I guess asking questions/criticizing certain points about a presidential hopeful’s platform—and one who claims to be an anarchist, no less—automatically renders one an “annoying troll.”
This is exactly why I have been telling voluntaryists to watch out. Sadly, to the wide-eyed Kokesh and other celebritarian devotees, no amount of logical argument seems to hold sway, and any and all criticism of their can-do-no-wrong heroes typically falls on deaf ears.
Instead of providing an answer to the concerns I have (this is the second time I have raised them, by the way), like a thinking man running for president, who cares about libertarian property norms might, I get this:
Wait a minute. My “motives and credibility”? What do any of my criticisms and/or questions let him know about my motives?What motives is he imagining I have? Asking questions hurts my credibility? Since when do voluntaryists think like this?
Well, what was your personal attack and incendiary comment, Graham? It was as follows:
For the information of this “future president,” I have written you an open letter here on the platform, specified my concerns in detail with the centralized planning implicit in your platform (which yes, I have read) time and time again, watched several of your videos, and even asked you about this personally and directly on your Facebook livestream. Your reply there was something along the lines of:
“If you have a better idea, step up to the plate!”
This isn’t a sports competition, man. Jesus. We’re talking natural law and libertarian property ethic. No one is trying to “beat you” or “compete.”
Several people are pointing out parts of your plan that would violate libertarian property norms and all you can come up with is a sports metaphor and attack people’s credibility and motives? That actually seems to speak volumes in the reverse direction, does it not?
Is this a voluntaryist trying to make a change by running for president, or a cult of personality? Isn’t self-ownership important?
If that was actually Kokesh answering me there, then thank you. This just confirms what I suspected. The online presence is basically a persona to be upheld, with questioners and critics brushed off as unimportant. Hell, it impedes the forward march of the FREEDOM! machine, right? If it was one of Adam’s flunkies who posted this BURN!!!! of a comment response, then maybe some campaign team management is in order.
Either way, I hope some of you planning to pour precious time, money and other resources into this run for “anarchist president” will do your own research. I don’t understand how any voluntaryist can take any other human being seriously when they tell them they “need a leader,” but hey, what do I know, right? I guess the whole of libertarian theory over the past hundreds and hundreds of years could be all wrong. Maybe I do “need a leader.”
To see the whole conversation, including my “ignorant” and “annoying troll” comment (where I never attacked Adam but only some of his ideas), you can view the original post here.
Finally, @thejohalfiles, I thank you for your support on Steemit up until now. I’m not sure why you’d upvote a comment calling me annoying and ignorant, but fuck it, I still like you. You’re a good dude. Watch out for people that lash out consistently when their ideas are criticized, in lieu of providing a response/addressing the issue at hand. It’s a red flag. Not a popular warning when sensation and hype run high, I know, as they seem to be currently regarding this “notpresidential” campaign, but there it is.
TL;DR: I didn’t attack Adam Kokesh personally, but made some criticisms and asked some questions about his ideas/platform. The response: get called an “annoying troll.” You know what, on second thought Adam, it seems like you’d make a great president after all. They have a knack for brushing people off like that and being smugly dismissive, don’t they?
Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DTube and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)
"They have a knack for brushing people off like that and being smugly dismissive"
If those were the only qualities needed then I could be president! Narcissism is a requirement for running for president, who but a narcissist would believe that they were the best suited person out of 330,000,000 people to be president?
An excellent point! Fucking. Excellent. Point.
I don't understand how anyone can think that change in government will come from with in the government system that you want to change.... It has every firewall firmly in place to prevent any change. Change can only, and will only come when people stop participating in the government system by their own choice. Not any single human will ever be able to stroll into any government position and change the way it is. I will point out for all the Christians in the USSA that the last time someone showed up on the scene trying to change the government with a grass roots uprising, he got nailed to a cross....
Jesus is cool with me though. He was never seeking to be part of the Sanhedrin. “Change the Sanhedrin and Roman empire from the inside!”
Exactly!! =).
Jesus is cool with me too. Especially when the message is understood loud and clear!
Dude, I feel your pain. Kokesh outright called every principled voluntaryist a closet leftie.
My suggestion would be to look away and focus on your own thing. People will realize soon enough that the whole A.K. campaign is not only misguided, but a flop. And the amount of energy you'll expend trying to reach his audience and reason with them...not worth it.
You can enter into a political campaign as a means of educating the electorate (and even then a true libertarian is sending a mixed message that perpetuates the status quo), but thinking of fixing the system from the inside out...delusional.
