Gold, Silver, Bitcoin, what money really is... the choice between herpes or syphilis and why I am not voting

in #anarchism9 years ago (edited)

I think it occurred around August of last Summer when I fully came to the realization of what money really is. For those us of us that have begun the journey of studying who owns the federal reserve, why our money loses value and how banks create capital out of thin air this may be old hat. I often find myself at a loss for words in how to even explain this to people who have not entered the rabbit hole or even aware it is there. This does not imply that I am superior or feel myself enlightened in some way, on the contrary, I feel like the idiot who is amazed they've been asleep for so long.

So you get angry, want to cancel your credit cards and close your bank account. Yeah, "I'll show the bastards that have orchestrated all our financial collapses and manipulated us like the sheep that we are." However, I still need to operate in the world. As of today I cannot pay my Verizon bill with silver or bitcoin. I cant rent a car or a hotel room without a credit card and except for a couple squashes and some undersized tomatoes I do not grow enough to feed myself. You can spend hours on YouTube and other media sights listening to how it is all going to collapse and put yourself in a fear mindset. Don't get me wrong, I do feel there will be a financial event that will change things as we know it. When that happens is open to interpretation. Within this matrix that I find myself in my goal is still to prosper, to be authentic, happy, and prepared for anything.

So what to do? Well, debt was the first thing. I must not owe anybody anything. I would like to own a house but that entails signing up to financial slavery and paying possibly 2-3 times what the house is worth over time. So for now I will rent. Second, diversify my savings out of USD. Silver, gold, bitcoin, mining stocks; tangible assets. Right now land is overpriced in my area and subject to taxation so I ruled that out. I still do keep some money in USD, I haven't gone total god bug. Third, survival reserves; 3 months food and water, medicine, gas, basic supplies, etc. Be prepared just in case. I live in an urban city and I think it is something like 48 hours that the food shelves are emptied in any crisis situation. Fourth, get to know your neighbors. These are the people that you will go through any financial crisis situation with. Especially if there is a break in the supply chain or your bank closes up shop. Now there are a ton of prepper resources out there that will have a ton more on being prepared so this is the my layman's version and most practical for my area. Ideally, I would be on a farm with abundant water and resources, far away from the turmoil.

So within this context I can prepare, diversify and speculate on how things will go down. However, the more important transformation in my case is the spiritual revolution that has occurred and risen through my grey matter. I do not feel the need to be ruled over by anyone. So when it comes to voting for the 2 choices for President I am abstaining because I no longer believe these people deserve or have any legitimate power over our lives. I have received mixed feedback when I discuss this with peers and family. It seems each side has an argument that there will be worse evil if the other is elected. Someone put it well when they said it was like choosing between herpes and syphilis. In my case I don't want either. What I do want is freedom to trade freely without a bank. To live authentically without borders or government. And most importantly to think freely without the limitations created by the false self that is perpetuated and indoctrinated at every turn in our western culture. Be free, be peaceful and be vigilant my brothers and sisters!


I can relate to much of the sentiment you express. I feel like I spend a lot of time wondering if I’m prepared for various financial scenarios. I think its a good idea to stock up on food and should probably do more of that myself. Personally, I don’t see all debt as financial slavery. If an asset has the potential to grow faster than the interest rate required to service the corresponding debt it may be worth considering. Also, the added leverage may be good for call/put strategies with metals, miners, etc. In any case, I too, cannot support either candidate and think a non-vote is also a form of expressing opinion. If enough people refuse to vote for unqualified candidates it may help send a message that better alternatives are needed in the future. However, we still have the party machines and electoral college to overcome.

Well put. You are right that all debt is not bad. Some debt allows us to grow and purchase things over time we would never have been able to own. Ultimately, we have the choice to sign on the dotted line and can choose to live within our means. As for the our electoral system, it is so corrupted by big business, it is very hard for a true leader too emerge. Hopefully this circus we call an election is bringing the corruption to light allowing more people to refuse to participate in a rigged system and choose an alternative way of living. Remember, govern means "control" in its root form. We don't need government we need enlightenment, consciousness and reason to guide our actions.