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RE: A.G.S. - Anarchist Guilt Syndrome: Why You May be Struggling, and What You Can Do About it.

in #anarchy7 years ago

After just three days on Realitol ™️, I realized I wasn’t doing anything wrong in saying that “taxation is theft!” Hell, what else do you call taking people’s money under threat of violence!?! These fools had me feeling ashamed for being right!!! Thanks to this revolutionary new pill, I got no more time for the opinions of boneheads, and I got a hot new girlfriend to boot! Turns out being right is sexy! Thanks, Realitol ™️!!!”

Except that taxes are voluntary.


Voluntary as getting mugged, sure. ;)

They are by definition not voluntary though bro. Not even up for debate.

Are you familiar with Ed and Elaine Brown, by chance?

Alright. So you can walk into the IRS headquarters, loudly proclaim you don’t pay any taxes, and then leave unmolested and remain so thereafter?

I don’t believe it. Please make a video and several follow ups after you do this.

It will prove that you can stand behind all this talk. Thousands of people who have been killed or put in cages would seem to bear convincing witness against the case you are trying to make.