The fact that he even pretends to believe he has a legitimate shot at getting any substantial amount of votes - let alone have an actual shot at becoming president - pretty much tells you how delusional this guy is. When these celebritarians can’t even get a majority of anarchists/voluntariasts behind them, but portray themselves as some kind of revolutionary leaders, it not only makes them look foolish, it makes the entire “movement” look foolish to any outside observers - rational or not.
I wouldn’t even bother giving his “campaign” much thought at all, because the truth is that nobody is actually going to care outside of the minority of “anarchists” that support him. He will fade away into nothingness, just like most of the ego-driven blowhards before him who sacrificed principles for relative “popularity” and pissed on their longstanding supporters for whatever they thought was the next trendy group to court.
I haven’t bothered involving myself in the day-to-day anarchist debates and drama because there’s really no point. As much as most people want to claim superior intellect and flawless logic, they seem to get routinely trapped in blatant contradictions and throw massive temper-tantrums. Frankly, it’s often embarrassing to even be remotely associated with them. I know some people can’t help but want to help and to be involved in the education process for others, but if I were you, I would just continue to focus on the influence that you do have with the people you can actually reach and with whom you have direct, real-life influence.
In other words...ignore the trolls who claim “troll.” They’ll feel their own irrelevance eventually.
And maybe ignore those who support them as well, especially if they have a track record of supporting/defending the wrong people.
Thanks, @ats-david.
What irks me is it is the selling of false ideas in a hyped-up, sensationalized fashion. Bad for voluntaryism, and bad for Steem.
I suppose you are right, though. Better to turn my focus back to my own shit, and keep working towards my goals, focusing on the more immediate vicinity.
Cheers. Been a while. Hope you’re going good.
What kind of genius drives across texas with a bogus tag and dope?