and dynamic evolution. Nothing is doomed to fail if the values reinforce the actions and the culture does the same.

In relationships... Love is not enough. If you are not compatible, it will never work.

What's next for you? Can you elaborate on your future professional plans or link us to further reading on any projects?

Ego is what separates people from people, and you seem to have an overpowering ego that's well past its sell by date.

Not everything is as it seems. I did spend 3 months in silence with a monk dissolving the concept of the ego and reality. I find it to be really sad when people feel the need to try and hurt others. Usually, this comes from a place of pain from the person who is trying to attack. I am not phased by your attempt to bring me down. If you have been pained, I hope you heal well without causing harm to innocent people.

 8 years ago (edited) 

You survived my ego grenade. Welcome :-)

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9 Verse 9
O Dhananjaya, all this work cannot bind Me. I am ever detached from all these material activities, seated as though neutral.

Did you come from a poor family or you always have had money?

I come from myself.

How/why did you choose this specific photo to use in this AMA?

And, what are your thoughts on usage of sex appeal to sell (products, oneself)?

Just so you know, I have great respect for you, and I know you care about the industry seeing women as more than sex objects ... this is why I was surprised to see this particular photo used here.

You will see in my future posts why I am intentionally creating this image.

I believe in the decommodification of women, but in order to get there, I believe we must create change from the inside out. It is going to take a lot of work to bring people out of their lizard brains.

Thank you, and I do too. This is actually why I do everything that I do with my image.

Hello Toni,
You are hot! Even I am a woman too. I have to say so.
I'd love to know you.
Diana Chu

You are beautiful too Diana, beauty is on the inside.

You're the best, Toni! <3

No way! You are @bitnation!!!!

 8 years ago (edited) 

Why ask questions? A picture worth a thousand words.

Why did you subject us to that nasty cleavage photo?

You will see in time.

No I see now.
Complain about how women have it so bad. How they are looked at as objects, while, at the same time
showing us some clevage.

Nice one.

Is that a nordlead synth in the background of your videos?

How many pounds of make up do you wear everyday? Does it help you burn carlories since it weighs so much?

LOL! Interestingly enough, I was having a conversation with someone the other day about the "makeup tax" on women. I generally don't wear much makeup because I would rather spend my time thinking about other things ;) When I do photoshoots, I for sure have an artist tailor my look for creative purposes, but I would otherwise say you don't need to wear any makeup unless you want to use the tools for personal self expression!

Makeup Tax, how it is perfectly acceptable for women to trick men into thinking they look different than they really do.

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Very good article. Same mindset here. It's surprising how much uneducated investors the crypto space has. You still see people invest in this shady and scammy coins. We do need to look better at the insights of every coin. What team is behind it, is there any management. How strong is the product, is there any product at all? An interesting website I found: This site did all the research for you. It's truly amazing. Go to: For the Etheroll Investment research report.

hello @tlc, I know this is an old post, but I'm wondering where you went on the 3 month meditation retreat! Im currently researching for something similar to do. Can you send me a lead ?

Everyone is beautiful. Holding someone down is what makes a person ugly at heart.