Richard Pryor's character in Brewster's Millions at least ran for his own selfish reasons:
Thanks man. Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ve been honestly considering how much time and energy I want to pour into this, and I am not sure how much is worth it. To be honest, I just hate to see this kind of BS on Steemit, where the conversations and anarchy are typically so good!
Cheers brother.
I feel better now that this is out of my system, for the time being.
The fact that he even pretends to believe he has a legitimate shot at getting any substantial amount of votes - let alone have an actual shot at becoming president - pretty much tells you how delusional this guy is. When these celebritarians can’t even get a majority of anarchists/voluntariasts behind them, but portray themselves as some kind of revolutionary leaders, it not only makes them look foolish, it makes the entire “movement” look foolish to any outside observers - rational or not.
I wouldn’t even bother giving his “campaign” much thought at all, because the truth is that nobody is actually going to care outside of the minority of “anarchists” that support him. He will fade away into nothingness, just like most of the ego-driven blowhards before him who sacrificed principles for relative “popularity” and pissed on their longstanding supporters for whatever they thought was the next trendy group to court.
I haven’t bothered involving myself in the day-to-day anarchist debates and drama because there’s really no point. As much as most people want to claim superior intellect and flawless logic, they seem to get routinely trapped in blatant contradictions and throw massive temper-tantrums. Frankly, it’s often embarrassing to even be remotely associated with them. I know some people can’t help but want to help and to be involved in the education process for others, but if I were you, I would just continue to focus on the influence that you do have with the people you can actually reach and with whom you have direct, real-life influence.
In other words...ignore the trolls who claim “troll.” They’ll feel their own irrelevance eventually.
And maybe ignore those who support them as well, especially if they have a track record of supporting/defending the wrong people.
Thanks, @ats-david.
What irks me is it is the selling of false ideas in a hyped-up, sensationalized fashion. Bad for voluntaryism, and bad for Steem.
I suppose you are right, though. Better to turn my focus back to my own shit, and keep working towards my goals, focusing on the more immediate vicinity.
Cheers. Been a while. Hope you’re going good.
What kind of genius drives across texas with a bogus tag and dope?
I've been following kokesh with some of my own reservations. That's very immature way for our future "president" to act... but I guess the current one doesn't require the bar to be set very high
Yeah, true. The current one isn’t wearing voluntaryist anarchism as a banner though, either, so I’m not as concerned. 😛
Well, I hear you there :)
If anything he's just wearing I love chocolate cake and golf.
Self-responsibility is very important! And speaking about the leadership of a crowd as an anarchist is very contradictory. And my opinion is clear, one can not eliminate compulsion and domination step way, even a little domination is not a solution. Add to that the fact that systems can not fall over paths in the system. In addition, all elections are staged. That people always fall into the cult of the people, of course, is due to the past, and is not discarded by a mass so quickly. But you say it's a past life of ownership is definitely an effective way.
A very good interesting contribution !!
Greetings from an anarchist from Germany :)
Yay! Hello!
A very good comment indeed. I agree.
Looking forward to networking and following your blog here on Steemit!
Attitude adjustment needed in his camp...Agree not someone I would support.
I like Adam well enough I just don't think he is presidential material. But I am also hoping that Gary Johnson runs again. Out of those who have ran in recent years I have liked him the best, and this past election in 2016 more people voted 3rd party because of him than any time in recent history (last 100 or so years) Adam is more of a revolutionist in opinion than Presidential.
You should become a voluntaryist, @tecnosgirl.
Gary Johnson once said that the Non-Aggression Principle “goes over my head.” He doesn’t understand rejecting all aggression.
Kokesh doesn’t strike me as a revolutionist as much as a sensationalist.
None of them can lead us better than we ourselves can. That’s the great truth and the great blasphemy to all collectivist thinkers.
You kick ass, @tecnosgirl!
I never really classify myself as anything but I have always been a voluntaryist in the way I live my life
I know ;)
Yeah, I know the definitions of all these words is a bit different from person to person, but I like voluntaryist or voluntarist a lot. It simplifies the key concepts. Adults and consenting? Go for it!
I guess it takes a troll to know a troll. And what better example of trolling is there than an "anarchist" running for president?
Good bro :D
i think you create a great post..... your thinking is great....you will running create this type posting....i waiting for your next post..
a very good post, I really like it.
Great! What do you like about it?